The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 669 Don’t let the wealth go to outsiders

Zhao Chuanxin came back and tied the horse.

He glanced at Guo Tuwa: "Why don't you run?"

Guo Tuwa said in an angry voice: "I can't outrun you."

Zhao Chuanxin was delighted: "This baby is real."

Jin Xiang hurriedly said: "Shopkeeper, thank you for saving my life. Guo Tuwa is not bad in nature, I know him. He was born in Huayin County, was born with great strength, and was very famous in the local area. The government captured him and tied him with a hundred catties. The boulder was sent to the county jail. Guo Tuwa took the boulder and fled outside the city at night, broke open the chains and escaped. It was a pity to kill a good man."

Guo Tuwa's face turned solemn, and she clasped her fists and said, "It's a small skill, not worth mentioning."

Zhao Chuanxin: "..."

Isn't this a special language used by swordsmen to show off?

Jin Xiang had just told his experience and was about to take action. Guo Tuwa could still intercede for Jin Xiang at this time.

It was not difficult for Zhao Chuanxin to see that this man was very cute.

He thought for a moment, picked up the scabbard and put it back into the knife, then called Tian Shang Fei Inn: "Let's stay here, the deposit is one yuan, two yuan per day."

Guo Tuwa scratched her shiny forehead: "Shopkeeper, I don't have much money."

"..." Zhao Chuanxin bared his teeth: "No money? If you don't have money, just wash dishes and do odd jobs. Hand over your weapons first."

When Jin Xiang heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Shopkeeper, I can also wash the dishes and do odd jobs."

This way the money will not suffer.

Zhao Chuanxin spat: "You piece of shit, don't think I don't know. You still have a lot of money on you. You can eat and drink for free."


Zhao Chuanxin explained to Guo Tuwa the precautions and the layout of flying in the sky.

Now that he is familiar with it, the first thing he needs to do is take a bath, change clothes, and let the lice and fleas all over his body die.

Guo Tuwa said: "Shopkeeper, I only have this set of clothes."

"A set of clothes? In this desert, you are already considered a wealthy person. Stop showing off your wealth. Wash it quickly and take it out and dry it in less than an hour."

Guo Tuwa: "..."

His greasy and dirty braids are the easiest to deal with. After being loosened, the back of his head can be completely immersed in the bathtub. In order to prevent drowning, various "microorganisms" scramble to escape before moving...

This guy has a muscular body. He is not as muscular as Li Zhitao. Instead, he has fat that is scarce in the northwest region, and his strength and endurance are extraordinary.

Without any clothes, he walked around in the sand with his buttocks naked and his hair loose.

Zhao Chuanxin saw that the hair on half of his head was really unsightly, so he ordered Jin Xiang to use a knife to shave off the hair on the back of his head.

The temperature during the day today can reach over ten degrees.

The desert was windy and dry, and it took less than an hour for Guo Tuwa's clothes to dry. After he put them on, he happened to catch up with Zhao Chuanxin to make lunch.

Guo Tuwa volunteered to help, and Zhao Chuanxin gave guidance: "Turn the spoon, shake the spoon, take out the spoon, and pay attention to how the wrist and forearm exert force..."

I don't think this guy has some talent, but he quickly mastered the essentials.

He can eat better than Jin Xiang. Even if he eats five meals a day, each meal is still like a starving ghost reincarnated.

Zhao Chuanxin got five horses for nothing, but fodder was a big problem.

He planned to get rid of the horse. No one would buy it in Wangzizhuang, so he needed to take it to Lanzhou Prefecture or Jiayuguan.

But obviously he didn't have the time to spend on the road, so he thought of Gulizal.

Before sunset.

Zhao Chuanxin said to Guo Tuwa: "Cut the meat and vegetables, clean the restaurant table, and don't even think about running away. I can catch you back if I let you go for two days."

Guo Tuwa scratched his dog-gnawed head: "I know."

There are many visits to Prince's Village, and their living habits are similar to those of the Gulizar family, so they can live there with peace of mind.

Gulizal has not seen much of the world, and she has not even come into contact with many of her own people.

Her thoughts are simple.

In the past few days, I have been racking my brains to figure out where to get grass seeds.

You definitely won’t be able to do it on your own.

Don't look at Gulizar and Zhao Chuanxin, they talk a lot when they are together. In fact, she becomes uncomfortable in crowded places and becomes taciturn.

She mustered up a lot of courage and went to the Golden Pagoda.

Speaking of Suzhou, which shop is the most famous? That must be Ma Hop Sing.

Ma Hesheng's Ma family group is the richest man in Suzhou.

Kangjia in Shanxi and Majia in Gansu.

Ma Hesheng's department store specializes in department stores in Lanzhou Prefecture. They have many people and will also send people to the Jinta Market to sell and distribute.

Gulizal was picking at Ma Hesheng's stall.

Ma Hop Sing's clerk put his hands on his sleeves and said, "Girl, if you don't want to buy it, don't touch it."

Gulizar retracted his hand like an electric shock, his face turned red with embarrassment.

She lowered her head and continued to look at it, but refused to leave.

The clerk was helpless and wanted to get rid of this girl who was just touching but not buying, so he said: "There are some leftovers over there. How about selling them at a low price?"

Gulizar was overjoyed: "Seriously?"

The clerk took her to see some snacks that were not in good quality. They were really cheap. Si Jiao Xiaoyang could buy a big pack of them.

For example, some preserved fruits clearly have insect eyes on them, or there are dark, indescribable objects stuck on them...

Gulizal paid, hung a large bag of snacks on the camel's back, and left Daji as if fleeing, returning to Wangzizhuang.

Even though she is just a girl, among her peers in Wangzizhuang, no one dares to provoke her.

Not to mention those snot-nosed kids who were younger than her, even men who were older than her couldn't beat her.

According to foreigners, he is a bit of a tiger.

Today, Gulizal gathered a group of snot babies.

She showed off a bag of snacks, which made them salivate.

Gulizal said: "I want grass seeds and tree seeds. If any of you know where they are, take me to pick them, and I will share some with them."

These snot babies come in different sizes.

But no matter how small they are, they still have to work and herd the animals for the family.

Traveling all over the country is out of the question, but they know everything about the situation in a radius of more than a hundred miles.

"I know I know."

"I'll take you."


These snot kids have been riding horses and camels since they were young, and every household has livestock.

A group of snot kids roared back and forth, not only helping to collect grass seeds, but even leading Gulizar to find a few remaining hay meadows, which was an unexpected surprise.

They have many people and animals, and no one brings two bundles and delivers them to their door.

Gulizar has never studied mathematics, and few of these snot-nosed children have received education either.

They divided the snacks randomly.

Although Gulizal himself didn't get any of it, the gain from this little money was huge.

A half-year-old child took a fancy to Gulizal's cowboy hat and said, "I want your hat."

Gulizar raised his eyebrows and raised his whip: "I can't whip you to death!"

The child gave up in frustration.

When Zhao Chuanxin found Gulizar, there was a big bag standing at her feet.

Zhao Chuanxin saw her on the road and asked cheerfully: "Are you just going home?"

Gulizar blinked: "Yes."

This was not the case. She deliberately waited on the road with her bag every sunset.

"What's this?"

"Good stuff, look..." Gulizar opened the bag.

Zhao Chuanxin stretched his head and took a look, oh, it was full of seeds.

Seeing his shock, Gulizal smiled proudly: "Didn't you say that if you have grass seeds, you can let me go to the desert to graze?"

After walking around for a long time, she couldn't see a single withered grass. Zhao Chuanxin couldn't imagine how she collected so many seeds.

It was just a casual comment, but I didn't expect that she actually did it.

Zhao Chuanxin: "Uh..."

Gulizal's face turned from sunny to cloudy: "Are you lying to me?"

"Uh... no, no, um, it's true." Zhao Chuanxin couldn't laugh or cry.

The little girl is cruel.

"Are you here to get firewood?" Gulizal said excitedly as soon as the clouds turned sunny. "I have cut a lot of grass recently and I can share some with you."

"That's not true. I recently got five horses. I plan to keep two and give you three."

Selling is too time-consuming, and there is not so much fodder to raise.

It's better to give him away. He has no relatives here and has the closest relationship with Gulizal, so the wealth will not go to anyone else.

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