The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 353 The Eve of Leaving

After the magic wand was roughly finished, Thain was ready to set off for the Western Islands.

He had already informed his mentor Lu Lianman, so there was no surprise before leaving.

Only his cousin Selena and Erin, who have a skin-to-skin relationship, Thain has not revealed to them yet.

This actually means that when Thane went to the Western Islands on this trip and traveled around parts of the Wizarding World, he did not intend to bring the two girls with him.

Cousin Selena is a delicate and gentle woman.

She actually saw that Thain's behavior in recent years was slightly abnormal, but she never took the initiative to ask Thain anything.

As the day of Thane's planned departure came closer, Selina's panic and uneasiness became more and more obvious.

However, Selina finally suppressed these strange thoughts, prepared dinner for Thain as usual every day, and devoted herself to her own research experiments.

What I have to say is that in the past few years since Thane returned to the wizarding world, Selina has obviously spent a certain amount of time and energy cooking for him, and sometimes assisted him in conducting certain experiments.

But Selena's growth rate in the past few years has far exceeded that of the previous ten years.

This result can be explained by the fact that the process of helping Thain complete more difficult research experiments was itself a process of Selina learning and comprehending elemental knowledge.

Of course, in addition to this objective factor, there are also some subjective factors, which may stem from Selena's own psychology and learning efficiency.

Selina would try her best to learn every elemental knowledge point mentioned by Thane, even if she went to the library and stayed up for several nights.

When Thain is around, no matter how hard or tiring it is, Selena is always happy with it.

The most enjoyable part of her day was cooking for Sean and spending the night with him.

On this day, Selena couldn't help but yawned in front of the experimental table after finishing a whole night of magic research.

The mental power of the quasi-magician also allowed Selina to regard staying up late as normal.

After stretching, Selina did not immediately go to rest for a while, but turned around and headed to the kitchen on the upper floor of the Holy Tower.

At this point in time, Thain should also be conducting experiments.

Although Thain has told Selina that she does not need to assist him in any experiments during this period, Selina is still used to preparing a refreshing juice or other drink for Thain in the morning.

Before heading to the kitchen, Selina lay down in front of a translucent cubic petri dish for a moment.

This cubic petri dish is filled with moist soil and some small earth energy crystal fragments, and many vibrant plants stand in it.

The most eye-catching thing in this petri dish is the two fat little cabbages sleeping cuddled together.

These two cabbage plants have seen good times since they were raised by Selena.

Not only does she eat and drink well every day, Selina also breaks some medium and low-level earth energy crystals to help them grow.

The only thing that made the two little ones cry was that Selena would give them injections every once in a while.

These two little guys have contributed a lot of delicious food to Thain in the past six months.

Selena held her chin, lying in front of the petri dish and watching the two little things sleeping. Finally, the two sleepy little cabbages slowly opened their eyes.

A syringe with a cold light appeared next to the petri dish, which made one of the first to wake up, Xiao Baicai, couldn't help but shiver.

"Bad guy! I don't want an injection!" Xiao Baicai shouted in a babyish voice.

But then, the cry of "Woo~" replaced everything.

In the laboratory, seeing Selina come in with a glass of pure white juice, Thain stood up from the experimental table and put down the experimental equipment he was holding.

This glass of juice also has a certain milky flavor, and Selina really understands Sean's taste better and better.

At least until now, Thain has never tired of Selena's cooking. Not to mention, Selina will try her best to come up with new tricks for Thain every once in a while.

The milky aroma in the juice made Thain feel refreshed after taking a sip, and he tasted part of the activation factor from it.

"Are you still raising those two plant fairies?" Thain asked in surprise.

"Yeah." Selina nodded.

"I thought they were dead after such a long time." Thain smiled awkwardly.

Selina would give Thain some activated food every once in a while, so that Thain subconsciously thought that the two plant goblins had been drained.

From this point of view, either the two plant goblins are extremely talented, or Selina has raised them properly.

Thain prefers the latter.

Thinking of this, Thain said: "In the mentor's world laboratory, there are many plant spirits and special creatures, and there are even 'activated fairies' that contain higher concentrations of activating factors."

"After some time, I will ask my mentor for some activated fairies to give you to raise."

"Maybe in addition to knowledge of fire and light elements, you also have certain talents in the field of plant elements." Thain said.

No matter what it is, as long as it is from Thane, Selina will be happy.

Selena smiled sweetly and said, "Thank you, cousin."

Nodding to Selena, Thane handed the half-drunk juice glass back to her.

Selina didn't mind it either. She drank the last bit of juice left by Thane before packing up and leaving the laboratory.

At this time, Thain was already lying in front of the experimental table again doing his own thing.

But when Selina walked to the door of the laboratory, Thane said without raising his head: "Have a good rest today and come to my room tomorrow night."

Upon hearing this, Selena's cheeks turned crimson.

On the 76th floor of the Holy Tower, Thain, who had completed daily body refining experiments and research on jade fire magic, received a message from Irene's crystal ball and came to her residence.

This is not the first time that Thain has come to Irene. In the past few years, Thain and Irene have spent countless beautiful nights here.

Especially after Lu Lianman returned to the Holy Tower of Blue Origin a year ago, even if Irene was bolder, she was too embarrassed to continue to look for Thain at the top of the Holy Tower.

Except for occasionally looking for Thain when she couldn't bear it, Thain came to her most of the time.

That day, Thain came to Irene's residence on the 76th floor of the Holy Tower. He thought Irene was going to have a heart-wrenching battle with him.

Unexpectedly, after pushing the door and walking into Eileen's room, he would see Eileen wearing a pure white dress.

And Irene was fiddling with a black evening dress at this time, which was obviously prepared for Thain.

"Balena held a masquerade party, let's go to it together." Irene waved to Thain and said.

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