The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 535 The double happiness of using people as a mirror

Once in Panama, Claris asked Zhao Chuanxuan what he wanted these guns for.

Zhao Chuanxin told her that he wanted to send a favor, but Sun Gongwu actually had to accept this favor.

Zhao Chuanxin looked down upon the Type 88 Committee. This thing shook violently when fired, and the muzzle was severely cocked.

You can't use this thing on your own, it's unreliable.

He nodded: "You know where the Portuguese warships are, right?"

Chuishuiju swallowed: "I know..."

He had some vague guesses.

Zhao Chuanxin bared his teeth and smiled, his teeth stained red by the blood in his mouth.

"What are the backgrounds of those two people?" He Wu, the detachment leader, asked his subordinates.

He Wu was the captain of the army of more than a hundred people organized by Sun Gongwu. He came from a rough background, had a rough face, and spoke with an unruly aura.

The subordinate shook his head: "The superiors are unwilling to say anything. Only Mr. Sun and Huang Mingtang know their identities."

"Bah!" He Wu spat out a thick mouthful of phlegm: "All cats and dogs are thrown into my team."

The subordinate rolled his eyes: "Do you want me to teach them both a lesson?"

Those two people were really out of tune with them.

Everyone else was extremely nervous before the battle, but these two people had calm expressions on their faces, not caring about the war at all.

Other people's clothes, even if they are not torn, are not necessarily any better.

But the two of them were well-dressed, especially the colorful Western-style coarse cloth clothes, which fit perfectly, the stitching was astonishingly fine, and there were several pockets, which were extremely convenient for storing things.

It seems that the coarse cloth is also exquisite and wear-resistant, like an imported product.

When Mr. Sun rewarded the "three armies" before, everyone else was feasting, but the two of them seemed to have the same taste. It seemed that eating meat could not satisfy them.

Bah, you bitch, what are you so proud of?

Pretending is the most hated thing, and He Wu's subordinates have long disliked them.

"Hehe." He Wu sneered: "We still have to give face to Mr. Sun and Huang Mingtang. However, when distributing weapons, special care should be taken, do you understand?"

"I understand, I understand very well." His subordinate showed a lewd smile.

The distribution of weapons soon began.

There are 42 quick guns and 17 shell guns.

He Wu stood on the stage and said proudly: "Mr. Sun bought this rifle with military funds. We are going to organize a team of pistol soldiers. Anyone who wants to join please come forward."

He deliberately glanced at the two people in the corner with the corner of his eye, but saw that they were not moved at all.

You must know that the pistol is exquisite and at this time, only general officers are not allowed to equip it.

So there are many people who are interested.

Suddenly everyone stood up and said, "I'll join."

Only the two people in the corner were sitting peacefully.

He Wu narrowed his eyes and ordered 17 people.

All 42 fast guns and 17 shell guns were distributed, but there were more than a hundred people in this army. Where were the rest?

Don't be afraid, in addition to guns, there are sabers, ropes, and even firecrackers.

Yes, firecrackers that have no power and can only be heard.

One of the two people in the corner, a young man with a pot head, curled his lips: "This is the first time I heard about bringing firecrackers to a war."

The slightly older man with a leopard head and ringed eyes next to him patted him on the head: "Zhongyi said before I came here, Wang Long, can you, Wang Long, tell me that you forgot to say something?"

"Brother Shuangxi, look how does this look like an army? A bandit leader, a chieftain of the feudal privileged class, what kind of leader does he think he is Lin Chong?" Wang Long was obviously not convinced. "If this fucking rebellion succeeds, I'll eat the firecrackers they send out."

Double Happiness and Yile: "Let's just join in the fun. I fought hard for it. Don't do anything bad."

"I'm just afraid that at the critical moment they will cheat and betray their teammates."

Shuangxi sneered: "Do you think the Qing army can keep us?"

Wang Long's face was full of arrogance: "Just them?"

He Wu's men came to the two of them with firecrackers: "This is yours. Take it with you and let it go as you are told."

Wang Long took a sip: "I'm not so lucky, I have weapons!"

"Do you know what happens if you don't obey orders in the army?" He Wu's subordinates' faces darkened: "Do you have a weapon? What weapon? Take it out and let me see."

Wang Long rolled his eyes: "Who do you think you are, why should I show it to you?"


In fact, among the veterans of the insurance team, Shuangxi was the most stunned.

However, when he went out this time, he somehow felt calm.

It seems that he has become mature all of a sudden.

Instead, he said: "We want the firecrackers, it's up to you."

He Wu's men glared at the two of them fiercely, put down the firecrackers and turned away.

Wang Long spat at his back: "It's not a fucking thing!"

"Stop talking. If you cause trouble again, I will send you back." Shuangxi said with a tigerish face.

Wang Long raised his head, his nostrils pointing to the sky, silent but unconvinced.

Shuangxi couldn't help laughing when he saw this.

He remembered that once, maybe the impression he had on Zhongyi and Chuanxin was just like the impression Wang Long had on him at this time.

This little kid is a thorn in the side, but he has extremely high combat literacy. He is outstanding among the new generation of insurance team members. He is a leader in shooting, fighting, wild survival, and physical fitness.

Seven were dissatisfied and eight were angry. Except for a few old people, they refused to listen to anyone.

This time Li Guangzong proposed to send two people to the south to join Sun Gongwu's team.

Originally there was nothing wrong with Shuangxi, but during the selection, Wang Long came out on top, and Zhao Zhongyi chose Shuangxi to accompany him with ulterior motives.

Now Shuangxi somewhat understands Zhao Zhongyi's good intentions.

Using people as a mirror can help you understand gains and losses.

After distributing the weapons, He Wu shouted on the stage: "We will eat later, and we will leave after eating."

There is still meat in this meal.

The greasy pork was stewed to a pulp, but the condiments were sparse and there were no side dishes.

Wang Long poked the bowl hard with his chopsticks and muttered: "At least give me some garlic sauce. How can I eat it when it's so fat?"

The wealth of Lugang Town is well known to everyone outside the country.

In an age when oil and water are scarce, people like to eat fat only for what their body needs. When there is too much oil and water, if you eat fatty meat, it must be for the taste or a certain dish needs fat.

Lugang Town has long since escaped from the shortage of oil and water.

Especially for the insurance team, there is meat in the meals during training. This does not mean that those who are fat will not eat it. It is just that the chefs of the insurance team cook it in different ways. It cannot be compared with eating in a restaurant, but at least it is better than the bland food at the moment.

"It's okay to eat. I heard that we have to climb a mountain. Don't embarrass our insurance team."

Wang Long put the fat meat in his mouth and slurped it down, then drank a big mouthful of rice: "Even if I don't eat for three days, I'm still tougher than these bastards."

After eating, the team set off.

When we entered the mountain, the sky was already full of stars and the bright moon hung high.

The weather is a bit cold.

There were more than a hundred people, and there was no formation.

Taking the lead were Zhennanguan Governor Huang Mingtang, Commander Feng Xiang, Deputy Commander Li Youqing, Hui Party leader Wang Heshun, Yunnan Hui Party leader Guan Renfu, followed by detachment leader He Wu.

Wang Long said from behind: "Our insurance team has more than 500 people, but we dare not talk about the commander. This team of more than 100 people, haha..."

"Shut up." Shuangxi repeated these two words countless times.

Fortunately, Wang Long is quite obedient.

They were at the end of the line.

The team chattered quietly, startling the birds in the forest from time to time.

The group of people, covered with velvet and uncarved, walked in a hurry, heading from Tongdeng and Namo in Vietnam towards Zhennanguan.

In the second half of the night, some people started complaining.

"Oh, I'm so exhausted."

Some people yawned: "It's really hard to drive on this starry night."

He Wu's men were also a little overwhelmed, but they still said: "If you work harder, we will be there soon."

He couldn't help but look back and vaguely saw the two tall figures at the end. They seemed to be carrying bags and their steps were unusually steady.

This is completely different from the stumbling and swaying steps of others.

He Wu's subordinates murmured: Could it be that the two of them are inseparable?

When the stars set, everyone finally arrived at a mountain rush in Nonghuai near Zhennanguan.

He Wu looked exhausted as he walked among the teams: "Okay, let's take a rest here."

Everyone immediately took out rice dumplings, pickles and water to cushion their stomachs.

He Wu's men were eating when they suddenly smelled a strange fragrance.

He moved towards the back of the team in the dark, widened his eyes, and realized that the scent was coming from the very back.

Curious, he walked over.

I saw Shuangxi and Wang Long digging into canned beef with a spoon and eating it with rice.


He Wu's men looked at the pickles in their hands and suddenly felt a little nervous: "Where did you get the canned food?"

Wang Long rolled his eyes: "I bought it."

"Can you afford canned food? And bring foreign language?"

This is a French product, and it came from Zhao Chuanxin.

Wang Long finished the meal in two mouthfuls, and then took out a pudding can: "Yes, my family has the conditions."

If my family has such conditions, I would like to ask you if you are angry?

Eating canned pudding is much more elegant. Take small bites with the spoon, and sip it carefully when it enters your mouth. The sweetness gradually disappears before swallowing.

He Wu's subordinate swallowed his saliva: "Hanmi Riyan is there, I am Zizi, bring it to me!"

Wang Long was stunned. He couldn't understand the dialect.

Therefore, he looked at He Wu's men as if they were fools, and at the same time continued to take small sips.

He Wu's men were furious: "I told you to bring it to me, Rinong!"

Shuangxi coughed: "Brother, this is over, right? We brought our own dry food, why should we give it to you?"

"This is the army!" He Wu's subordinates emphasized: "On the march, everything belongs to the public."

In fact, Shuangxi also had a bad temper, but Wang Long's mirror kept him restrained.

But the Clay Bodhisattva still has three parts of fire energy.

His eyes narrowed: "Look at you, you have such a big look on your face, and you are so embarrassed when you talk, why the hell do you have the nerve to beg for food from us? You bastard, you are a loser, if you don't leave, you will be embarrassed." !”

This time it was He Wu's turn to be confused.

Wang Long burst into laughter upon seeing this.

Brother Shuangxi was so anxious that he forgot that Battalion Commander Zhao had told him to speak in official terms as much as possible when speaking outside.

It was as if Wang Long didn't understand He Wu's words, but knew that he was swearing.

He Wu's men couldn't understand Shuangxi's words, and they also knew that he was swearing.

Relying on the fact that He Wu was a close confidant and He Wu was the detachment leader, He Wu's men pointed at Shuangxi and said angrily: "Are you going to fucking rebel?"

Shuangxi smiled instead: "You're damn right, I came to rebel with you."

He Wu's subordinates: "..."

I was speechless.

He was furious, and just as he was about to say something, he saw Shuangxi and Wang Long each carrying a fast gun on their backs. They were in excellent condition and looked brand new.

And on their waists, there were actually two lugs each.

When He Wu's men saw this, their eyes immediately turned red: "Hand over the guns, who asked you to carry them..."

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