The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 586: Obtaining Power Gems

Leaving Yondu's spaceship, Leo returned directly to the Erwin Laboratory Building.

After finding a random reason to send Lilith and Carol away, Leo came to his private laboratory alone and took out the cosmic spirit ball from the storage belt.


Staring at the cosmic spirit ball, Leo whispered in his heart, called out the system panel, and found the blueprint of the cosmic spirit ball.

After carefully and conscientiously studying it several times, Leo thoroughly studied and understood the opening method of the universe spirit ball, so that he knew it well.

Normally, the opening of the cosmic spirit ball requires special equipment, which involves the process of "unlocking" and "unlocking". If one of the steps is wrong, the cosmic spirit ball cannot be opened.

But who is Leo? The king of unlocking, the nemesis of all locks!

He opened the universe spirit ball, where did he need to use what tools! ?

Mechanical force surged, and the palm-sized cosmic spirit ball slowly floated into the air, and began to rotate under the combined action of mechanical force and thought force.

Leo's control power is extremely precise, Mechanical Force and Mind Power are skillfully coordinated, as easy as breathing, without the slightest error, the cosmos spirit ball finally split into two petals like a flower bud blooming, and slowly opened.

A bright but not dazzling purple light radiated from the center of the universe spirit sphere.

Looking closely, it was an ellipsoid stone with an irregular shape, which was lightly touched by Leo with his mind power and held in the air.

This is one of the cosmic treasures condensed from the essence of the singularity at the beginning of the universe - the gem of power!

It is said that the power gem contains great power, and the person who controls it is infinitely powerful.

Not to mention breaking a mountain and breaking a rock, even if it pierces a planet, it doesn't matter!

For a moment, Leo had the urge to hold the power gem directly with his hand!

But the power gem is not some supreme magic ring, and it has no power to deceive people. Leo's reaction just now was purely his own desire. His reason is still there, and he understands that with his current body, he cannot directly touch the power gem.

But fortunately, he has other ways to master this innate wonder of the universe.

Suppressing his excitement, Leo raised his right hand slightly, and the unpretentious high-level Mechanical Force Transformer emerged from his body and condensed into a solid body in his palm.

Under the control of Mechanical Force, the Advanced Mechanical Force Transformer spun around, the wind rose, and it became the size of a human head in a blink of an eye.

Holding the power gem in his left hand, Leo controlled the power gem to approach the advanced Mechanical Force Converter.


A crisp sound came, and the power gem fell on a certain surface of the advanced mechanical force conversion furnace, fell into the groove, and sewed it tightly.

That side of the furnace wall suddenly lit up with a rich purple brilliance.

Heart-pounding energy is transmitted into the advanced mechanical force conversion furnace along the complex texture of Ulu metal, and then the entire furnace is instantly brightened.

A purple glow illuminated the entire laboratory, then slowly dimmed.

In the end, all the brilliance disappeared, and the advanced Mechanical Force Transformer turned into a simple and unpretentious appearance, quietly suspended in mid-air.

The mechanical force moved slightly, activating the Pym particles in the advanced mechanical force conversion furnace, and the furnace rapidly shrank, and when it touched Leo's palm, it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the advanced Mechanical Force Transformer with the power gems entered the body, Leo immediately felt unusual and had an illusory sense of fullness.

The next moment, surging power poured out from Leo's dantian and merged into his limbs.

Warm and full of strength, Leo had a feeling that he could now kill ten thousand cows with one punch!

The kind that can even break horns!

at the same time,

Leo felt that his physique was also growing rapidly, but unfortunately there was no attribute display on the system panel, otherwise he felt that his physique column must be

+1, +1, +1...

Every minute, every second, Leo is getting stronger!

"Is this the ability of the combination of the Power Gem and the Advanced Mechanical Force Converter?" Leo was very surprised.

If this momentum continues, he feels that in a short while, his physique and strength will be able to catch up with or even surpass Carroll!

And it's permanent!

But Leo thought about it again, and it doesn't seem to make sense.

Carol's power came from an experimental accident involving space gems, but Leo got a power gem directly. Power gems and space gems are of the same level. It makes no sense for Leo who was strengthened by power gems to fight. But Carroll.

Thinking of this, Leo was very happy.

Maybe after a while, he will be able to find Carol over, and the two of them have a hearty fight with their bare hands and know each other's length and depth!

Thinking like this, Leo closed his eyes and carefully felt the changes in his body.

The cells are dividing and proliferating rapidly, and the weight is also increasing, but the body shape has not changed too much, but it is more handsome and more attractive.

He didn't turn into an explosive muscular man like the Hulk.

The weight gain is reflected in the cell density, which is increasing in a grandiose manner in Leo.

In particular, the density of skin cells and muscle cells has reached an outrageous level. Ordinary thermal weapons are estimated to be unable to break Leo's body defense at this time!


This change was intoxicating, and Leo closed his eyes comfortably and murmured contentedly.

But right now...


Leo suddenly felt a tear-like pain in his body, and the strengthening of cells was about to reach the limit of carbon-based creatures—carbon-based cells in the ordinary sense could no longer be strengthened by the energy of the power gem.

But the power of the power gem naturally doesn't stop there. It continues to strengthen Leo's body, and the next stage of strengthening,

It's energy transformation!

The Power Stone will inject surging energy into each carbon-based cell, continuing the great evolution of the cell. Such an individual composed of cells is invincible and worthy of the identity of the master of the power gem.

These are the information that the cell's instinct feeds back to Leo, and it can't be wrong.

Upon discovering this, Leo suddenly realized that Carol's body cells had already been energized by the energy of the space gem!

This is also the fundamental reason why her body lights up every time she flies or fights.

Because she didn't shine brightly, her body could only reach the limit of carbon-based biological physique and couldn't be stronger.

No matter how strong you are, you will become the kind of Hulk, you just need to get bigger!

Only by activating the cosmic energy contained in each cell in her body can she break through the physical limit of carbon-based creatures and reach the point where she can pierce through spaceships and even planets with her body.

"Hey! It really hurts!" Leo was sweating like rain in pain.

Discovering the real condition of Carroll's body could not help Leo relieve the pain in his body at this time.

The reason why Carol can be successfully strengthened is because of coincidence, her physique perfectly matches the superluminal engine made by Lawson using space gems, which makes her unique.

That is not replicable!

If you have to copy, you can only make other supermen like Scarlet Witch or Quicksilver, not Carol.

Of course, it is more reasonable to say that it is because of the intervention of the will of the universe.

But at this moment, there is no great cosmic will to help Leo, and his cells or DNA do not know how well it fits with the power gem.

If the fit is too low, the process of cell energization will kill him!

At this moment of crisis, Leo did not panic and lose his mind, because he was not sitting still, he had a way to get out of the current dangerous state.

——That is to directly take out the high-grade mechanical force converter with the power gem inlaid from the body!

As long as you take out the power gem and strengthen it like water without a source or a tree without roots, it will stop immediately.

Moreover, his body that has been strengthened to the limit of carbon-based biology will not disappear.

The current Leo's physical fitness has surpassed that of Captain America, and he can fight against him one-on-one. !

Although Leo has already benefited so much from the Power Stone, Leo is not willing to give up easily, he is greedy, and he wants to get more.

And more importantly, he can actually hold on for a while longer.

Leo is not trying to hold on, he has a B number in his heart.

He feels that since the system has given this advanced Mechanical Force Converter, there should be no measures to deal with the runaway of the Power Gem.

He has a kind of self-confidence that the system will help him.

Otherwise why is he the host and not someone else?



The pain was still raging in Leo's body, and Leo continued to endure it, while holding out a glimmer of hope for the magical system of unknown origin.

one second...

two seconds...

five seconds...

ten seconds...

Seconds are like years!

The pain doubled every second, and the energy in the cells expanded every second. Leo's spirit could still hold on, but his cells were about to lose it.

A huge amount of energy poured into the cells, resulting in high temperature. If there is no way to vent this energy or guide it into storage...

Leo just gave up!

Time waits for no one, the situation is urgent.

Three seconds left!

Two seconds!

One second!

Leo is about to give up!

But at this moment, a mysterious and mysterious voice remembered in Leo's ear, and a formula seemed to be poured directly into Leo's soul.

This feels that Leo knows that when he gets the system reward, this is how he feels.

[The strength of the host's soul passed the check, the willpower of the host passed the check, and the "Mechanical Force Forging Method" was obtained. 】

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