After Babuzabu finished speaking, he glanced at the entire audience. The younger son hesitated to speak, and the others did not speak.

The old man was the head of the family. He had to stand up, so he handed his eldest grandson to his eldest son. He took two steps forward and said, "Good man, a strong man passed by here and stayed overnight. He claimed that he had no money left, so he I gave the old man a jug of wine and a knife for food. The strong man left the next day without telling the old man where he went."

There was no flaw in what he said, and the old man thought he could explain it away.

However, Babuzabu was a horse bandit from Eastern Mongolia, and committed all kinds of crimes including burning, killing, and looting.

Tongzi also pays attention to the "horizontal thrust to crush the front", but horse bandits like Babuzabu want to imitate their ancestors and kill everyone above the wheel.

He walked slowly and walked to his eldest son.

The old man's family was trembling nervously.

Because not only did this group of people carry scimitars, they even had fast guns.

The eldest grandson raised his head and stared at Babu Zabu without flinching.

Babuzabu suddenly took action, grabbed the short knife, and pulled it out.

He slashed with his sword.

The old man screamed miserably, and the eldest son tried his best to protect his son.

The eldest grandson originally had his head held high, but he was a child after all. Now he was so frightened that he winced and winced.

The eldest son pulled his own child, and a piece of flesh was cut off from his arm, while the tip of the eldest grandson's right ear was cut off.

If the eldest son was even half a step slower, the dagger would probably cut into the child's head.

The whole family wanted to rush forward, but a group of horse bandits came forward with guns and knives: "Who dares to move?"

The old man knelt down and said, "Good man, I didn't lie. This is indeed the case..."

The tip of the eldest grandson's ear was missing, and he cried loudly in pain. He covered the bleeding spot, and his little face was twisted in pain.

The old man was so distressed that he wished he could be stabbed on behalf of his grandson.

There was another person who felt uncomfortable, and that was Xu Hongyan.

He lowered his head in shame.

Before, he had been conceited and contented himself with living one more day.

As a result, Babu Zabu and his gang were good at tracking people, so they were told to pursue them right here.

But hurting innocent people made Xu Hongyan's secret joy disappear.

Seeing the child's pitiful appearance, Xu Hongyan yelled: "The old man has told the truth, why do you still hurt others?"

Babu Zabu waved his hand without looking back, and a man pulled out a whip and whipped him head and face.

Xu Hongyan cried for father and mother and could no longer care about others.

Babuzabu smiled sinisterly and looked at the old man again: "If you ask a question and answer a question, if you dare to tell half a lie, I'm afraid this child will not be able to see the snow at the beginning of this year."

"Okay, okay, good man, just ask." The old man was frightened, kneeling on the ground and talking incoherently.

Babuzabu asked: "What does that man look like?"

"Tall and strong, he wields a long knife, which is five feet long. He has thick beard and unshaven hair. His face tends to turn red when he drinks, and he gets drunk after drinking too much. There is an old man walking with him, and he must be a shaman based on his clothes. 2 People have never talked much about the past, but their words seem to mention KLQQ..."

He poured the beans into the bamboo tube and told everything he knew.

The old man felt sorry for his eldest grandson and couldn't help but look back. Finally, he looked pitifully at Babu Zabu.

Babuzabu believed this time.

He cheerfully turned back to his subordinates and said, "Look, does he look like an old dog wagging its tail and begging for mercy?"


The crowd laughed, which was very harsh at night.

A trace of murderous intent flashed across Babuzabu's eyes, which disappeared immediately.

He said to the old man: "Your family must not reveal anything about today's events, otherwise I will come to visit you. It's up to you."

The old man swore to the sky: "I will never reveal a word, otherwise I will be struck to death by thunder from God!"

Babuzabu led the people away and headed towards the ravine.

Xu Hongyan was silent for a while, and then started to curse: "Babu Zabu, you guys don't deserve a good death. If you dare, I'll kill grandpa. Grandpa will frown and have the same surname as you!"

In fact, he is only more than ten years old, very immature.

Ichiban's words as a hero were actually very smooth.

Babu Zabu said "Hey": "Don't worry, little kid, I'll wait for you to identify the murderer before I send you on your way."

Then, Xu Hongyan was whipped again, and his skin and flesh were torn apart.

One of his subordinates asked Babu Zabu: "Master Cheng, why didn't you kill that family and silence them?"

"It's so stupid!" Babu Zabu scolded: "Don't call me "Ting Cheng" outside. There are many coal mines in Yuanbaoshan, and there is a patrol station. Besides, this place is not far from KLQQ, so you must give the prince a three-point meal, and you can't cause random killings. . Forgive that old man for not daring to go out and talk nonsense. In the border of Dongmeng, no one knows that horse bandits come and go like the wind, and even Maozi can do nothing to me!"

Through Babu Zabu's words, Xu Hongyan guessed that he might be acquainted with the prince of KLQQ, and his heart became even colder.

How can Master Zhao fare well when he comes to someone else's territory?

The more Zhao Chuanxin and Jin Jin chatted, the more speculative they became.

Both of them are the ones who don't say things well.

Zhao Chuanxin's perspective is cheating, but Jin Jin can figure out the idea by just guessing.

We went off track while chatting. Jin Jin said: "Luckily there are no Western devils in KLQQ. Otherwise, what would it be like if there were foreign churches all over the place? Everyone chants Jesus for blessing, and everyone prays for angels to protect them. How about that? Speaking of angels If it has wings, does it shed its hair?”

Zhao Chuanxin picked up a peanut: "Gaha, do you want to make a down jacket?"

"What is a down jacket?"

"For down jackets, the fabric must be woven tightly and filled with fine down from ducks and geese after they moult in autumn and winter. It is warmer than any cotton jacket."

Jin Jin's eyes lit up: "Oh, that's a good relationship, I have to try it."

The two chatted, Jin Jin really drank, and Zhao Chuanxin drank all the wine into the secret realm.

Finally, Jin Jin's wife and daughter helped him go back.

Then he came back to clean up the mess on the table. Facing Zhao Chuanxin who was sitting on the edge of the kang smoking, the two women, one large and one small, didn't say anything. They just lowered their heads and went about their own business.

However, Zhao Chuanxin discovered that Jin Shuzhen would secretly glance at him sideways at every turn, as if she didn't like anything about him.

Zhao Chuanxin sneered: I just like the way others look at me and don't like me and can't touch me.

Jin Jin is very smart and knows how to read people. Zhao Chuanxin doesn't know how he can judge that he is not a bad person.

After returning to the house, Jin Jin, who was already so drunk, disappeared. He straightened his clothes, drank tea, squinted his eyes, shook his head and hummed an opera.

When his wife came back, he asked: "Is there nothing abnormal?"

His wife rolled her eyes at him: "Are you so sure that you won't make mistakes?"

"Hey, if he is an evil person, I can tell at a glance that I will not let him in. Mr. Jin is quite powerful in KLQQ. Even if he is an evil person, there are ways to deal with him."

"Could it be that you have the idea of ​​recruiting a son-in-law again? Hey, Shuzhen, this child, I don't know what kind of ecstasy has been poured into her."

Jin Jin put down the tea cup and breathed a sigh of relief: "Hey, if I hadn't heard the news that the girl named Kawara Soko was going back to Japan, I wouldn't be so anxious to find a son-in-law. In my opinion, my brother Zhao will He is such a wonderful man in the world and a great husband like Kim..."

"Tsk..." My wife couldn't help laughing.

Because he is from Meng, his wife is stronger than Jin Jin. It can be seen that his wife and daughter love him from the bottom of their hearts. This kind of person must have some kind of personal charm.

"Why are you laughing? It's against you. Hurry up and serve your husband to bed..."

Here, Zhao Chuanxin and others finished packing, took off their coats and lay down.

He took out the "Code of Old Gods".

[After another day of sailing, the sailors on the hunting boat in front gave a loud cheer. 】

[As the sea fog was broken by the pointed bow of the hunting boat, I saw a corner of the long coastline. 】

[The elf scout took out his small telescope and looked at it, and let out an exclamation. 】

[I quickly asked: What’s wrong? 】

[The elf scout said: There is too much blood and grease. 】

[The trade officer who had not been on the deck for a long time also came out. During the day, his face was not so pale, his mouth did not look scarlet, and there was no hair on the back of his hands. 】

[I found that the trade officer looked at Hongdao with very complicated eyes. 】

[Aware of my gaze, the trade officer nodded, as if he wanted to ease the relationship between us. He reminded: Fearless Pioneer, after landing on the island, be careful of the moneylenders in the dock tavern. They will use your life as collateral to lend money. Don't run around, especially don't go to the temple on the island. Follow the rules and don't do anything inappropriate. Otherwise, even if you are a fearless pioneer, you will be trapped in endless blood and darkness. 】

Zhao Chuanxin's heart beat faster when he saw the word "life span".

It’s been a long time since I’ve increased my lifespan.

[I was very surprised and asked him: Aren’t you going to land on the island? 】

[The trade officer shook his head: No, Hongdao makes me feel uncomfortable. 】

[At this time, the fleet has passed through the fog. I saw the true appearance of Hongdao clearly. 】

[The so-called small Red Island is only compared to Middle-earth and the Cursed Desert. 】

[Actually, Hongdao is so big that I can’t see the edge at a glance. 】

[I saw several ports. The wooden boards of the docks were dark red, shiny and dark red. It was the result of being soaked in blood, water and grease for a long time, and being rubbed by the corpses of countless marine creatures, which revealed the patina. 】

[Countless workers are cutting up various fish and sea monster carcasses on it. 】

[As our fleet approached, people on the shore started making noises involuntarily after discovering the carcass of a shipworm being dragged along. It seemed that the shipworm was a rare sea monster. 】

[I wanted to go back and ask the trade officer why the residents of Red Island were so keen on hunting sea monsters, but I suddenly discovered that the trade officer had disappeared. 】

[Even if he didn’t want to land on the island, he wouldn’t hide in the cabin as soon as he got close. This made me suspicious. 】

[The first mate happened to come over, and I asked him: Mr. first mate, why did the trade officer hide in the cabin and not come out? 】

[The first mate said: He does this every time he comes to Hongdao. The trade handover requires Hongdao merchants to board the ship to complete. Maybe he really doesn't like Hongdao. After all, the smell of fish and blood is everywhere here. 】

[But obviously the first mate and crew were excited to see the Red Island, because it meant they could be down to earth and go to the tavern to have fun. 】

[The first mate smiled obscenely and said to me: Fearless Pioneer, when we dock at the dock, I will take you to a wonderful place that you will definitely like. 】

[I couldn't refuse, because I knew nothing about Hongdao, and the trade officer's warning was still ringing in my ears. 】

[By the time the fleet of ships docked at the port, it was already dark. As we collided with the dock, we grabbed onto the side of the boat to steady ourselves. The crew lowered the ladder and we filed down. 】

[There is a towering circular cliff above the pier. The cliffs are densely covered with wooden structures. Those are various shops. Not only the residents of the Red Island, but also the crew members from Middle Earth and the adventurers along the cursed desert coast all come here to have fun. 】

[At least a dozen lamps are hung at the entrance of each shop, forming an array of light as bright as stars. 】

[Just as we were dazzled by the intertwining lights, the captain of the hunting ship came over. He held a lamp and bowed humbly to salute me: Dear fearless pioneer, I will entertain you on Red Island, It's what I should do. 】

[The first mate shrugs: Since this captain is willing to take you to have fun, that's the best thing. I'll take the first step. 】

[I didn’t understand why the captain was so polite to me. I asked him: Can you take me to a place where I can rest? 】

[The captain smiled and said: Yes, please come with me. 】

[There are pulleys everywhere here, hanging flesh and blood. There are also countless huge anchors hanging from the beams overhead. 】

[We had to duck and dodge, and occasionally blood would drip on our heads, which made people feel very uncomfortable. 】

[After crossing the pier, we started climbing the stairs. 】

[The street lights here seem to be free of charge, and they are densely covered with stars. 】

[The captain seemed to have noticed my doubts and took the initiative to explain: Fearless Pioneer, the most indispensable thing on Red Island is oil. Sea monsters, sea beasts and those giant fish can extract inexhaustible oil. Hong Island is also called Nightless. On the island, only the temple does not light up the lights. 】

[I’m even more confused: Why don’t the temples light up the lights? The temples in Middle-earth must be brightly lit. 】

[The captain who had been talking about everything before suddenly became very secretive and became silent. 】

[At this time, I heard a rustling sound coming from the darkness that was as far away as the light could reach. 】

[I just wanted to listen carefully to what the sound was, but the captain said: Here we are, this is the best tavern at Hongdao Pier. 】

[I scratched my head: Isn’t it a break? 】

[The captain asked strangely: For sailors and crew members, drinking and having a woman is the best rest? 】


[It’s already here, I have no choice but to take the elf scout and brother and sister in. 】

[As soon as I opened the door, I heard the roar of people. Countless drunken drunkards were living in it. 】

[The tavern is large and has a wooden structure. It has been eroded by the sea breeze for a long time and has become leaky from all sides, but at this time it is steaming and full of people. 】

[The first floor is a place for drinking. The wooden table is so black that it cannot be wiped clean, and it is covered with oil. The bar was also crowded with drinkers. On the second floor, there are gorgeous women ogling down, looking forward to welcoming distinguished guests...】

[In addition, there are gambling tables. Those who play cards are engrossed and those who watch the excitement are shouting. 】

[The captain said: How? Did I lie to you? This is definitely a great place to take a break. 】

[As soon as you come, let it be. The captain found a table and roughly pushed the two drunkards to the ground. The two started snoring directly on the floor. Then we walked around the two drunkards on the floor and sat down. 】

[The player playing the Hongdao Qin seemed to realize that it was our first time on the island and jumped up to play the piano in front of us. The sound of the piano is cheerful and melodious, and the melody is strange and strange, which I have never heard before. 】

Even Zhao Chuanxin was itching to watch, and he liked to join in the fun.

[The captain said to me: This bitch is waiting for your tip, because we regulars won’t tip him. 】

[I was not stingy, I took out a silver coin and stuffed it into his pocket, making a clanging sound of metal. 】

[The performers performed harder and danced with joy. 】

Zhao Chuanxin really wanted to open the Holy Light Channel, but then he thought, today and tomorrow are not going to be peaceful, so he might as well save his faith.

[At this time, the captain called someone. He pointed at this person and said to me: Fearless Pioneer, he is a craftsman in the armor shop and the fiancé of the huntress. The craftsman can use the fine scales of the shipworm to make you armor, and can use the shipworm's skin to make you a cloak. 】

[When talking about the huntress’ fiancé, the craftsman’s eyes were bright and his face showed happiness. When it came to making armor and cloak, he hurriedly said: The sawworm is not easy to deal with, so I don't charge money. I need you to pick up something for me in exchange. I want to use it as a proposal gift. 】

Drank too much

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