The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 768 You are confused

Originally, this matter was not considered big or small.

Even if the businessman mentioned Zhao Chuanxin and called him eldest brother, it was impossible for the clerk to make unreasonable demands to the bank just because everyone said he was related to Zhao Chuanxin.

So he proposed that because each dollar of the female general's money was slightly heavier than the ordinary silver dollar and the quality was a little better, he should pay five more silver dollars to the merchant.

The businessman opened his mouth and asked for a thousand yuan directly, otherwise the matter would not be over.

Of course the guy wouldn't allow it.

The businessman directly complained to the Jilin Chamber of Commerce.

Because the Niu family has strong capital and wealth, Niu Zihou's eldest son Niu Hanzhang was elected as associate director in the Chamber of Commerce election last year.

The businessman knew this, but went anyway.

Now that the Business Association has been established, it depends on whether you can handle personnel affairs.

If the officials were to protect each other, the surrounding businessmen would not take the Business Association seriously, especially the businessmen in Lugang Town.

After Niu Hanzhang returned from studying abroad, he was elected as the associate director of the Federation of Commerce. Niu Zihou asked him to take charge of official affairs and get involved in the family business. He was regarded as the heir to the Niu family.

But Niu Hanzhang lacked experience after all and was a little unsure, so he asked Niu Zihou for help.

When Niu Zihou heard that it was related to Zhao Chuanxin, he did not dare to be careless. He came to Yi-Tongzhou with his son to deal with it. Seeing many refugees coming to the city, he opened a porridge shed to give alms.

Zhao Chuanxin agreed to Xu Shichang's help in dealing with Japanese spies and surveying and mapping personnel.

The route goes from west to east and then north, first to KLQQ, then to Ke-Zuohou, and then to Xi'an County, which is the most important.

Because Guiliang, the magistrate of Xi'an County, reported to the Japanese many times for surveying and mapping, and his behavior was unscrupulous.

Xu Shichang was angry, but he could do nothing, so he simply asked Zhao Chuanxin for help and killed all the people who colluded with various Mongolian banners and surveying and mapping.

So next, Zhao Chuanxin will go north from Xi'an County in a straight line, passing through Yi Tongzhou and Changchun Prefecture, and arrive at Guoerluo Si Qian Banner, which is the territory of King Qi.

He had confused his stomach in the morning. At this time, the temple of the five internal organs protested, and there was thunder in the abdomen.

On the way, I felt a burning sensation in my stomach.

The official road from Xi'an County to Yitongzhou is only a hundred and twenty miles long.

Zhao Chuanxin didn't run very fast along the way, and it only took him half an hour to reach the state border.

When he saw many ragged people on the road, he temporarily put away the Misty Traveler.

In the eighth year of Guangxu's reign, Yi-Tong-zhou was established, but it was not until the fourteenth year of Guangxu's reign that the construction of an earthen city began, with a radius of only three miles, and there were not many people at that time.

Later, it was slowly expanded, almost the same size as the county seat in later generations.

Once upon a time, there was a famous person here named Yang Yushu.

The largest bandit force will bow to Yang Yushu of Yitongzhou, known as Yang Siye in the world.

What about the Fourteen Kings of Hell, Zhanxi Mountain, Guyan, and the top spot among the gangsters around them, Zhanzhonghua...

Yang Yushu almost openly interacted with these gangsters, and at the same time hooked up with the Tsarist Russian officers stationed nearby. No matter what bad things he did, the government turned a blind eye, and Zhu Zhaokui, the governor of Yitong Prefecture, did not dare to interfere. Niu Zihou's caravan was robbed, and Taozi brazenly hid the stolen goods in Yang Yushu's house.

Then Zhao Chuanxin of Lugangling Village came out of nowhere and stepped on the corpses of these people to ascend to power.

Kill all those Zhanzhong flowers and damn lone geese.

Who knows about the little red outside the customs in this three-thirds of an acre of land?

At that time, Fourth Master Yang fell into the hands of a little-known man, and the whole Yi-Tongzhou was boiling.

Chengming, the commander of Yitongzhou, had to rely on Zhao Chuanxin to successfully annihilate these mountains. Later, Cheng Ming was transferred to Longjiang, and one time the bandits and Zhao Chuanxin met again...

The moment he saw the city of Yitongzhou, all kinds of memories of Zhao Chuanxin came to his mind.

So I thought I couldn't get up any time soon, so I walked forward along the road with my hands behind my back, looking around to see the changes in the past few years.

He was wearing shining armor, attracting the attention of the homeless people on the roadside.

In fact, among these people, not all of them were those who fled because of the war. There were also people who were homeless because of heavy rains in autumn and the Yi-Tong River was flooded in autumn. Their homes were destroyed by floods and they lost their belongings.

Starting from the Daoguang period, the population exploded in the upper reaches of the Yitong River, and woodlands, swamps, etc. were continuously developed into farmland, resulting in massive water and soil erosion.

By the end of the Qing Dynasty, the Yitong River in Changchun Prefecture had become seriously silted up, the river bed had risen, and many places could be forded.

The east section of the river in Changchun Mansion has two zigzag shapes.

Once there is a heavy rain, the torrent in the upper reaches has nowhere to vent and can only rush out of the river and sweep away the poor people on both sides.

Not only Changchun Prefecture, but also the area along the Yitong River and Yinma River became a flood every time floods broke out.

To be honest, Zhao Chuanxin has seen a lot of poor people over the years, so much so that he can feel calm even after seeing them again.

You can't save me, you know?

He now does things as he pleases.

For example, when he saw a little kid who had just walked and didn't even wear crotchless pants, crying with hunger, he broke open a milk brick and handed it over.

Boy, this is a hornet's nest.

"Noble man, please do me a favor and give me a bite to eat..."

"Brother, you can't watch our family of five starve to death..."

A group of people crowded around.

Zhao Chuanxin had already expected it, because he had seen many such things.

So he raised his leg, kicked the woman who was trying to hug his thigh, and slapped the shameless man staggering.

"It's spicy for a coin, isn't it?" Zhao Chuanxin said with a grin on his face.

Seeing that others are tall, bad-tempered, and frighteningly strong, this group of people can't help but retreat... They just bully the weak and fear the strong, and rely on other people's inability to save face to beg.

Zhao Chuanxin found a stone slab and sat down cross-legged.

The milk baby got the milk brick and ran to give it to his mother: "Mom, seven, you seven..."

His mother was led astray by him: "Mother Buqi..."

Milkman insisted on giving it to his mother Qi... to take a bite.

His mother took a symbolic bite and said, "Okay, mother is full, you eat."

Then I want to give it back to him.

But he accidentally dropped it on the ground.

Milkman was so angry that he was still ignorant at his age, so he angrily slapped his mother: "I'll wash you, I'll wash you..."

Zhao Chuanxin's eyes narrowed: "Huh? You beat your father and scold your mother, right? Believe it or not, I will slap you?"

Lao Zhao's body was filled with evil spirits, and when he glared at him, Milkman was so frightened that he cried loudly.

His mother quickly said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter. What do you know, little kid? You are a benefactor. Don't blame him for the benefactor..."

After a few words of coaxing, Milkman gradually stopped crying. His mother patted the milk brick dust twice symbolically and stuffed it into the milk baby's mouth again.

Milkman tasted the rich milk flavor, and his eyes filled with tears were bright and bright: "Good seven, good seven..."

Zhao Chuanxin sneered, "Don't hit your mother! She has a big belly and can hold your whole body; her belly is small, and she will be full after just one bite of good food."

Milkman is ignorant and cannot understand.

Milkman's mother burst into tears after hearing this: "What a sin..."

After hearing Zhao Chuanxin's words, the people around him felt sad and no longer thought about the food in Milkman's hands.

Zhao Chuanxin hated this the most. Normally he would have left, but now he waited for the milk brick in the milk baby's hand to gradually become smaller, until it was small enough for an adult to take a mouthful, and then he stood up and patted his butt.

He also had to find food.

At this moment, a well-dressed waiter ran out of the city: "Everyone, be patient, our boss has come to Yi-Tong-zhou and has set up a tent in the city to provide porridge. He will come outside the city shortly."

The crowd suddenly burst into cheers.

Zhao Chuanxin originally wanted to leave, but when he heard this, he stopped and was ready to take a look at the excitement.

Soon a group of guys carried the guy out of the city and quickly set up the shed.

Those who carry pots carry pots, those who carry rice carry rice, those who make stove fires collect firewood...

A smell of rice came out from under the pot lid.

Zhao Chuanxin heard the sound of swallowing saliva.

Not to mention, even his own stomach was growling.

He waited for a while, and someone came to organize the team and let everyone line up to get the porridge.

Zhao Chuanxin also joined the queue.

Because he had given people the impression of being arrogant and violent before, when Zhao Chuanxin lined up, many people took the initiative to get out of the way, allowing him to be photographed at the front.

So soon it was Zhao Chuanxin's turn.

Zhao Chuanxin took out a fused quartz glass bowl. The inside of the bowl was as smooth as a mirror, and there were vertical ridges on the outside. The sunlight shined through, making it very bright.

The waiter lowered his head, holding a spoon of Kuai porridge, and muttered in his mouth: "This is a gift from Niu Zihou, the boss of Yuanshengqing. I don't want anything in return. I just hope that you will prosper in the future and take care of the business of each shop..."

Ouch...Zhao Chuanxin couldn't laugh or cry.

This is both disaster relief and advertising, and it is indeed a good idea.

But when the waiter suddenly saw the bowl, he suddenly raised his head and said angrily: "Are you kidding me?"

Fused quartz glass bowls, those who don’t know them think they are crystal bowls.

Who the hell asks for a bowl like this?

Zhao Chuanxin bared his teeth: "Oh, I'm really hungry. I drove thousands of miles early in the morning. You are also hungry, right?"

The man looked again and found that Zhao Chuanxin was still wearing a suit of armor.

I dare say that even if Dai Zong, the divine traveler, is here, he can't even run a thousand miles in one morning!

"Go, go, don't make trouble..."

Zhao Chuanxin saw that he was not making porridge for him. He was tall and had long arms, so he took a bowl and scooped out a bowl in the pot, blew on it, and drank it up in a few mouthfuls.

Then: "Bah..."

Vomited out a lot of sand.

Zhao Chuanxin was furious: "Just give porridge, how can you retaliate?"

The waiter got even angrier, grabbed his spoon and cursed: "You piece of shit, I won't take any of your money, how dare you be picky?"

"Hmph!" Zhao Chuanxin snorted: "Zhao doesn't eat the food he comes to."

Then I ran to the side to wash the dishes.

The guy's nose is so hung up and crooked.

You finished your fucking porridge and started pretending to be aloof here with me, right?

At this time, a young man in a suit frowned and came to Zhao Chuanxin: "My Majesty Niu Hanzhang, why did this brother disrupt the order of my porridge shed?"

"Your family?" Zhao Chuanxin was actually just teasing the guy, but he was surprised when he heard Niu Hanzhang's words, and then looked carefully: "What is your relationship with Niu Zihou?"

Judging by their faces, they are somewhat similar.

"That's my father."

Zhao Chuanxin said cheerfully: "Why haven't I seen you in the past few years? Your father and I are close friends. According to our seniority, let's call you uncle."

Niu Zihou had helped Zhao pass on his salary back then and lent him a sum of money.

At first Niu Zihou thought that the money was a meat bun that would never come back, but he didn't expect that Zhao Chuanxin returned the money to him not long after.

Niu Hanzhang: "..."

Even though Zhao Chuanxin is tall and bearded, a closer look will reveal that he has almost no nasolabial folds and no crow's feet at the corners of his eyes. The skin on his face is delicate, and his chin is plump and firm, so he is as charming and fresh as the pointed chin. The meats are completely different.

He shouldn't be very old, at least not comparable to Niu Zihou.

Niu Hanzhang was speechless: "Don't talk nonsense."

However, Zhao Chuanxin put his arms around Niu Hanzhang's shoulders and said, "Let's go, take Uncle Wei to meet your father to reminisce about the past. In this era of slow traffic, we can barely make a few hundred close friends like your father in a lifetime."

"..." Niu Hanzhang had never seen such a person before. He shrugged his shoulders vigorously and tried to shake off Zhao Chuanxin's hand: "Let go!"

He looked like a little chicken being held down by an eagle, unable to resist at all.

But from the perspective of others, it is completely different.

The guy who had just quarreled with Zhao Chuanxin saw him: "Huh? So the eldest son recognizes that scoundrel?"

Niu Hanzhang was coerced by Zhao Chuanxin. He wanted to shout for help, but although Zhao Chuanxin restrained him, he was always smiling and could not see any malice. Moreover, he was going to the city and it was impossible to carry out a "meat ticket kidnapping" robbery. .

After all, Niu Hanzhang was an educated young man who had studied in St. Petersburg. He was still very concerned about face, and he didn't even shout out when he entered the city.

He just kept scolding Zhao Chuanxin in a low voice to let go.

Zhao Chuanxin smiled on his face, but sighed in his heart: Lao Niu really gave birth to a idiot son.

He was right as he expected. At this moment, he sounded like Niu Hanzhang, a arrogant and arrogant man. Later, he and their big shopkeeper Sun Yutang played speculative financial tricks and speculated in soybeans.

Engaging in finance encountered the depreciation of the Qiang Tie, and engaging in soybean speculation encountered the Western economic crisis... The family fortune was completely ruined, and the rich man was half-dead!

Zhao Chuanxin just seems to be acting unruly and eccentrically, but in fact he does things in a secretive way.

For example, when he coerced Niu Hanzhang, it was clear that Niu Hanzhang didn't say anything, but Zhao Chuanxin was surprised to find the bank where Niu Zihou was located through the details of his struggle and the direction of his movements.

Zhao Chuanxian had been to this store once.

There are 5 banks in Yitong Prefecture, one owned by Niu's family; 3 pawnshops, one owned by Niu's family; 6 grocery stores, three owned by Niu's family; 2 wholesale stores, one owned by Niu's family ; There are 9 traditional Chinese medicine shops, 3 of which are owned by Niu's family; 3 food and rice shops, of which 1 is owned by Niu's family; 5 inns, one of which is owned by Niu's family...

Therefore, in many towns around here, people call Niu Zihou Niu Bancheng... because every town has many properties owned by the Niu family.

Therefore, if Niu Hanzhang had not subconsciously taken Zhao Chuanxin away, Zhao Chuanxin would not have known which shop Niu Zihou was in.

Far away, Zhao Chuanxin saw Niu Zihou wandering around the porridge shed giving instructions.

Niu Zihou had just asked a waiter to refill the empty pot with water to make porridge. When he turned around, he blinked and wiped his eyes again.

I blanch...

No dazzling.

Zhao Chuanxin pinched his son's arm and was walking this way with a smile.

Zhao Chuanxin kept saying that he and Niu Zihou were old friends.

But Niu Zihou doesn't think so.

He thought of the businessman who came to the bank to deposit the female general's money, and said that it was Zhao Chuanxin who came to find a place for others, and by the way, he tied up his son as a "meat ticket."

Yes, Zhao Chuanxin's impression on Niu Zihou has always been very dangerous. He was much more dangerous than those gangsters who once dominated the mountains. Compared with him, Yang Yushu was already a good boy, and generally speaking, he was also a bandit and bully.

His face looked a little ugly.

"Boss Niu, are you okay?"

Zhao Chuanxin let go of Niu Hanzhang and bowed his hand to Niu Zihou.

Niu Hanzhang quickly ran behind his father and glared at Zhao Chuanxin fiercely.

Whether a person is mentally weak can usually be seen by whether he has support and hope in his life.

If it were him, he wouldn't hide behind his father, he would stand in front of his father to protect him.

People who know in their hearts that everything depends on themselves are only the first step to becoming stronger.

Niu Zihou was relieved when he saw this, and he also cupped his hands and said, "Mr. Zhao."

It's not just a matter of tying meat tickets.

Niu Hanzhang: "..."

Unexpectedly, his father actually recognized him.

Is this person’s surname Zhao?

Just as Zhao Chuanxin was about to speak, Niu Zihou added, "Mr. Zhao is looking for a place for the merchant named Yao?"

"..." Zhao Chuanxin took out a cigarette and lit it.

Damn it, I treat you as a friend, but you treat me as a bandit, right?

"Find a few places, who's surnamed Yao?"

Zhao Chuanxin sighed and asked him.

Niu Zihou looked at it carefully and found no flaws in Zhao Chuanxin's expression.

Something moved in his mind, could it be...

"Haha, misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. In that case, Niu is the host today and is hosting a banquet for Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Chuanxin's enthusiastic expression faded and he flicked his cigarette ashes: "Don't mention it, you'd better explain clearly what happened to the person named Yao."

Niu Hanzhang's eyes widened - is this person Zhao Chuanxin, who is famous outside Guan?

Niu Zihou hesitated, walked closer, and recounted the recent events.

Zhao Chuanxin scratched his messy hair: "Yao Jia? The name sounds familiar, but I can't remember who it is. But this person is so shameless that he actually asked me to call him Big Brother? Is this unbearable? I'll come and see you." he!"

Although Niu Zihou was a little afraid of Zhao Chuanxin, he believed that Zhao Chuanxin would not trick him.

Since it has nothing to do with Zhao Chuanxin, it's easy to handle.

In fact, what he fears most is offending Zhao Chuanxin. Looking at his performance in recent years, he can only be described in one word - crazy.

Two words to describe it - I'm blanch!

"First, let's cleanse ourselves of Mr. Zhao's dust."

"Just passing by, want to wash off the dust and pick up the wind? Call Yao Jia here immediately, and they are using Zhao's name to lie!"

Zhao Chuanxin got into Yuan Shengqing's bank account and sat upright.

Niu Zihou quickly ordered the waiter to serve tea, and then said to Niu Hanzhang: "Go and call Yao Jia."

Yao Jia was in Yitongzhou at this time, and soon followed Niu Hanzhang.

He had long heard that Niu Zihou had arrived in Yitongzhou and was giving porridge, so he was waiting to come to him and give him an explanation.

Zhao Chuanxin looked at him and his heart skipped a beat: I really recognize this person.

Yao Jia was tall at this time, slightly shorter than Zhao Chuanxin by half a head.

Medium build.

Not shaving their hair is a sign of Lugang people.

He has medium hair, a short and narrow face, a face that is light-boned but not effeminate, smooth from cheekbones to chin, and the angle of his jaw does not become bulky as others grow in middle age, but instead looks somewhat noble and elegant. The inner eyes have sharp corners and tail angles.

Not only did Zhao Chuanxin know this man, but his appearance even bore some of the characteristics of this man's appearance.

"Zhuanxin?" Yao Jia was surprised to see Zhao Chuanxin sitting on Da Ma Jin Dao.

Thoughts were racing in Zhao Chuanxin's mind, and he suddenly stood up with a look of sorrow on his face: "Brother, you are confused..."

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