The mage in the late Qing Dynasty

Chapter 783 The fierce spirit must be so evil

This place is close to the Forbidden City wall, and the towering wall has not yet been demolished.

So it is a T-junction.

Wu Changchun and Duan Qirui, the commanders of the fourth town, stood together. The two battalions of the fourth town were led by the assistant leader. Wu Changchun and Duan Qirui were watching the changes in the situation.

The conversation between the two went like this.

Wu Changchun said: "Zhiquan, do you think Zhu Erdian looks like a clown on the stage?"

Duan Qirui smiled: "It's quite vivid. I saw that he was scared just now, but now he is confident."

What a clown.

"Do you think Zhao Chuanxin will really come? This matter is strange. It seems like it was directed and acted by someone."

"I can't say for sure. Zhao Chuanxin is so elusive that Lafayette feels unsure. He would rather offend foreigners than ask us to protect the internal affairs of the country."

Obviously, when foreigners and Zhao Chuanxin appeared on the side of the Forbidden City at the same time, Cixi instinctively felt that Zhao Chuanxin was a greater threat.

After all, there are now the fourth and sixth towns stationed in the capital. If war is inevitable, it is not impossible to fight against the foreigners.

Zhao Chuanxin, who could bring the cannon to the city wall, was different. He didn't need a fort or manpower. He could fire into the Forbidden City single-handedly at any time and anywhere.

Simply sensational.

While they were talking, the two heard Zhao Chuanxin's voice.

The sound was extremely penetrating and spread far away. Crows of crows took off, and black clouds pressed overhead.

The two of them looked up and saw Zhao Chuanxin coming up the stairs like a god against the background of blue sky and white clouds.

I couldn't help but be surprised.

Every day, people say that strange powers can cause chaos, but today they have seen it with their own eyes.

Is it okay for people to run around in the sky?

Zhao Chuanxin stepped on the ladder controlled by the intelligent gyroscope and ran towards Zhu Erdian.

The smart gyroscope predicts his position based on his body movements. Whenever Zhao Chuanxin lifts his foot, the ladder will land on the next step just in advance.

Sometimes high and sometimes low, sometimes left and sometimes right.

Looking from a distance, it looks like Zhao Chuanxin is stepping in the air and a god is building a ladder.

Zhu Erdian was even more afraid.

He was surrounded and protected by layers of coalition military police. At this time, he had goosebumps all over his body. The pride and fearlessness he had just felt disappeared, and he shouted in panic: "Protect me, protect me..."

The coalition military police, the new troops of the two towns, the eunuchs who climbed to the top of the city to watch the excitement, and countless people all saw this scene.

Zhao Chuanxin saw that Zhu Erdian's protective circle was too dense, and the coalition military police had raised their guns. They had already pulled the bolts.

He raised his arms, raised his hands, and threw the No. 13 ball from high altitude.

Ping ping ping pong, the crowd bounced around Zhu Erdian.

Bridge of nose, chin, ribs, crotch, temples, eyes...

"Oh, Shet..."

"Damn it Fak'er..."


"My hair..."

Those who cover their faces, those who cover their crotches, those who cover their ribs, those who cover their eyes, those who are dizzy...

Bounce wherever it hurts.

Zhao Chuanxin could see clearly that ball No. 13 bounced 15 times in total.

The 15 people closest to Zhu Erdian staggered around.

At this time, some people could not restrain their fear and shot into the air.

Zhao Chuanxin suddenly turned around, jumped up, turned in the air, and put away the ladder.

Hold your knees and huddle up to reduce the area where you may be shot.

Even so, he was shot five or six times in an instant.

After all, there are many differences between projectile shooting and flat shooting, and the accuracy is not that good.

On the other side, Wu Changchun and Duan Qirui were tense.

Wu Changchun: "Shoot?"

"What shot?"


Not only did he not shoot, Duan Qirui also came with a mission, but he didn't say it at this time.

Before Zhao Chuanxin landed, he spread out his limbs, and his brown cloak unfolded with a roar, supported by a smart gyroscope.

It landed steadily in front of Zhu Erdian.

Zhao Chuanxin stretched out his hand, and the No. 13 ball flew back into his palm.

Speaking of which, when ball No. 13 flew back, the trajectory changed as Zhao Chuanxin changed direction.

Zhao Chuanxin took out the gray cutter, put the double-edged hook and sickle on Zhu Erdian's shoulder, stabbed his shoulder into his back, and hooked him over.


It can't be said that Zhu Erdian didn't struggle, it can only be said that he had no power to fight back.

Staggering, he arrived in front of Zhao Chuanxin, bleeding from the wound on his back.

Looking at the two big eyes, the exaggerated axe, and the pain on his back, Zhu Erdian was so frightened that he peed.

Haven't you heard that Zhao Chuanxin can transform?

Become a monster?

When the surrounding guards saw this, they ignored the pain and came up to attack with howls.

The person at the front jumped up, and the people behind him followed suit.

They wanted to work together to suppress this guy who fell from the sky.

After all, Zhu Erdian was controlled by others, and they could not shoot for fear of accidental injury.

Zhao Chuanxin didn't even look back, he raised his leg and kicked him.

After the man jumped up, he was kicked up another half meter and flew back like a cannonball.

The surrounding area seems to be filled with dominoes that are so dense that they cannot be knocked over. If you look down from a high place, it looks like a strong wind sweeping away the waves of wheat.

The soldier who jumped up from the side was grabbed by Zhao Chuanxin's neck and raised up to block those who followed him, unable to advance even an inch.

At the rear right, a soldier from an unknown country stabbed Zhao Chuanxin with a gun and bayonet.

Zhao Chuanxin resisted the urge to use the smart gyroscope and the elf carving knife. He let go of the hand holding the axe, stepped aside slightly, grabbed the barrel of the gun, and snatched the gun away.

Hold the tip of the gun and throw it upwards. When spinning, grab the butt of the gun and stab it outward with your backhand.

Hit the soldier right in the diaphragm.


The two towns and the Royal Guards could only hear the incessant screams of the foreign coalition soldiers and police, but they could not see through the crowd and did not know what was going on inside.

The No. 13 ball was thrown out again, and Zhao Chuanxin drew the Miao Dao at the same time.

Stab, chop, pare, wipe.

Hee hee hee hee hee...

Lugang M1907 on the left hand, bang bang bang bang...

Draw the bow from left to right, kill a little friend with a knife, and make no sound with a gun.

The QWE technique of rushing into the enemy group has been tried and tested many times, not for anything else but because the enemy does not dare to shoot randomly.

Once someone is out of control and shoots, the consequences will be... shooting one's own people.

In this kind of high-intensity battle, there will definitely be someone who can't hold back the fire.

Bang bang bang...

At the same time, several panicked soldiers opened fire, but Zhao Chuanxin twisted to avoid them, so they could only hit their own people.

He took back the empty Lugang M1907, reached out to catch the No. 13 ball, and threw it back again. At the same time, an extra Ares M1907 appeared in his left hand.

The seamless connection and conversion of weapons makes Zhao Chuanxin play superbly.

True weapon master.

Ball No. 13 is not very powerful. No matter how powerful Zhao Chuanxin throws it, it will hit the first person and cause the most serious injury. But it will weaken one by one in subsequent ejections.

This should be related to the fact that Zhao Chuanxin only filled in the pi to fifteen digits.

Therefore, it can only play a role in diluting the retreat.


Chug tug tug…

Hee hee hee hee hee...


Chug tug tug...

The God of War M1907 caused blood to splash, Miao Dao cut off the limbs, and Zhao Chuanxin, under three layers of protection, dominated the battlefield.

Fighting in circles, with Zhu Erdian as the radius, he dug a huge hole in the center of the coalition military and police.

Zhao Chuanxin's breathing was slightly rapid, but his limbs were not sore and he was still full of energy.

Zhu Erdian was trying to pull out the gray cutter from his back, but he didn't dare because he was afraid of the pain.

In the midst of the tangle, Zhao Chuanxin turned back to him, drew out his hook and sickle, and swung it hard, the hook embedded in Zhu Erdian's thigh.

Zhao Chuanxin threw the ladder and dragged Zhu Erdian, who was howling miserably, into the sky.

The extra weight will not increase the burden on the smart gyroscope, because it only exerts lateral force on the ladder and is responsible for moving the lower ladder to the top.

At this time, if the soldiers below fired again, they would kill their highest officer stationed in China, so they could only look up to the sky with no strength.

"Zhao Chuanxin, I came to negotiate peace with you, but you treated me like this, a villain who goes back on your word..." Zhu Erdian was hooked by the gray cutter and hung head-down in the air, feeling painful and uncomfortable.

I couldn't help but shout anxiously.

Zhao Chuanxin suddenly stopped, stepped on the ladder, and looked down at Zhu Erdian.

"Who promised you?"


"do not know."


Why didn't Zhao Chuanxin just kill Zhu Erdian?

The reason is that the new army has arrived.

Different positions mean different perspectives on issues.

Cixi was naturally worried about her own safety, so she mobilized new troops stationed in Beijing to protect the Forbidden City.

She is really scared.

But in Zhao Chuanxin's opinion, this is like a toad on the instep, not biting but responding to others.

Then deliberately leave some suspense and let Cixi worry.

Sure enough, seeing that Zhu Erdian was not dead, Wu Changchun bravely rode forward.

It wouldn't work if he didn't come, and it wouldn't work if he were to be a co-leader. Only the commander-level could talk to Zhao Chuanxin.

It won't work if you don't say it, because the powers will definitely be held accountable afterwards.

"Zhao Chuanxin, let go of Minister Zhu Erdian, you are really lawless."

Wu Changchun held on to his belt, raised his neck and shouted at the top of his lungs, with a ridiculous tone of voice that was a bit funny.

Countless people who could not escape the encirclement also raised their necks.

Zhao Chuanxin took off his helmet to get some air. After all, he wore several layers, and the weather wasn't particularly cold, so he was inevitably feeling stuffy.

He is condescending, but he is not worried about others making cold shots.

"You think I am lawless, but the fact is just the opposite. Zhao just wants to make things prosperous and have his own laws in everything."

Zhao Chuanxin's words caused an uproar among the people, and the new army also whispered among themselves.

Wu Changchun felt something was wrong, 12% out of 10.

But it was difficult to get off the tiger, so he could only continue shouting according to the script: "You do this, do you think everything is in accordance with the king's law?"

Zhao Chuanxin laughed and pointed to Dongjiao Minxiang not far away: "That piece of land is not a concession. Just because the "Xin Chou Treaty" allowed the great powers to continue to increase their troops in Beijing, it turned out that it became a place for the great powers to move around. It was a mess and there was no law and order. Do you call this a royal method?

When an American soldier was caught raping our women, the American embassy immediately released them and let them handle their own affairs. Do you call this a royal method?

This bitch Zhu Erdian dares to threaten me when he defends the British businessmen who illegally occupy our minerals. Do you call this a king's method?

Zhu Erdian fanned the flames in XZ, and occasionally asked the British army to cut off our route into Tibet, leaving you with no choice but to protest. Do you call this Wang's method? "

Wu Changchun was speechless and speechless.

The people were silent.

The New Army soldiers bowed their heads.

Zhao Chuanxin still said less, and more activities that were not on the table have been suppressed.

Zhao Chuanxin carried the gray cutter, picked up Zhu Erdian, pinched his neck and held it up: "If you call this a king's law, then what's the problem with me, Zhao Chuanxin, being lawless?"

At this time, Duan Qirui finally couldn't help it and stepped forward with a frown: "Zhao Tangong, you only know one but not the other. Things are not as simple as you think..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Chuanxin interrupted him: "You want to tell me that a weak country has no diplomacy, right?"

"This..." Duan Qirui was speechless.

This is what he wanted to express.

You might say that this guy was a traitor to the things he did later, and he dared to spend anything to gain help from Japan. But it would be inappropriate to label him a traitor. After September 18, he refused to associate with the Japanese and refused their bewitchment.

This is similar to many warlords who naively believed that the Japanese, just like the great powers at the time, just wanted to taste some sweetness, but they never thought that the little Japanese were so ambitious, and they suddenly realized that they regretted it.

Zhao Chuanxin bared his teeth and smiled: "I have nothing to do with you being weak. I, Zhao Chuanxin, am very strong. Old man Zhu Erdian, do you have anything else to say?"

Zhu Erdian rolled his eyes at the pinch, and slapped Zhao Chuanxin's arm as hard as he could, trying to get him to let go.

Zhao Chuanxin asked him to step on the ladder to heaven.

"I, ahem, I can completely give up the Kailuan Coal Mine."

"No need, I will get back our own things." Zhao Chuanxin lit a cigarette and said calmly. "I have the final say on the territory I own. There is no need to hold a court judgment in your British court."


It's really speechless.

When the Kailuan Mining Bureau filed a lawsuit in the UK, it was essentially because they had big fists. Now that Zhao Chuanxin has a big fist, Zhao Chuanxin doesn't even have to go to court and directly issues the verdict.

Zhu Erdian really couldn't say anything about letting all British troops evacuate XZ, because he couldn't make the decision with full authority and needed to negotiate with the British court.

But there is no need to think about it, Ying Ting will definitely disagree.

"You have nothing to say?" Zhao Chuanxin puffed out a puff of cigarette in his face: "Well, I'll sentence you to death."

The soul of Zhu Erdian appeared: "No..."


The Gray Slicer swung and heads fell.

The people in the capital below exclaimed in shock.

A profusion of blood fell from the sky, covering their heads and faces.

"Fortunately, I brought steamed buns, steamed buns dipped in foreign blood, and took the tuberculosis medicine until the disease was cured..."


The British troops in the coalition military police exploded.

The highest officer was beheaded in front of his eyes. Is this okay?

Zhao Chuanxin flicked the cigarette butt away and buckled his helmet.

If the new army had not come today, he might have killed Zhu Erdian and then left.

But when the new army arrived, Zhao Chuanxin changed his mind.

Just then the British troops in the coalition forces below began to shoot into the air.

They also brought portable machine cannons and fired at high angles into the sky.

Zhao Chuanxin turned sideways and ran up the ladder in the sky, taking out the imitation Madsen that Ye Rongguang had given him when he opened the arsenal.

Tata Tata...

The first to attack was their machine gun position.

Because it is a replica of Madsen, everything else is okay, except that the machine gun barrel is easily damaged after overheating.

Here, Zhao Chuanxin used the Old God's Crucible Brand to absorb the heat from the barrel.

As the flames spit out, if someone touches the barrel of the gun, they will be surprised to find that it is only warm.

The pepper-shaped magazine made it impossible to aim the gun, so Zhao Chuanxin relied entirely on feeling to shoot.

Tata Tata...

Bang bang bang bang...

Gunfire rang out.

The people below were scurrying about, but there was nowhere to hide, but miraculously no one was hurt.

Duan Qirui and Wu Changchun hurriedly asked the new army to retreat to avoid being affected.

But one shot into the sky and the other shot into the ground, which was scary, but actually posed no threat to them.

The new army's formation was huge, but it had no effect in this battle.

If they also opened fire at the same time, Zhao Chuanxin would actually have only one way to escape.

He just looks like a god and a demon, but he is still a human being in essence.

Even the triple protection could not withstand the concentrated fire, especially since there were artillery battalions and numerous machine guns on site.

Zhao Chuanxin went all the way down, and when he was five meters above the ground, he withdrew the ladder. His cloak spread out, and the smart gyroscope held up Zhao Chuanxin's calves to prevent him from rolling.

The imitation Madsen has the Old God's Crucible brand that absorbs heat and kills him like crazy.

After landing, Zhao Chuanxin flashed to the side of the coalition forces, his face wide open.

Tata Tata...

But I saw soldiers shaking their bodies in shock as their flesh and blood was torn to pieces.

The orange bullet casings threw a line on the ground, and Zhao Chuanxin walked away while shooting.

He was also shot more than ten times at the same time, but he didn't seem to notice it.

This scene directly caused the coalition military and police to collapse and flee in all directions.

Some rushed into the common people, some rushed into the new army camp in the fourth town, and some walked through the Forbidden Army cavalry group crying.

After Zhao Chuanxin changed the third magazine, he could no longer fire.

If you kill again, there will be casualties among the people, and it will also affect the new army.

In the middle of the T-junction, apart from the dead and wounded on the ground, he was the only one standing.

The autumn wind blows, and the mantle is hunting.

Zhao Chuanxin raised his leg, crushed the head of a wounded soldier who was struggling with his head raised, and kicked him onto the corpse in front of him.

He stepped on two layers of corpses with his left leg and carried a replica of Madsen.

Thousands of people could not match his gaze.

Duan Qirui pursed his lips: "This is really, this is really..."

I do not know what to say.

Wu Changchun's hands and feet trembled: "The evil spirit is evil, the evil spirit must be so!"

This scene of thousands of people being silent is rare in the world.

Zhao Chuanxin's purpose was achieved.

In fact, Zhu Erdian was not the only one responsible for the troubles planted by the British in the west. Zhao Chuanxin just let out a bad breath, and also wanted to disgust Ci Xi.

After this incident, Cixi was definitely criticized by the great powers, especially the British.

Just because the new army stood by and watched.

Who the hell asked you to send troops here?

Zhao Chuanxin stretched out, looked at the houses next to him, and prepared to leave.

At this moment, Duan Qirui suddenly said: "Zhao Tanggong, I have something to do..."

Zhao Chuanxin waved his hand: "I won't listen."

He first put away the two heavy machine guns.

The so-called Gatlin saved lives and healed the wounded, and Maxim was the master of rejuvenation.

When Gatling invented Gatling, he thought that only two people would need to operate a Gatling, and the casualties would be smaller. Just imagine, four people on both sides are fighting each other, and at most four people are killed, but it is worth dozens or hundreds of people. This is a disguised life-saving treatment - and then Gatlin becomes a meat grinder.

When Maxim invented Maxim, it was because he saw that the rifle had strong recoil and his shoulders were bruised when hit, so he thought of rejuvenating himself and invented a weapon to solve the recoil so that the user would no longer suffer from the recoil, so...

So to heal the wounded and rejuvenate, it all depends on who is using it.

In fact, the British military currently uses Maxim instead of Gatling. For example, these two are improved Maxims.

After collecting the gun, Zhao started to run, and the Flash ran in the same way.

He jumped over five meters high, flew over the eaves and walls, and disappeared from the roof in the blink of an eye.

Duan Qirui: "..."

Do you want to run so fast?

When Zhao Chuanxin left, the three new armies also withdrew to their bases.

Duan Qirui and Wu Changchun reported the results of this battle.

The common people, who felt that they were still alive after the disaster, spread the news with exaggeration and jealousy.

The man who dipped the steamed buns in human blood hurried back to treat his relatives' tuberculosis...

This battle was the one with the largest number of people watching. Seeing Zhao Chuanxin fighting alone against an entire army, it was unavoidable to be shocked.

When telling relatives and friends who are not present, you must express the emotion of knowing that you have succeeded in vain. How many people can experience this kind of thing and survive without any injuries?

Little did they know that the reason why none of them were injured was because Zhao Chuanxin deliberately found an angle to fight that would not affect them.

For this reason, I received more than 20 shots in vain today.

Fortunately, he endured the sweltering heat and wore thick enough and three layers of protection. Even if he was hit by a machine gun, it was not penetrated.

Maxim is this thing. When he hits someone, blood will spurt out from his body, and black smoke will emit from the ground when he hits him!

After Duan Qirui reported the news, Cixi was relieved at first, and then hurriedly summoned Zhang Zhidong for discussion.

After all, it seemed that Zhao Chuanxin was not here for her.

Cixi was worried: "With so many casualties, what will happen to the great powers, especially the British, if they ask questions? Damn Zhao Chuanxin!"

You're actually causing trouble for me!

Zhang Zhidong stroked his beard: "I have a plan to solve the current predicament."

Cixi was overjoyed: "Come quickly."

Conversations are so enjoyable when there are no mutual interests at stake.

Zhang Zhidong had a plan in mind: "The great powers and Zhao Chuanxin are at odds today and will not fight tomorrow, and the disease will grow and become a chronic disease. The bandits are coming in, and they are quickly changing the atmosphere. It is too late. The veteran attaches great importance to industry and the foundation of the country. Zhao Chuanxin also has practical skills. For the current plan, we can only unite with the big powers to curb his industry and jointly force him to take over the post of governor of Lubin Prefecture. No matter how far apart the world is, there will be no more trouble. Today Zhao has severely damaged the coalition forces, and the British will be sure to do so by midnight Worried, the great powers looked at them with concern. Zhao Chuanxin had many industries, especially Hong Kong Island. The British regarded Hong Kong Island as an important port. They could not win on the battlefield, but they could win in the shopping malls. After Zhao Chuanxin was suffering, he sent an envoy to lobby. Why worry that Zhao Chuanxin should not be on errands?"

The general idea is to start with Zhao Chuanxian's industry.

He can be invincible on the battlefield and no one can destroy him, but in the mall, Zhao Chuanxin cannot use brute force. After leaving Lugang Town, Zhao Chuanxin's foundation was in Hong Kong Island. Hong Kong Island is British territory, so we should discuss with the British and use the market to force Zhao Chuanxin to work in remote areas. The great powers would be happy to see the results, and perhaps everyone working together can force Zhao Chuanxin to leave.

As for how they want to play with each other, that is their business, and Zhao Chuanxin is not allowed to get involved.

After all, Zhao's salary-passing methods are too violent, and even people without heart disease can't stand this kind of stimulation. He will not leave anyone who wants to die in the third watch.

There is no way to guard against thieves for a thousand days.

Cixi's eyes lit up after hearing this: "That's very good! Then, who should we send the lobbyists to say?"

Zhang Zhidong didn't even think about it: "Xu Buwu."

Who else? There have been rumors outside the country that Xu Shichang and Zhao Chuanxin have a close relationship, so is it him?

Cixi was not happy at first, but then said calmly: "Yes!"

Zhao Chuanxin actually didn't leave.

He turned around on the roof, and when no one could see him, he returned to the BJ Hotel.

He used an elf carving knife to cut open the back window, jumped in, and went straight to the kitchen.

After swaggering in, a group of French chefs were confused: "No one in the back kitchen is allowed to enter!"

Zhao Chuanxin slapped him, and the cook stumbled, knocking over a stack of pots and pans, which shattered all over the floor.

"Open your dog eyes and see, am I an idler?"


Zhao Chuanxin scolded: "Are there any Japanese here?"

Several cooks looked at each other. Not only did they not tell the truth, but they also carried kitchen knives and pans, preparing to rush forward and fight Zhao Chuanxin.

The kitchen is usually like this.

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