The Legendary Mechanic in Marvel Universe

Chapter 596 Bruce, you are sick

"Bruce! Bruce!" Betty saw Bruce's face clearly, ran over, and hugged Bruce, who was dressed very naturally.

Then her eyes noticed the unknown red triangle on Bruce's waist.

This thing is big, metallic, and covers key parts of Bruce.

It turned out to be a pair of panties! ?

Betty thought about it, it seemed that these underwear matched Bruce's body after turning green.

Betty woke up suddenly!

"Captain? Captain Erwin? Are you there?" Betty shouted.

No one answered.

"Is it the commander of another Marvel Legion?" Betty continued to shout in a different way.

Still no one answered.

Betty wakes up again!

"Thank you, thank you, I'll send Bruce for treatment."

Betty hugged Bruce with difficulty, crawled out of the pit with difficulty, and tried her best to stuff Bruce into the back seat of the off-road vehicle.

Hulk was abused badly by Leo and was exhausted. After recovering Bruce's body, he was also very tired and was still in a coma.


The engine of the off-road vehicle roared, and Betty turned on the navigation and drove to the nearest teleportation field.

She wants to get Bruce to the base hospital of the Marvel Legion as soon as possible.

Seeing this, Leo raised his hand and sent a message, made follow-up arrangements, and then opened the portal and left.

The off-road vehicle Betty was driving was speeding on the highway. She had to rush to the nearest teleportation field, which would take about ten minutes by car, but at this moment, she suddenly found that two spaceships appeared directly in front of her and stopped her. her way.

There was no worry or fear on Betty's face, but ecstasy, because she saw the Marvel Legion's emblem from the spaceship, the color of black and gold, which was what Betty wanted to see most at this time.

The speed of the spacecraft was much faster, and soon Bruce was taken to the hospital and arranged to be admitted to Ward 306.

Betty also followed, sitting beside the bed to accompany her.

Familiar location, familiar process, as if yesterday's events were repeated.

Seven hours later, the doctor gave Bruce three full barrels of glucose solution, which barely made up for Bruce's basic nutrition. It had been dawn for a while, and Bruce woke up leisurely.

When he opened his eyes, he realized that this was not his house.

where am I? what happened? Betty and I were in the bedroom last night! ?

The next moment, Bruce noticed everything in the house, the white walls, the white quilt, the hospital gown and the drip bottle by the bed.

I'm in the hospital again! ?

Bruce shook his head and looked left and right, which alarmed Betty. Betty rubbed her eyes and sat up from the bedside: "Ah! Bruce, great, are you awake?"

The picture is inexplicably familiar, and something similar seems to have happened yesterday.

"What's wrong with me?" Bruce forgot what Hulk had done.

Betty's face froze, and for a moment she had the idea of ​​not telling Bruce the truth, but in the end she chose to tell the truth: "Bruce, you must calm down, something strange happened to you..."

Barbara, ooh ooh.

Along with Betty's description, Bruce gradually outlined in his mind what happened last night, his eyes were shocked and his face was full of disbelief.

"I... I turned into a monster? Or green?" Bruce lost his voice.

"You are not a monster, you will always be my Bruce!" Betty immediately took Bruce's hand,

He comforted affectionately, "Don't panic, the doctors are checking your body for you, analyzing your case, and you will definitely recover."

Being comforted by his beloved girlfriend, Bruce felt a lot better.

On the other hand, he also believed very much in the medical level of the Marvel Legion, and his nervousness gradually relaxed.


As soon as he relaxes, his stomach growls.

He is hungry.

Bruce scratched his head and smiled awkwardly.

"You sit here, I'll buy you something to eat." Betty got up and left the ward, and got back a lot of cooked food after a while.

Bruce was extremely hungry. He had never felt so hungry before. He devoured the food and ate the food of twenty ordinary people.

Betty nearly broke her leg just by bringing him food!

But his stomach was strangely not bursting, and he felt that he was about to be full...

Bruce really has to believe he's a monster!

tuk tuk tuk~

It was still the familiar knock on the door, and it was the female secretary Natasha. Behind Natasha stood Leo and Naurux, who had turned into an ordinary Earth doctor.

"Hello, head." Betty greeted quickly.

"Hello, Captain." Bruce's greeting was half a beat slower than Betty's, because the first time he saw Leo, a deep-rooted fear suddenly appeared in his heart, but he didn't know where the fear came from.

Leo nodded to the two as a response, then took a step forward and looked at Bruce who was still holding a lunch box: "Bruce, you are sick."

Bruce: "..."

I know I'm sick too, but it always sounds harsh when you say that!

"The good news is that we've found a cure," Leo continued.

"Really?" x2

Betty looked surprised, and even Leo didn't care about her boyfriend's illness.

Bruce also looked surprised, forgetting his inexplicable fear of Leo.

"Of course it's true, there's no need for Mr. Erwin to lie to you." Naoroks took over the conversation, "The specially designed medical equipment has been made, Mr. Banner, you need to go to receive treatment immediately."

Hearing that the Marvel Legion had prepared a special treatment plan for him, especially the question from the head of the team, moved Bruce, and immediately cleaned the lunch box in his hand, and followed the three of Naurux towards the elevator.

Treatment equipment is upstairs.

As he walked, Naurux introduced Bruce to his condition: "Mr. Banner, your 'disease' is caused by gamma rays, so the treatment plan I prepared for you is regular and quantitative gamma ray irradiation."

"Gamma rays contain high energy and will permanently damage cells. Is it safe to do this?" Betty, who is also an expert in gamma rays, asked worriedly at this time.

"For ordinary people, gamma rays will indeed cause the effect you said, which is a deadly toxin," Naurux explained, turning his head to look at Betty who was following him.

"But for Mr Banner, gamma rays are the 'good medicine'. I have tested and analyzed Mr Banner's tissue and blood samples at the atomic level and found that gamma rays not only do not damage him cells, and continue to accelerate the mutation of his cells."

"Isn't the treatment supposed to inhibit and kill the mutant cells? Why stimulate the normal cells to continue to mutate?" Betty objected to Naurux's statement.

Naorox shook his head: "I'm sorry, Ms. Betty, all the cells in Mr. Banner's body have mutated, and it is irreversible. If you treat it according to the method you said, there is only a dead end for Mr. Banner. .

Fortunately, Mr. Banner's cell mutation is not fatal, so the best and safest way is to carry out Mr. Banner's mutation to the end, so that symptomatic treatment can be started. "

Betty still didn't give up: "Can you permanently suppress the degree of Bruce's cell mutation and let him maintain his current state?"

"I'm also sorry," Nauroux extinguished Betty's last hope, "After my research and comparing Mr. Banner's blood samples yesterday and today, it can be concluded that every time Mr. Banner transforms, His cellular mutation will take a big step forward.

And the most direct reason for his transformation is anger.

Unless Mr. Banner never gets angry in the future, and cultivates himself to the point of a saint, or if he reads a post on the Internet, it is very likely that he will transform on the spot. "

Betty thought about Bruce's temper, and her face became bitter.

Although Bruce is a good man, he has nothing to do with saints at all, and he can write long articles of 10,000 characters on the Skynet forum to criticize some evil things that cannot be seen.

It is impossible for him to control his emotions and never get angry!

This also means that it seems that treatment can only be done in accordance with Naurox's statement.

"Bruce, what do you think of this treatment? Why haven't you spoken?" Betty suddenly looked at Bruce and asked.

She and Naurux discussed it for so long, but Bruce remained silent and thoughtful.


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