The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 16 5000 is so cheap!

After half a year of consulting and studying, Bell not only formally introduced alchemy, but also completed an inspection to fill in the gaps, making his foundation more solid.

At the same time, he also learned a lot of experience and knowledge by consulting several wizards with Auror background, and designed a training plan for himself.

Bell once again embarked on the journey of research and development. This time he was very confident that he would succeed!

Facts have proved that Bell's feeling was not wrong. In just one month, Bell successfully produced the Iron Armor Curse Ring (the Iron Armor Curse can form a protective ring by injecting magic power from a wizard).

The protective effect of the iron armor curse ring far exceeded the 'curse-proof hat' in Bell's impression, but Bell was not satisfied with it at all. Because for a wizard who has mastered the Iron Armor Curse, this ring is meaningless.

The same is true for Bell, who has mastered the Iron Armor Curse.

So this ring is just the beginning and is far from complete.

Next, Bell plans to improve the iron armor curse ring in two directions.

First, the ring can store a large amount of magic power, so that the wizard does not need to consume his own magic power after activating the ring, which may save the wizard's life in times of crisis.

Second, set the trigger condition of the ring to automatically trigger after being attacked, so that the wizard can buy time for the wizard to react when he is suddenly attacked.

In addition to the iron armor curse ring, Bell also plans to refer to various existing magic props and continue to improve and develop them to create more powerful and practical magic props.

For example: refer to the looking glass to create a magic prop that can sense danger in a targeted manner; refer to the magic eye to create glasses that can see through hidden magic; refer to the flying broomstick to create flying shoes that are convenient for use in combat; and so on.

Bell also didn't know how much time and energy he would have to spend to initially complete his idea. But he knew that if he didn't do it, it would never be done!

As for hoping that others can invent similar magic props? Bell never had that thought. It is better to seek help from others than to ask for yourself. Bell has always only believed in himself and his family.

"Bell! I heard that you took 5,000 gold galleons to Weasley's house today? What did you do with so much money?" William asked his son at the dinner table.

In fact, he didn't care much about 5,000 galleons. After all, it was only 5,000 galleons. It cost him more than that to hold a banquet at home. But since Bell took the money, the nature of it is different.

William knew that his son's view of Galleons was a little different. He really didn't treat money as money!

Ever since Bell expressed his opinion on Galleons that night a few years ago, William has been worried that Bell would spend money lavishly. In that case, no matter how many Galleons the family had in the treasury, it would not be enough for Bell to waste!

Fortunately, things did not develop in the direction that William did not want to see. Not only that, the situation was even better than he expected.

Not only did Bell not spend money lavishly, he didn't spend money at all. He really didn't even spend a copper nut. From food to clothing to everything Bell uses, everything was bought for him by his mother Elena.

Apart from the taste of food, Bell has never asked for anything, such as the quality of clothes, the preciousness of gifts, etc. He always gets what is given and never finds fault.

Compared to the young men from other families, Bell was so well-behaved that his mother was so happy that she cried.

Even after Bell recently started to hire tutors and study alchemy, he spent a lot of gold galleons and a lot of magic materials. But it is impossible for William to stop this kind of spending. It is better to say that there is no problem in spending as much as he wants. He is happy to pay for it.

But just today, after William returned home, he actually heard that Bell had taken away 5,000 gold galleons, and it seemed that he went to the Weasley house and came back empty-handed?

The Weasley family is so poor that they can't even open the pot. Anything valuable has been sold long ago. What else is worth 5,000 Galleons? Could it be that Bell is finally going to reveal his disguise and start spending money crazily? ?

William felt that as the head of the family, he must resolutely stop Bell's prodigal behavior!

"Oh, I bought this."

Bell took out a dozen parchments from his arms and handed them to his father.

William looked through it carefully and found that the content on the parchment explained how to modify a Muggle car?

William had indeed heard that Arthur Weasley was very obsessed with Muggle items and often used magic to transform them.

Although strictly speaking, this kind of behavior is somewhat illegal, but because Weasley always entertains himself at home, no one will be idle and meddle in other people's business. At most, it will be told as a joke and everyone will be happy. After all, the Weasley family is also a pure-blood family with a long history. Although they are poor and almost begging for some reason, they still have a wide network of contacts.

But what's the use? William raised his head and cast a doubtful look at Bell.

"I think Mr. Weasley's technology is valuable, so I bought it."

"That's it? You spent 5,000 gold galleons to buy this?"

William seriously suspected that his son had been deceived, and he decided to go find trouble with Weasley tomorrow. With such rags, how dare that guy Weasley ask for 5,000 Galleons? This is not even worth 500! I'm afraid that guy is out of his mind because of poverty!

"Yeah, I think 5,000 is quite cheap. Mr. Weasley was not willing to charge that much at first, so he just had to give me a few hundred galleons if he wanted to. I'm not the kind of person who takes advantage of others. , so with my insistence, Mr. Weasley finally accepted it."


The plan to cause trouble for Weasley was aborted.

Bell raised his head and glanced at his father's expression as if he had eaten excrement, and said calmly: "Don't worry, 5,000 is really not expensive. This technology will bring us huge benefits."

‘I believed you, you idiot! ’

William complained crazily in his heart, but the reality was already like this, and he couldn't change anything. He could only hope that it would be like what Bell said.

A month later, William was going to attend a banquet tonight, so he returned home earlier than usual.

After putting on a handsome dress and carefully arranging himself in the mirror, William walked out of the castle gate with a warm smile on his face. He wanted to apparate to the banquet venue. If you use floo powder, it will inevitably get dusty. Moreover, performing long-distance apparation is also a demonstration of one's own abilities.

"Ah——! My eyes——!"

The moment he pushed the door open, a dazzling light hit William's eyes directly. He felt that his eyes were completely white and he couldn't see anything. If he hadn't known that he was at home and there were no signs of invasion on the defensive barrier, William would have thought that he was being attacked.

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