The Liberal Assassin

Chapter 66 - Scandal Plan

"Sable! Please tell us it isn't true!"

"Do you have plans to elope?"

"Sable! Were you forced into a relationship?"

The headaches that had barely subsided were beginning to surface once more. When I got Alastair to write the scandal, I never thought he would be that good. The plan backfired with that scandalous mind of his. Now the whole of Luna was going bonkers over the forbidden romance, Arvin included.

The crazy politician had gone on a manhunt, cutting Team Night Walker down by half with Rush and Ignacio imprisoned and guarded by Spencer. While this put a damper on the initial plan, it provided an opportunity for us to strike on both ends.

Perched on a nearby streetlight cloaked in light bending technology, I scanned the area for a certain stalker. No platinum grey hair in sight yet but I would put all my credits on his appearance today. The guards would change shifts really soon but my legs had already fallen asleep from the stakeout.

Wriggling my toes and urging for the blood to circulate, there was a slight movement from the left corner of my eye. Sure enough, the guest of honour turned up in a timely fashion much to my frustration.

"What is he doing here now of all times?" I hissed. That man was going to jeopardise my plans if he made a commotion.

"I'm afraid I do not have the answer to that, sir." Kevin's reply was monotonous.

I jolted a little startled at the unexpected response. Now I have to teach Kevin what rhetorical questions are. After working with Khronos for so long, I forgot what Kevin was like. Unfortunately for me, the scientist had more important things to do than babysit me on a simple errand. Shaking my head slightly, I glanced over to where the stalker was hiding.

Should I risk it and tell Cass the plan only to have him ruin them on purpose or should I ignore him and go straight to Sable?

When in doubt always choose the latter.

"Thanks, Kevin. We'll proceed with the original plan to contact Sable."

"Roger that."

The time drew nearer and a wheeler pulled up at the apartment's lobby. Two men got out, dressed in suits as I held my breath. When the guards were changing shift, I grasped the moment to move.

Activating the gravity sequence on the boots, I began the vertical climb to Sable's apartment. The windows were closed as expected of any sane person. Quickly, I tapped on it three times to get the girl's attention.

Sable jolted and glanced over to the door where her guards were stationed outside. I sighed at the idol's natural air-headedness. Rapping my knuckles on the window slightly louder this time, I begin to write on the misted panes.

"Open up, N.W."

Sable squinted at the words before it dawned on me how I didn't write it in reverse so she could read it. Then again, it didn't quite matter as Sable's eye lit up like a child receiving a present.

The window was thrown open, nearly knocked me off the ledge when it swung outward.

"Lady relax! You're going to kill me before I can talk!"

Sable looked positively confused for a moment. "Tits?"

"I'm here, had to camouflage for this. Now, could you step back so I can come in?"

Sable backed away a little and I crawled in as silently as I could. "Act normal," I told her and the girl walked back to the window to stare at the scenery while I talked.

"I'm sorry that I won't be able to bring you out from here today. However, I came to tell you that Cass is alright. We have successfully retrieved the evidence. All that is left is for the news to spread. We need a diversion that will bring Rion and Arvin out from the shadows before we throw in the evidence to the citizens. You have my word that I will not kill your father. However, the Parliament must fall."

Sable bit her lower lip but nodded. "What do I have to do?" she whispered.

"Play along. Make as much of an impact as you can."

The idol didn't seem like she agreed entirely but nodded anyway. I felt like Spxtro's most despicable person, emotionally blackmailing an innocent girl.

"Thank you," I whispered before teleporting away to leave Sable to her thoughts.

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