The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 663 Why do you use my toothbrush?

"Okay, let's have some soup." Gulizar volunteered to serve the soup.

Zhao Chuanxin put the chopped shallots in the soup bowl, and added some chili oil and mature vinegar to the two of them.

"Wow, it's so delicious. How did you do it?"

"You know, being handsome doesn't necessarily mean you can eat. But being ugly really makes it hard to eat. Maybe you think it's delicious because I'm too handsome."

"Pfft... cough cough..."

Zhao Chuanxin finished the drink first and used firewood to heat her rock bathtub.

The bathtub cracked twice due to high temperatures. After Zhao Chuanxin repaired it, it is now very durable.

The well is now wrapped in a stone house.

There are two stone troughs above the well house. The stone troughs are slightly inclined and lead to the bathroom and kitchen in a roundabout way.

Zhao Chuanxin waved his hand, and the well water spread and fell into the stone trough in the bathroom, gurgling continuously.

Zhao Chuanxin thought about it, then cut off the water flow, went to the bathroom, poured water into the big stone jar, and poured it into the bathtub.

Gulizal couldn't stay any longer, so he ran over, leaned against the door frame and bit his lips and said, "Ta'a learned from you Han people in opening an inn in Jiayuguan. A Nang said that he would earn a lot of gold in the future, so you should also open an inn."

Zhao Chuanxin tested the water, but it was still not hot. He added some more firewood and said, "Who will come to stay and eat in this place where birds don't poop? Just wait here. When the water is hot, get in and wash it. If it's too hot, it'll be hot." Take a ladle and add cold water, don't worry if the water overflows, it will leak into the hole."

The floor drain designed by Zhao Chuanxin has a stone trough underneath. The stone trough leads to the sand outside and penetrates into the sand. There is no need to worry about water accumulation in the desert, even in winter.

Zhao Chuanxin was about to leave, Gulizar said: "Hey, wait..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Chuanxin passed by, closed the bathroom door, and almost bumped into Gulizar's beautiful nose.

Zhao Chuanxin went to the laboratory in the backyard and quietly opened the door. Seeing Nikola Tesla busy and busy, he asked in a low voice: "Nikola, do you want to have the last meal? How about the haggis soup?" ”

Nikola Tesla was excited and very impatient: "If you don't want to eat, get out of here."

Zhao Chuanxin was very familiar with his state. It must have been a critical moment when he had solved a certain problem and continued to make breakthroughs.

He backed out, closed the door, and let out a long breath.

Another day full of positive energy has passed.

This means that he can rest.

It is said that there are only a few periods in an ordinary person's life when they can truly work without sleep or food. The ability to rise depends on a few moments of peak willpower, physical fitness, and cognitive concentration.

At this time, Zhao Chuanxin felt that way again.

During this period of time, he didn't even read the "Code of the Old Gods" very much, and fell asleep every night because of exhaustion.

He went to the restaurant to sit and wait for Gulizal to finish washing up. He wanted to go in to wash up, but his upper and lower eyelids had already begun to fight.

After waiting for a long time, Gulizar did not come out.

He walked to the outside of the bathroom and listened, but there was no movement inside.

He knocked gently on the door, but still no response.


No response.

I blanch...

Wasn't it because she didn't take a bath in the bathtub and drowned in it?

Zhao Chuanxin knocked on the door twice more, but it still didn't open. He pushed the door open and entered.

The door is unlocked.

The firewood cannot withstand burning, and there are only embers in the stove.

The water in the bathtub is overflowing. It must be that cold water has been added many times.

As for Gulizal, he was lying in the bathtub with his eyes closed and motionless.

The water in the bathtub is no longer clear, and it can be seen that this girl is not a regular bather.

But Zhao Chuanxin could still see the scenery inside.

After Gulizal washed away her "pigmented beauty", her face became fairer, and her hair was somewhat naturally curly after being spread out.

There are still some soap suds on the ground.

Zhao Chuanxin approached and touched her shoulder, but Gulizar still didn't respond.

Zhao Chuanxin couldn't help but check her nose. Fortunately, she was breathing normally.

It seemed that he was extremely tired and slept too much.

He couldn't laugh or cry.

But she can't be allowed to stay in the water like this.

He cupped the back of her head and made her body rise, as if she was dead.

She didn't even wake up like this, and Zhao Chuanxin was sure that she wasn't pretending to sleep.

It's a miracle that a bear like this, who spends his days outside tending sheep and living in the wind and dew, can still survive to this day.

Zhao Chuanxin reached into the water, hugged her neck with one hand and the crook of her legs with the other, and fished her out of the bathtub.

You can feel the girl's smooth skin with your tentacles.

The water stains on Gulizar's body quickly evaporated, and her long hair appeared smooth and black.

Zhao Chuanxin looked down and found that she had a sleeping silkworm that was rare in this era.

This thing looks like Su Daqiang when placed on a man's face, and very beautiful when placed on a woman's face. But if the nutrition cannot keep up, it will be really difficult to have lying silkworms.

I have to say that her face is impeccably delicate, but her little face is not so fair due to the sun. Of course, based on the aesthetics of this era, others may not think so. At least this straight nose bridge with a slight hump may have a lot of men complaining about it nowadays.

Zhao Chuanxin carried her to his bedroom, tucked her into the bed, threw her clothes on the floor, and then left.

The next day, when Gulizar came to the restaurant, he was already fully dressed.

During this time, Zhao Chuanxin cooperated with Nikola Tesla, going to bed early and getting up early, getting up and working before dawn every day.

At this moment, he had installed the glass to be installed yesterday and made breakfast.

Gulizar sniffed as if nothing was wrong: "This must be the food that Hu Da praised, it's so delicious."

This smell comes from Zhao Chuanxin getting up early to wash his face and baking alkaline water bread in a rock oven.

Seeing Gulizar reaching for the plate, Zhao Chuanxin hit the back of her hand with a spoon: "Go and brush your teeth and wash your face before eating."

Gulizal went to the bathroom and ran out in an instant, with a toothbrush in his mouth and rubbing it randomly.

Zhao Chuanxin took a look: "Isn't there a new one? How do you use my toothbrush?"

Gulizar hesitated and said, "I'm afraid of being scolded by you."

"..." Zhao Chuanxin said: "When I leave, I will bring you a toothbrush and a box of badger oil for wiping your face."

Brushing her teeth couldn't stop Gulizal's mouth, so she asked again: "What kind of hair is on it? I often use the stems of camel thorns to crush them to brush my teeth."

Zhao Chuanxin suddenly remembered.

It's interesting to say that normally, most toothbrushes at this time had pig bristles, but pig bristles were hard, so Zhao Chuanxin bought a horsehair toothbrush, which is gentle and does not hurt the gums.

He blinked: "It seems to be pig hair, right?"

Gulizar's movements froze.

Zhao Chuanxin laughed: "Now that I think about it, it's horse hair."


Gulizar breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhao Chuanxin waved: "Come here, I will teach you how to brush your teeth."

Zhao Chuanxin taught her the Pap method of brushing her teeth.

After she finished rinsing her mouth, she came back and sat down to eat together.

Gulizal asked: "Don't you have to give meals to weirdos?"

"I sent it."


Haggis soup, lye bread, radish pickles, Gulizal ate them to death, and his belly bulged before his eyes.

After the meal, the sun showed its head.

The sheep in the sheepfold outside were howling loudly, and the sheepdogs were also barking heart-rendingly.

All hungry...

They seemed to be urging Gulizal to get on his way.

Zhao Chuanxin opened a gap in the stone wall of the sheepfold, and the sheep couldn't wait to rush out.

Gulizal turned back three times in one step: "I'm leaving."


After taking two steps, she looked back: "By the way, hat."

She ran back with a smile on her face to get the cowboy hat and put it on her head.

Zhao Chuanxin: "..."

Why are you so happy?

Gulizar continued to dilly-dally, looking back many times: "I'm leaving..."




After all, she left, leading the camel as she ran to catch up with the shepherd dog and the sheep, looking back frequently.

She walked for a while and rode a camel for a while. Walk for a while and ride a camel for a while.

Normally, he would mumble while walking to avoid running into wolves, but today he was very calm.

Walking along Jijidun and Dongshigang, the sun was about to show up in the morning and it was almost noon.

In fact, there is no grass at all in these two places at this time, so the sheep never have enough to eat. When they don't have enough to eat, they drive them to run faster, hoping that there will be more hay and roots to nibble on.

Many herdsmen in the northwest region do not drive their sheep, but the sheep and sheepdogs lead them to chase water and grass.

But obviously, Gulizar ran with purpose.

When it was almost noon, she was so tired that she almost collapsed. She ran to a shallow bay with weak water and crossed the river with her sheep.

There was a little lamb that choked a few mouthfuls in the cold river water and almost drowned.

Gulizal, who had generously promised to give Zhao Chuanxin a sheep before, ignored the fact that his clothes got wet and hugged the lamb sadly.

When she reached the shore, she quickly laid the lamb on the ground and blew hard into the dying lamb's ears.

After both sides of the lamb's ears were dried, she picked up the sand warmed by the sun and covered the lamb's body.

This is what Dadang taught her.

But in the end, the lamb was still not saved.

She knelt on the ground, tears falling for a while, then put the lamb carcass on the camel's back and chased the flock in front of her.

When they arrived at Sha Zaodun, the sheep finally found something to eat and started working with their heads down.

Gulizal took advantage of this moment to skin the dead lamb.

When I got home, it was almost dark.

Her mother was waiting eagerly at the entrance of the courtyard, and only smiled when she saw her.

Gulizal said with a tearful voice: "Ah Nang, a lamb died."

"Just die, it's better than being snatched away by a wolf." Her mother smiled and comforted: "You too, I've told you that it's not the time for grazing yet, but you don't listen and insist on going out. , look at the hungry sheep, their stomachs are still deflated after running out for two days. You haven’t been out running all winter, are you exhausted?”

Grazing is hard work. When the grass grows, go out and graze. Before winter comes, we need to find ways to store more fodder for the winter. It will be until the second year before grazing can continue. In order to resist the wind and cold, a cellar must be dug for the lambs born in winter, otherwise they will freeze to death.

Gulizar felt a little guilty and avoided her mother's gaze, but shouted: "I'm exhausted! I'll wait until the grass grows next time."

But she didn't dare to tell her mother that she had gone to the desert dozens of miles away to herd sheep, otherwise she would definitely be punished.

After eating, she was so tired that she fell asleep. She slept soundly, holding a cowboy hat, toothbrush and badger oil in her arms...

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