The Lord of Ashes

Chapter 384: Loss

In addition to the four sea lizard eggs, other sea lizard people soon sent some strange underwater specialties.

The sea lizard tribe is really poor, although Thain is curious and wants to collect some underwater creatures as specimens.

But from a value perspective, the seaweeds, oysters, shells and even seabed rocks sent by the sea lizards did not attract Thain at all.

After frowning and examining them for a long time, regardless of whether these things were useful or not, Thain put these "rags" into the space ring and gave these sea lizards a high price of three magic coins.

A pile of junk, plus four sea lizard eggs, a total of seven magic coins, enough to show Thain's generosity.

These seven magic coins may not be able to solve the crisis encountered by the sea lizard people this year, but they can at least improve their tribe's way of living.

Before leaving this trench, Thain noticed some weak sea lizard people with obvious injuries. Under the escort of other sea lizard people, they left the trench one after another and headed towards the dark and oppressive west of the ocean. Dive away.

"Where are they going?" Although he had some guesses in his mind, Thane still asked the sea lizard elder beside him.

"The food of the tribe is not enough to supply them, so they will go to the Gloomy Canyon to forage and survive this harsh winter."

"If they can return to the tribe alive when the first warm wave comes next year, they will still be the warriors of the tribe." The sea lizard elder said solemnly.

The words of the sea lizard elder made Thain remain silent.

These sea lizards who left the tribe were all adult sea lizards injured in the previous battle, and there were almost two thousand in number.

How many of these two thousand sea lizards will be able to come back alive next year is probably not very optimistic.

Otherwise, those ordinary sea lizard people with low intelligence would not show pain and reluctance in their eyes when sending each other off.

The rise and fall of the sea lizard tribe has nothing to do with Thane.

His heart is hard and cold enough. Imagine that if Thane was not strong enough, he would have been divided up by this group of poor and ragged sea lizard people.

The previous conflict between the Sea Lizard Tribe and Cook and others can also be seen as the Sea Lizard Tribe using this method to eliminate those members of the tribe who were in poor physical condition and lacked strength.

Those who survived were basically young and middle-aged elites.

And if there are more than two thousand injured sea lizard people who can come back from the Gloomy Canyon next year, they will definitely be the best among the best.

The elder of the sea lizards in front of him and the chief of the sea lizards who had great hatred and hostility towards Thane were both warriors who had returned from the Gloomy Canyon. Thain also muttered the phrase "Gloomy Canyon" in a low voice. He seemed to be very interested in this strange ocean place name.

The elder of the sea lizard man next to him is also a man, or he hopes that his descendants will have a better life in the hands of Thane.

Later, he pulled out a crescent-shaped black iron piece from his gray-white coral crutch. Thain really didn't realize that the elder's crutch actually had a certain space storage function.

This is not the traditional alchemy process in the wizarding world. After staring at the crutch for a long time, Thain noticed some rough undersea runes.

I don't know how many thousands of years ago, the sea people in the wizarding world created a splendid civilization.

Perhaps at that time, it was not knights and magicians who dominated the wizarding world.

After all, the ocean territory of the Wizarding World is actually larger than the land area.

Over the course of countless thousands of years, the ocean has also undergone some subtle changes.

The crutch of the sea lizard elder did not attract much attention from Thain. From the perspective of an alchemist, Thain judged that the craftsmanship of the coral cane was very rough and simple.

With the same materials, Thain should be able to do better.

"What is this?" Thain looked at the piece of iron handed over by the sea lizard elder in front of him. From this pitch-black piece of iron, Thain felt a chill that made him uncomfortable but somewhat familiar.

"This is what I gained when I entered the Gloomy Canyon 500 years ago. This thing should be useful to you. Don't you magicians like these weird things?" the sea lizard elder replied.

After looking at the crescent iron pieces for a long time, Thain showed a smile and said: "It seems that the three magic coins I exchanged are not all rags, this is indeed a magic material I have never seen before. "

"The Gloomy Canyon is the junction area between our tribe and the other three surrounding ocean tribes. It is where the sea ghosts gather, and it is also the resting place of the spirits of our ancestors."

"There are actually a lot of good things there, but there are very few creatures that can be brought out alive." said the sea lizard elder.

The answer of the sea lizard elder made Thain finally know where the familiar feeling this iron piece gave him came from.

According to the magic books in the Holy Tower of Blue Origin, Sea Ghost is a kind of undead creature that appears in the ocean of the wizarding world, mostly in the form of souls.

The soul body is inextricably linked to the soul magic of the wizarding world.

It is said that the original form of soul magic was obtained by the ancestors of magicians by studying soul bodies formed in natural or unnatural states.

The Mirachi Soul Code, which Thain exchanged for a large amount of arcane points, has been introduced in this regard.

With a book of "Miraki Soul Code" and good alchemy ability, this crescent-shaped iron piece will still have a certain effect on Thain.

After putting away the iron piece, without looking at the sea lizard tribe behind him, Thane flew towards the sea level.

When Thain returned to the slightly dilapidated alchemical power ship, Cook and others had almost rested and recovered.

Cook and others had very mixed feelings about Thain daring to go deep into the ocean and make trade contacts with the sea lizards who had just fought a battle.

At least they felt that this black-robed magician with a cold temperament was very courageous.

"Thank you very much for your help in the previous battle. I, Cook, am a knight who can carry things clearly. This time, everyone's shipping fee is free!" Cook said to everyone.

Immediately afterwards, Cook returned five magic coins to Thain, as well as the boarding fees of all other knights and magicians.

However, there were a few lowly magic apprentices on the ship who did not take action from beginning to end and just hid in the cabin and watched the battle.

Therefore, Cook did not refund the fares to these passengers.

After paying back everyone's boat fare, the old man with the goatee walked up to Cook and whispered something.

Immediately afterwards, Cook cursed in a low voice: "These damn sea lizards!"

Not all of Cook's profit from this black ship's voyage came from the shipping fee, but nearly half of it came from something at the bottom of the cabin.

In the melee not long ago, Cook's broken ship was even more damaged under the impact of the sea lizards.

Causing some "stuff" to drain from the bottom of the cabin.

After counting, it was not known whether the profits Cook made from this overseas trip were enough to recover his own costs.

After all, to drive such an alchemical power ship, first-level energy crystals are also needed as the main energy source.

I hope he won't lose money. This is also a risk that he must bear as he walks in the gray area.


It’s been a long time since I’ve coded at night. I coded two chapters today. I’m sorry that the updates are unstable due to my family’s problems.

Xiaodou will try its best to maintain stable updates and hopes that this crisis will pass as soon as possible.

I am a person who loves to read and write novels. I am very fortunate to be able to make a living from my hobby and create stories that everyone likes.

Xiaodou wishes herself and all readers a better future.

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