The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 369 Changes

The place where Thain and Meili met at this time was on the second floor of a cafe in the Holy Tower of Dawn Academy.

As an established holy tower, Dawn Holy Tower is much more complete than Jizhiyuan Holy Tower in terms of college construction and all aspects of holy tower facilities.

Especially because the social atmosphere in South Coast is relatively open, there are many entertainment facilities in the college.

The cafe in front of you is just one of them. On the main street of the college, there are other restaurants and special places for apprentices to have fun.

"This place is indeed much better than Menzobra City." Thain took a sip of coffee and looked out the window at the sunny scene of the Dawn Holy Tower Academy.

Thain is not used to drinking coffee.

It's a bit bitter, but he still prefers juice.

However, this special drink is very popular in the Holy Tower of Dawn and the south coast of the Wizarding World.

Because it has a certain refreshing effect, many apprentices will habitually drink this drink when studying in the library or staying up late to conduct an experiment.

Meili seemed to be a regular visitor to this coffee shop. Thain noticed that the proprietress greeted Meili warmly, and that many apprentices in the coffee shop were also looking at her.

Most of the apprentices are male.

"Yes, but I still often think about what happened in Mensobra City. On the contrary, after arriving at the Holy Tower of Dawn, there are only a few memorable moments in my memory." Meili also took a sip of this chocolate. Said the colored viscous liquid.

When Thain heard this, he couldn't help falling silent.

Like Merry, he often recalled many scenes from Menzobra when he was a child.

Their childhood experiences almost affected their entire lives as black magic apprentices.

Even though they are now normal apprentices of the Holy Tower Academy under the sunshine, they are still somewhat different and incompatible with other magic apprentices in the academy.

"Tell me, what exactly happened? It seems that you have another holy tower magician as your mentor?" Thain asked.

The Meili in Thane's memory was a little girl who was short and developed slowly.

She is a black magic apprentice with an excellent personality. Normally, it would be difficult for her personality to survive in the black magic academy.

But Merry finally got a place at the Academy of Dark Arts because she was lucky enough.

First, he was rescued by Thane in the anatomy class, and then he was accepted as a disciple by the first-level black magician Diers.

Of course, Meili's outstanding talent in the field of pharmacy is the basis for her true survival in the Black Magic Academy.

Without this specialty, Thain would not have been able to protect her all the time, and Dierth, a first-level black magician, would not have accepted her as a disciple.

However, calling Meili a "girl" is inappropriate at this time.

Because Meili is indeed younger than Thain, but after calculation, she should be in her forties this year.

After all, Thain is in his early fifties.

We haven’t seen each other for nearly thirty years, and both of them have changed a lot.

Thain's temperament of erudition and calmness is much deeper, and because of his body tempered by jade fire, he appears to be stronger than ordinary magicians. Sitting there, he looks like a stable mountain.

When Meili looked at Thain, she sometimes revealed a hint of haziness and memories.

Because back then, Thain was as reliable as a mountain in Meili's eyes and gave her some protection.

Faced with Thain's inquiry, Meili flipped her short hair and replied: "At that time, the city of Mensobra was destroyed, and I happened to be outside the academy. Because I couldn't contact my mentor, I was quickly killed by the magician from the Holy Tower of Dawn. captive."

"The magician at the Holy Tower of Dawn at that time was pretty good to our group of captured black magic apprentices."

"Because I took out some medium and low-level recovery potions at the back to treat the injured surface knights, so I am one of the first black magic apprentices to be accepted."

"I also know Master Midici. He said that I have a compassionate and kind heart."

"Including the fact that I became Master Monroe's disciple in the fifth year after joining the Dawn Holy Tower Academy, it was also partly due to Master Midici's introduction." Meili replied.

Mellie is a smart girl, and has lived in a place like the city of Mensobra for more than ten years. She knows very well where her kindness and compassion should be shown.

Contributing some medium and low-level recovery potions to the injured surface knights, Thain guessed that Meili also had proactive and snobbish ideas.

However, the cheap medium and low-level recovery potions had a weak recovery effect on the strong bodies of knights above level one... Thain estimated that the knights at that time looked at Meili with expressions that looked like they were laughing.

I have to say that Meili succeeded.

The eyes are the windows to the soul. All the knights and magicians of the first level and above who participated in the black magician's encirclement and suppression campaign are veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles.

They are all old guys who have lived for hundreds of years. If Meili was pretending or had evil intentions, people would probably have noticed it long ago.

But it was the frankness in Meili's eyes and her silly and cute expression that made many magicians and surface knights in the Holy Tower of Dawn have a favorable impression of her.

In fact, Meili is indeed the best among the black magic apprentices in Mensobra City and the best in the Holy Tower of Dawn.

Later, Mellie told Thain some things that happened when she left the underground, and introduced the current situation in the Holy Tower of Dawn in recent decades.

"You know, when I first came to Dawn Holy Tower, I worked in this cafe for seven years."

"In Holy Tower Academy, it's still difficult for ordinary magic apprentices like us without any skills to get ahead."

"But compared to the precarious life at the Black Magic Academy, I still like the atmosphere here better." Meili said with some emotion.

Thain also agreed with Meili's words. Speaking of it, he was much luckier than Meili.

Because of the legacy of his mentor Moses, although he did not have a strong backing or followers when he first joined the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, he never lacked resources.

In order to give himself more time and energy to devote to magic research, he even spent magic coins to offset the mandatory tasks of the academy...

Meili's nature is still optimistic and cheerful, and she is not immersed in the depression and darkness of the past.

In the Holy Tower of Dawn, Meili is a very popular apprentice.

Her outstanding talent in pharmacy and her strong strength also made Meili one of the top apprentices in the Holy Tower of Dawn.

Especially fifteen years ago, during the regional academy war that had just ended in the Holy Tower of Dawn, Meili's personal points reached ninth place in the academy, with thousands of points.

Meili's status in the Holy Tower of Dawn is almost equivalent to Anna's level in the Holy Tower of Origin of Jade.

However, because Meili is better at pharmacy, she did not shine during the Regional Academy War like other top apprentices.

But most of the apprentices in the Holy Tower of Dawn had received favors from Meili during the war.

Especially the quasi-mage named Kled, who has been pestering Meili in recent years because Meili saved his life with a magic potion, which made this guy secretly in love.

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