After a warm celebration dinner, Roland and his party bid farewell to Thorin early the next morning, and left the city of Irub located in the Lonely Mountain under Thorin's "farewell".

Riding on the horse, looking at the empty team behind him, Roland sighed. The loss of 300 loyal and brave infantrymen was no less than a disaster for Roland now... The most serious thing is that Roland's military strength has been greatly reduced... …Roland tossed the scroll in his hand and finally showed a smile. This was an offensive and defensive alliance treaty signed by the four northern kingdoms: Lagrand Kingdom, Mountain Kingdom, Woodland Kingdom, and River Valley Kingdom. Because Azog and Bolg The dark clouds shrouding everyone's hearts have not yet dissipated. If they fight on their own, they can only be defeated one by one. So that night, under Roland's call, everyone signed this contract witnessed by the gods.

As for now, Roland is going to build his first city...

"Let's say goodbye here..." Roland looked at Gandalf and Bilbo.

"Goodbye! Roland, wish you good luck!" Gandalf nodded slightly.

"Mr. Roland, if you are lucky enough to pass by Bag End, please come in and sit down. By the way, afternoon tea starts at 4 o'clock! Enough refreshments!" Bilbo's eyes turned slightly red.

"Of course! Mr. Baggins, I hope you will leave me dinner next time I go there!" Roland laughed heartily, and the laughter dispelled his slight unhappiness.

"Well, I will definitely prepare dinner for you next time!" Bilbo said with a blush. The last time Roland visited Bag End, he didn't leave anything for him. It was all created by those cute dwarves.

"Then let's say goodbye!" Roland and Gandalf waved goodbye at the foot of the Lonely Mountain.

"System! Let's do it here! Let's realize the town of Swift Current!" Standing on the east side of the lake mouth of Changhu Lake where the former Swift Current City was, Roland called out to the system.

"Received! Retrieving terrain..."

"The terrain meets the requirements..."

"The city wall is being generated..."

"The lord's castle is being generated..."

"Generating houses..."

"Construction is complete, please check it with the host."

In front of Roland's eyes, a stream of data covered a large area of ​​land in front of him. Just when Roland was feeling strange, the sound of the system sounded to indicate that it had been realized. Roland happily raised his head and looked at the town where he would live for a long time in the future...

"System!" Roland roared.

"What is this?" Roland pointed angrily at the pile of things in front of him that could be regarded as a village.

"Show me, is this the Swift Current Town you're talking about?" Roland said angrily.

"The system is detecting...the detection is correct!" the system's cold voice sounded.

"Fuck you! This area is as big as a village. I won't say anything. Please explain to me the two-meter-high stone wall! And this house with a leaky roof! There's grass growing inside. ! Except for the castle, no building in the whole town is higher than the second floor! And why is this lord's castle so shabby?" Roland was shocked by the shamelessness of the system.


"Oh no! Pretending to be dead?" Roland had a new understanding of the system's offline status.

"Ahem, this will be our home from now on. This is the relic of the former Rapid City..." Roland was just thinking about how to tell everyone his lie when everyone suddenly burst into cheers and rushed forward.

"Look, this is our Lagrange architectural style!"

“A typical Lagrand village!”

“Not bad, not bad, I feel like I’m back in my hometown village again!”

Everyone was very satisfied with the environment here. In their memories, they had not seen traces of Lagrand for a long time after wandering in a foreign country. At this time, they were extremely excited to see Lagrand Village located on the original site of Rapid City.

"System, are you really not going to say something?" Roland's face grew darker as he listened to the discussion! What he clearly manifested was a small town, but he ended up creating a dilapidated village for himself. This must have been too much deprivation. The landowners would be heartbroken and the capitalists would shed tears when they saw it...

"Sir, it's very nice here! We are finally back to our hometown! Hey, why do you seem unhappy?" When Kasluo happily ran to Roland, he found that Roland had a dark face.

Roland was speechless. Do you want me to tell you that a small town was supposed to appear here, but this town turned out to be worse than a village? Roland suddenly felt that he had suffered a big loss by participating in this Lonely Mountain War. Well, it was not too much of a loss. After all, gold coins worth 1 million wealth were moved from Thorin. One wealth value is equal to 10,000 gold coins. When converted...

Well, Roland finally knew why Thorin smiled so happily when he saw him off.

"Hey, let me go to the mall..." Roland looked at the people who were cleaning up the "town" and opened the mall on the system page out of boredom.

"Gryphon Eggs: Quantity 5. Unit Price: 10,000 Wealth Value."

"Darian Archer: Quantity 100. Unit price: 10 wealth points."

"Earth attribute war mage: quantity 1. Unit price: 50,000 wealth value."

"Oh no! There are even war mages?" Roland's saliva almost flowed out.

War mages are the fourth level of mages. They are considered to be hardened characters among mages. They can lead a small war alone, so they are named war mages (mage levels are divided into trainee mages, mage, archmage, war mage, Magister, Sage!)

In the end, Roland, who had just made a fortune, gritted his teeth and exchanged five gryphon eggs for a war mage. The reason for exchanging the gryphon eggs was because gryphons are one of the few aerial combat super monsters. They are slightly weaker than flying dragons but far away. Far stronger than the giant eagle. Griffins grow very quickly, and it only takes about a year from hatching to adulthood, but their fertility is even worse than that of elves. In their more than two hundred years of life, they can only reproduce a dozen times at most. On average, they only reproduce once every 10 years, with one egg at a time. The griffins raised in captivity are fine, but the wild griffons may only leave one offspring in their lifetime. When they are born, they are so fragile that even local dogs can pick them up. Taking them away, coupled with various accidents, resulted in not many griffins in the wild. However, Roland seems to have never heard any news about griffins in this world, which means that griffins are probably extinct or have never appeared. The reason for exchanging war mages is also very simple. Earth-type war mages can be used as efficient construction workers. When Lagrand City was expanded and Rapid City was established, it was only a few earth-type sages who took action. A great city was built in just a few days. After buying these two items, Roland's wealth suddenly dropped by one-tenth.

"The system has set that the war mage will bring 5 griffon eggs to the host. Please pay attention to the host and check them." A line of words appeared on the system's light screen.

"Sir, give this city a name!" Reno's appearance interrupted Roland's contemplation.

"Well... let's call it Rapid City. We will inherit the will of our ancestors! We will rebuild the destroyed city!" Roland clenched his fist and said heavily.

"Rapid's so good to hear this name again..." Priest Guardian quietly wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Ding! The main mission starts..." Suddenly the system's natural sound sounded.

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