The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 23 Basic Training (2)

After Shanna also completed the 'Golden Snitch Training', the brother and sister went to the second training room.

This training room is the same size as the previous one, but there are many facilities placed in it, including some targets, cobblestones, etc., which are used to practice spells and test the power of spells. The most numerous items in this training room are magic stone statues. There are a total of 5 types of these magic stone statues, including shield soldiers, spearmen, archers, cavalry and gargoyles. They include melee, long-range, assault, air strike and other attack types. There are 5 groups in a group, a total of 20 groups.

"Sanna, are you going first? Remember not to attack in a hurry, but to find the right opportunity to accumulate power." Bell said to his sister.


After the house elves cast protective spells, Zannah activated a set of stone statues.

The stone statue's eyes glowed with red light, and as soon as it reached the venue, it immediately launched an attack. The shield soldiers guarded the spearmen and approached Shanna. The archers kept a distance from the shield soldiers to ensure that they could receive support at any time while shooting at Shanna. The cavalry were roaming around Zannah, ready to charge at any time. The gargoyle flew into the air, and once Zannah was exposed to the attack of archers or cavalry, it would attack immediately.

As usual, she first put on a shield. Zannah knocked away the incoming bows and arrows, while preventing the shield soldiers and spearmen from approaching, while also paying attention to the movements of the cavalry and gargoyles.

Soon the cavalry launched a charge, and Shanna controlled the ground bulge in an attempt to interrupt the charge. But the cavalry leaped over the obstacle. Zannah, who was well prepared for this, wanted to create a hole where the cavalry would land, but just as a small pit was created, the archers' bows and arrows and the gargoyles' attacks came one after another. arrival.

In desperation, Zannah had to give up the attack on the cavalry. She jumped back to avoid the arrows, and at the same time cast a magic spell to knock the gargoyle away.

However, these stone statues have been treated with anti-magic treatment and have self-healing functions. With Shanna's current power of magic, it will not be easy to break the core.

Bell looked at Zannah's fighting figure seriously.

There is no doubt that Shanna's level has long been far beyond that of young wizards of the same age. Even adult wizards will be defeated by Shanna if they are careless and underestimate the enemy. Regarding this, Bell has never told Shanna that he thinks the current situation is very good, and he has never found any complacency or laziness in Shanna.

And Zannah has always regarded her brother as the target of pursuit, and does not understand the real situation of other little wizards. She is often even annoyed by her own clumsiness. As for whether Shanna is really upset or just wants to take the opportunity to let her brother comfort her, only she knows this.

The light of the curse is constantly flashing in the training ground. Fire, hurricane, thunder and lightning, ice, different elements come and go in the field. The powerful force burst out, causing the ground of the training ground to tremble slightly.

Perhaps because she often had snowball fights with her brother when she was a child, Shanna is best at using ice for attack and defense. Unfortunately, for a group of stone statues without feelings, the low temperature and deceleration of ice have no effect at all. At the same time, the ice arrows she could cast instantly were not as hard as the stone statues, so Zannah had to use some more explosive attacks in an attempt to destroy the stone statues.

The battle quickly lasted for 15 minutes. During this time, Zannah shot down the cavalry by secretly setting traps. Then he injected a large amount of magic power into the armor spell, resisted the attacks of archers and gargoyles, and successfully pinned the cavalry to the ground with ice spears. Taking advantage of a gargoyle's dive, he used an explosion spell to blow off its wings. The flightless gargoyle was buried directly underground by Zannah.

As for the remaining three stone statues, Zannah couldn't break them because the shield soldiers' defense was too strong. After trying various spells, Zannah finally seized a chance and used hurricane force to restrain the shield soldiers, and then smashed the archers.

But that was it. After a long period of fierce fighting, Zannah had very little magic power left, and the shield soldiers and spearmen could not get close to Zannah. There is no point in delaying it any longer.

"Brother, I still can't defeat a group of stone statues."

After training, Shanna felt a little depressed. Although it was expected, she still hoped to let her brother see her handsome side.

Bell smiled and comforted: "It's just a little bit off. As long as your attack is stronger and you can cause effective damage to the stone statues more easily, you can almost jump directly from one group to three groups."

As Bell walked into the training ground, 10 groups of stone statues were activated. The 50 stone statues walked into the field with neat steps, and the oncoming momentum was enough to make ordinary people collapse to the ground.

The fighting style of 10 groups of stone statues is very different from that of 1 group. If a group of stone statues is an adventure team-style battle, then 10 groups of stone statues is a small-scale war. Arrows rained down continuously, cavalry charged in groups, and gargoyles blocked the sky.

An earth wall was erected, which not only blocked the rain of arrows, but also blocked the sight of the cavalry. Bell suddenly apparated above the cavalry. A powerful explosive spell was thrown into the cavalry's queue, and the two cavalry were blown to pieces.

The gargoyles took the opportunity to surround him, and a hurricane appeared around Bell, blocking the gargoyles' attacks and deflecting the arrows.

Compared to Zannah, Bell's flying shoes were much faster. Faced with the pursuit and interception of the stone statues, he was always able to escape from the encirclement at critical moments. It doesn't matter even if you can't escape. If it doesn't work, there will still be Apparition. So Bell's figure flickered in and out of sight. One second he was chasing gargoyles in the air, and the next second he appeared on top of a shield soldier, crushing its head with one foot.

The first to go out were the cavalry, who were all blown into rubble by Bell. Subsequently, the other four types of stone statues were defeated one after another. After 20 minutes, there were only 20 stone statues left on the field.

Bell took advantage of the opportunity when the field became empty, accumulated a wave of magic power, and launched a large-scale transformation spell. The earth rose up from the ground and turned into solid rock, which then combined to form a stone giant.

The stone giant knocked each stone statue away, and finally knocked down all the magic stone statues before Bell's magic power was exhausted.

"Brother is so awesome!"

Shanna jumped up happily and clapped hard.

The house elves began to clean up the mess. They would be responsible for repairing the stone statue, analyzing the battle situation, and updating the combat program of the magic stone statue to ensure that it could always put pressure on Bell and have a training effect.

For this reason, Bell also specially arranged for the house elves to learn the knowledge of magic spells. He himself would often discuss fighting methods with the house elves.

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