The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 778 The old one ascends and the young one ascends

This American's name is Sidney David Gamble.

In China, everyone who knows him calls him Gamble.

Gambo was stunned. He had never seen such an arrogant Chinese since he came to Qing Dynasty.

The Clay Bodhisattva still has a certain amount of anger, let alone the foreigners who pride themselves on being superior to others in this land.

"You, why are you so vulgar and rude?"

He saw that the Chinese man in front of him was tall, with a straight back and a stubble on his face. He was wearing a twill suit with a rounded collar. There was no numbness in his expression. He was staring fiercely with a cigar in his mouth. he.

Although his outfit has become more elegant, Old Zhao is still the same rough old Zhao. He snatched Gambo off the donkey, took the whip from his hand and beat him all over his head and face: "Isn't it natural for you Americans to be vulgar? 伱Damn the guy next door, I’ll beat you to death..."

The donkey was not afraid at all. It pulled its neck and howled at Gambo, as if it was mocking him.

Gamble was beaten blind, with blood marks all over his face.

"I am American!"

"All Americans will be beaten, no one can be an exception!"

San Francisco police officers are most familiar with this.

Zhao Chuanxin kept beating with his hands, and the sun was just right, and the root of the starry sky was full of energy, so that he was left with an afterimage, and the small leather whip made a "whoosh" sound as it broke through the air.

"Oh, God, don't hit me..."

"If God doesn't fight, I will fight, the Yankees are like pigs and dogs."

"Let me go, let me go..."

"Put you paralyzed!"

This whip may have been used for a long time and was a little weak. In addition, Zhao Chuanxin whipped it too fast, causing serious damage and even breaking.

After swiping twice more with inertia, Zhao Chuanxin threw away the handle of the whip: "! What is it."

Seeing that he stopped fighting, Gambo held his head and wailed: "I want to call the police, I want to call the patrol, I want to report to the embassy..."

"Go the fuck, hurry up. I'll give you extra food when you come back. The wild beasts just happened to come down. I'll give you cold salad, stir-fried kick mushrooms, and lotus leaf dipping sauce..."


If you eat this, you will definitely live a long life.

This place is not far from the Bell and Drum Tower. The street is full of pedestrians, pointing at the two people.

Zhao Chuanxin stared at them: "What are you looking at? Have you never seen a handsome man?"


Zhao Chuanxin walked away cursing, and after walking a few dozen meters, he heard the sound of kicking and stomping behind him, and found that the donkey was following closely behind him.

He couldn't laugh or cry, and expelled: "Go, go, go."

The donkey remained unmoved.

Zhao Chuanxin bought a cabbage from a roadside cabbage stall, put it on the ground, and told the stall owner: "Let it eat, and someone will pick it up later."

This time I finally stopped following.

He wanted to get on the train and couldn't take the donkey with him.

Zhao Chuanxin's movements seemed like he was strolling in a courtyard, but he took eight steps to chase cicadas and shooting stars towards the moon. The donkey just lowered his head and took a few bites. When he raised his head again, Zhao Chuanxin could no longer be seen.

When we arrived at the train station, there were patrol police stationed at the door. Zhao Chuanxin put on his top hat, put his hands in his pockets, and looked proud.

In this way, the patrol officers would not dare to make mistakes.

When Zhao Chuanxin saw the patrolman, he not only did not dare to stop him, but he also nodded slightly, maintaining the respectful attitude of "I don't recognize you, but you look awesome."

This reminded Zhao Chuanxin that in the past, people always used some extremely wealthy celebrities as examples to say that people should be low-key.

The common people follow suit and believe that keeping a low profile is a virtue.

Look, people are always so easily fooled.

People keep a low profile because their fame is there and everyone knows about it. No matter where they go, they can support themselves without having to show off. If you keep a low profile, you are asking for trouble. Everyone thinks you are easy to bully. Your relatives and friends do not know your strength, and they often do things that make you unhappy and say words that you do not know how to respect, which makes you upset.

On the contrary, if you let others know that you are awesome, how can there be so much gossip?

The most I can say is sourly: Look, he is a bit rich now, and he is really good at playing tricks.

I dare not say it face to face.

Zhao Chuanxin walked into the station and bought a ticket for the No. 1 carriage.

As usual, there were many foreigners in the car.

Because there are two systems for ticket fares at this time, one is the one-two-three system, and the other is the one-two-four system.

The general meaning is that, for example, from Shanhaiguan to Beijing, the price of the last class carriage is written from right to left: Ocean three yuan and one dime.

The fare for the first-class carriage read: 12 yuan and 40 cents.

This is the one-two-four system. The first-class carriage is four times as long as the last-class carriage, and the second-class carriage is twice as long.

Therefore, ordinary people cannot afford to sit in a first-class carriage. The seats inside are all made of leather, which are very soft and comfortable. They also have small tables, complete facilities, bright windows and clean environment, and the environment is elegant.

The first-class and second-class seats in later generations are almost twice as expensive, but most people will still choose second-class seats, let alone the one-two-four system at this time.

Zhao Chuanxin got into the car and attracted a lot of attention. He sat down swaggeringly, crossed his legs, took out a cigarette and lit it.

Gambo notified the patrol police and the embassy, ​​but to no avail. They didn't expect that Zhao Chuanxin could walk faster than they could run, and they couldn't find anyone even after the train started. Even if you get on the train, you won't dare to search the first-class carriage without any scruples.

Every time he gets on the train, Zhao Chuanxin will encounter some kind of problem nine out of ten times. It's not that he is a disaster star and causes chaos wherever he goes, but that the first-class carriage is a gathering place for dignitaries and foreigners, and Zhao Chuanxin has never dealt with these people.

But there seemed to be nothing new on this trip, so Zhao Chuanxin took out the "Old God Code".

He didn't refresh last night.

[This tsunami spread the sea water, and many Lingjie caves on Hongdao were filled with sea water. Lingjie suffered heavy casualties, and many Lingjie corpses were floating on the seashore. Whenever night falls, the residents of Hongdao even dare to walk outside the street lights without encountering any accidents, and sporadic spiritual catastrophes will not cause harm to the islanders. 】

[But the residents of Hongdao also suffered heavy losses. The bustling area is located on the seaside. Taverns, shops, dock facilities, boats, etc. were either directly swept away by the waves or were seriously damaged. 】

[Therefore, many people take out the treasures at the bottom of the box and exchange them for money or materials to rebuild their homes in an attempt to make a comeback. From this, Hongdao’s Fuxing Market came into being. 】

[The craftsman’s home was also destroyed by the tsunami. With my brother and sister, elf scouts and craftsmen, I first sold the remaining corpses of the shipworms and exchanged the gold coins for buying a fast ship that could not sail across the ocean, but was enough to reach the cursed desert on the east coast. It's just that the ship was damaged and it will take time to repair. 】

[After doing this, let’s go to Fuxing Market. 】

[At the Fuxing Market, no one trades lifespan, because what is most needed at this time is not lifespan. 】

[There is a dazzling array of goods. The residents of Hongdao suddenly encountered a disaster and took out all their two hundred years of accumulation. 】

[Fire-proof clothing made from the skin of the flame dragon that lives in underwater volcanic areas, Balrog thermal underwear sewn from the skin of extremely cold deep-sea sea monsters, a pipe carved from ice jade that never gets hot, and a spiritual helmet that can invigorate people. , the essence extracted from the body of the sea monster to treat internal injuries...]

[The craftsmen are indeed from family backgrounds and have extensive knowledge. Not only do they know the characteristics and substrates of the products in the market, but they are also able to distinguish the good from the bad. 】

[The elf scout is very old and has accumulated countless wealth over the long years. He bought essence and several blow dart arrowheads made of deep-sea fish oil; my sister bought some weird gadgets, including a puppet toy with flexible and strong joints. Her mysterious treasure bag; my brother bought a dagger called Judgment that is said to be able to absorb unlimited lightning; the craftsman had no money, so I lent him gold coins and he bought some practical tools...]

Zhao Chuanxin was so itchy that he was happy to join in the fun when visiting a large market, let alone a treasure market. If I had known this, I wouldn't have waited to take the train to refresh.

He would not let himself be exposed to the world of the "Code of the Old Gods" in a strange environment. It was too dangerous. Anyone with ulterior motives would kill him if he stabbed him with a knife.

He wrote:

[I observe carefully and listen carefully to the details of every item in each stall. 】

Because for a long time, Zhao Chuanxin’s experience is that whatever “I” pay attention to and think about will be shown in words. Unimportant steps, "I" will pass by.

There are advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage is that Zhao Chuanxin's time will not be wasted, but the disadvantage is that he may miss things that Zhao Chuanxin is interested in.

[Gem of Perseverance: Through craftsmen drilling holes, engraving rune fragments in order, and inlaying them, the holder can become more determined and not afraid of harsh environments and pain.

Deep sea sediments: There are countless sea monsters in the deep sea. Many of them are huge and will open up space due to lack of territory. Every time space is carved out, deep-sea sediments are left behind. Deep sea sediments are the materials for creating space. Changes in the sea, in ancient times, the land may have been an ocean at that time, and the old earth sank into the water, so it is also possible to find deep-sea sediment mines on the land. In the Western Middle-earth continent, the birdmen once discovered deep-sea sediment mines, so With pocket technology.

Worm Silk: A rare item in the Cursed Desert Oasis of the East. It is the base material for making rune fragments. Even the most common worm silk is priceless, and rare worm silk is even more valuable. Although the worm silk scarf is unconscious, it is a collection of extremely intelligent things.

Cursed Hunting Knife: When the sea monster is cut, it prevents the wound from healing.

Cyclone kitchen knife: There is an invisible cyclone, or repulsion, on the right side of the knife from the blade to the back of the knife, in the shape of an inverted triangle. When cutting meat and vegetables, the cutting part will automatically pop open.

Extremely Cold Fish Fat Torch: This torch is made from a small piece of fat from an extremely cold fish. Once ignited, it can burn for a month and will not be extinguished by the wind.


Zhao Chuanxin became addicted and looked at it in great detail.

A foreigner opposite was using the restroom. He glanced at him as he passed by and was immediately confused.

I'm blanch-blank paper, are you looking at it so intensely?

Chongsi Zhao Chuanxin was very interested, but it was too expensive and couldn't afford it.

Deep-sea sediment is also a good thing, but not only is it expensive, but there is no way to create it.

Only now did he understand that the many things he got from doing tasks turned out to be so precious.

Talking about his net worth, in the world of "Old God Code", Zhao Chuanxin is actually not poor at all.

If you sell your things, you can easily live for hundreds or thousands of years.

He looked at it for a long time, he wanted it all.

But because the money bag was too thin, they gave up one by one.

It wasn't until the craftsman introduced "me" to something interesting that Zhao Chuanxin became interested.

[I saw a sphere in front of a stall. The sphere is round but malleable. 】

[The craftsman said: This is the No. 13 ball taken out from the body of the deep sea Chaos Beast. The Chaos Beast is very fast, driven by the No. 13 Ball. So far, only two Chaos Beasts have been found, both of which were salvaged after natural deaths because no one could catch them in the deep sea. 】

[The price of the No. 13 ball is only fifty gold coins, which is considered a relatively cheap item in the Fuxing Bazaar. 】

[I asked: Why is it called No. 13 ball? 】

[The craftsman turned the ball over, and I saw a natural pattern on one side of the ball that looked like the number 13, and it suddenly dawned on me. 】

[I asked the craftsman again: What is the use of No. 13 ball? 】

[At this time, the stall owner responded: No. 13 ball is very rare. There are only two in the world, and the other one is in the hands of a wealthy collector. 】

[Although the stall owner rushed to answer the question, he did not answer the question. 】

[The craftsman said: It is useless for you to emphasize its rarity, because no one can explore all its mysteries at present. Do you see these movable cross-groove areas? After turning them over, you can think of these symbols as numbers. Every time you turn them, the numbers will change. You can think of them as 1 to 9.

The wealthy collector studied the law of No. 13 balls. If there are two No. 13 balls of the same size in chaos, the two balls are connected to a line, and there is a wall at right angles to this line. When the outside ball hits the inside ball, the outside ball will stop, and the inside ball will take over the force of the outside ball and hit the wall. It bounces off the wall and hits the outside ball again according to its original trajectory. It hit 3 times in total.

When the weight of the outside ball is one hundred times that of the inside ball, after hitting the inside ball, the outside ball will continue to move toward the wall, while the inside ball will move quickly, hit the wall, and then hit the outside ball until the two balls are no longer near the wall. If there is an impact after the gap, the outside ball will accelerate in the opposite direction, and the inside ball will hit the outside ball once, and will never hit the outside ball again.

The environment we live in is not chaotic, and the gas we breathe also has resistance. The simulation experiments of the rich have exhausted intellectual and material resources. But he could only simulate vague numbers, and he didn't publish them. 】

[I’m curious: Why don’t wealthy collectors announce it? 】

[Hearing that the craftsman revealed his mystery, the stall owner was helpless: because the rich man claimed that he had calculated the approximate number of impacts at 10,000 times, and if he moved one of the two crossed columns in the order of this number, the No. 13 ball would be He can throw it out at will, hit it twice as he wishes, and return it to his hand again. If he can simulate the number of impacts at more multiples, he can make the No. 13 ball obedient and hit it however he wants, and the No. 13 ball can become a weapon. When the patterns in the two crossed columns are played correctly, ball No. 13 can fly to the sky, escape from the earth, swim in the sea, and reach everywhere. 】

Zhao Chuanxin watched carefully, simulating the scene in his mind, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

He quickly wrote:

[I asked the stall owner: How about ten gold coins now that the economy is in recession? 】

The world is like this. Wherever he buys things, the economy is not in good shape.

[The stall owner gritted his teeth: Twenty gold coins, even a penny less, I won’t sell. 】

Zhao Chuanxin made the decision:

[I said: Deal. 】

In addition to the No. 13 ball, Zhao Chuanxin used the remaining money to buy the Cyclone Kitchen Knife.

"I" ended up buying nothing.

Zhao Chuanxin sent the No. 13 ball and the Cyclone Kitchen Knife.

The Cyclone Kitchen Knife is a sharp kitchen knife roughly shaped like a Santoku Knife.

Zhao Chuanxin held the knife in his left hand, and the index finger of his right hand was close to the right side of the back of the knife. It was like an air flow or a magnetic field with like poles repelling each other.

He took out an apple and sliced ​​it on the small table.

Duh duh duh…

Every time it is cut, the apple slices on the right side will be bounced away and will not stick to the blade due to moisture.

Apple slices of even thickness are neatly arranged on the small table.

The foreign couple opposite looked at it and thought it was normal, but they felt something was wrong.

Especially the woman, she is responsible for cooking at home and cuts everything.

Although their nada almost didn't have any knife skills, she felt that it was abnormal anyway.

Zhao Chuanxin bared his teeth and said in English with an accent that was a combination of the Tennessee countryside and the big people outside the country: "Beautiful madam, please enjoy."

The woman covered her mouth and smiled, but her man's face was a little dark.

If you get angry, you will appear to be a petty person, and he is just treating you to an apple; if you don't get angry, you will tease your wife in front of him.

Zhao Chuanxin wiped it and put away the Cyclone kitchen knife.

This thing is absolutely easy to use when cutting. Changing the knife depends on the situation.

He picked up the No. 13 ball again.

The ball was about the same size as a billiard ball, and it did have a pattern, but it was obviously different from the Arabic numerals commonly used on the earth. It was a type of writing that Zhao Chuanxin did not recognize at all.

There are two grooves with two intersections respectively. There are very small scrollable numbers in the grooves, which look like the combination of a combination lock.

According to the numerical correspondence given by the craftsman, Zhao Chuanxin moved the pattern on it.

He dialed 314159265358979 without hesitation. When he reached this point, Zhao Chuanxin finally stopped because he forgot to follow up...

This is, of course, pi.

The craftsman's explanation at the time was very complicated, but Zhao Chuanxin's head came with a simplified function.

What he means is nothing more than the problem of kinetic energy of big and small balls hitting the wall, and the transmission of kinetic energy in a vacuum without any resistance or friction.

Two balls are the same 3 times, 100 times is 31 times, 10,000 times is 314 times, 1 million times is 314 times, 100 million times is 31413 times, which is actually pi. Zhao Chuanxin once read an article about mathematics LED I heard it in a game explaining the impact of a small ball.

It's so simulated. How can this thing simulate the years and years of the monkey? And as long as there is air and friction, it is impossible to get a specific number, it must be vague.

He started at an intersection and stopped at the last number he remembered.

He was hesitating whether to throw the No. 13 ball out and try?

At this time, the woman opposite suddenly said: "Can you show me this ball?"

Zhao Chuanxin smiled very friendly: "No."

My heart said, oh, woman, because you are interested in ball number 13...

Woman: "..."

She didn't understand that Lao Zhao had never been unable to save face, and he never tolerated men and women who should refuse.

As for her man, his face turned darker.

Zhao Chuanxin put away the "Code of the Old Gods", holding the No. 13 ball in his hand, squinting his eyes as if he was not sleeping.

He heard two people talking in the third row in front.

"You, Russia, have won one gold medal together. The number of medals you have won is not even as high as that of the Qing Dynasty. We, the United States, have won more than twenty gold medals."

"Sir, please don't compare our Russians with the sick men of East Asia. That is an insult to us. We Russians are strong and powerful. Do you see the gentleman next to me? His name is Bo Dubny is our very famous strongman. Not only can he box, he is also proficient in wrestling! Bodubny's strong body is something that the sick men in East Asia can't even imagine."

What they were talking about was of course the Olympic Games held in London this year. It was almost coming to an end, and it was already clear who was strong and who was weak.

Their conversation attracted the attention of those around them.

Everyone looked at it, wondering, and shocked when they saw it.

Bodubunet is about 1.84 meters tall, with a big chest and a round waist. He looks to be at least 200 pounds. The neck is as thick as the head, the trapezius muscles are huge, and the shoulders are only thick but not wide.

There are two curly beards on his lips, which are scary just looking at them.

Bodubuny smiled contemptuously: "Sir, no one in this country is my opponent. Coming from Siberia, everyone I saw along the way was so weak. No wonder they are called sick men of East Asia. If I If I live long enough, I can kill them all if I want!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone said lazily: "Really? The old one and the young one get here, you fucking owe it to me, will you die if you don't brag? If you want to beat everyone to death, why not start with me!"

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