The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 36 Transfiguration Lesson

After being severely scolded by Professor McGonagall, Harry and Ron hurriedly found two seats connected together and sat down, and the Transfiguration class officially began.

Professor McGonagall stood at the front of the classroom with a serious face. Even though she didn't say anything, the aura she exuded immediately silenced the few young wizards who were still whispering.

"Transfiguration is the most complex and dangerous course that you will learn during your studies at Hogwarts." Professor McGonagall said seriously, "So, if any of you dare to teach me If he is naughty in class, I will ask him to go out and never come in again. Remember what I said today."

Professor McGonagall waved her wand, and the desk next to her turned into a pig, and with another wave, it turned back into a desk. As expected of a veteran professor, his small show of skill not only shocked the young wizards, but also aroused their enthusiasm for learning the art of transformation. Pay attention!

The class officially began. Professor McGonagall asked the young wizards to open their textbooks and then began to explain.

At this time, Bell was embarrassed to find that he didn't have the "Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration" in his pocket. He must have been too distracted that morning, so he forgot to put it in his pocket? After all, he stopped reading that book many years ago.

Fortunately, Bell was sitting in the corner of the classroom. As long as Professor McGonagall didn't run over to take a look, she wouldn't be able to tell what books were on his desk. So he randomly found a book of similar size, spread it out on the table and pretended to read it.

Although for Bell, the first-year course content was too simple, and he had already mastered this knowledge a few years ago. However, as the saying goes, ‘stones from other mountains can attack jade’.

By the way, there should be idioms with similar meanings in the UK, right? perhaps?

Therefore, Bell still listened to Professor McGonagall's explanation very carefully, recalling relevant knowledge against his own understanding while trying to see if he could gain new inspiration.

In short, for now, it is still of no use. However, Bell didn't mind this little time and just treated it as playing with Shanna at home. It is not good to always be too tight. You must learn to relax appropriately.

The class time that other little wizards hated was actually used by Bell as a time to relax. I don't know if they would want to sink Bell to the bottom of the Black Lake if they knew what he was thinking.

Soon, Professor McGonagall finished explaining the relevant knowledge points. In fact, in the early days, a lot of magic knowledge itself is not complicated, but if you want to successfully cast magic, you need to practice frequently.

"Now, I will give each of you a match. In the next time, your task is to successfully turn it into a needle."

Professor McGonagall walked around the classroom and handed out matches to each little wizard.

Bell looked at the matches in front of him, feeling a little worried. For him, this little thing didn't even require a wand, but he didn't want to attract attention, but he didn't want to waste time, looking at a match in a daze or something, it was too stupid.

Fortunately, Bell didn't have to worry about it for too long before Professor McGonagall's voice rang again.

"Very well, Miss Granger, ten points from Gryffindor."

Professor McGonagall picked up the needle transformed by Hermione and showed it to the other little wizards.

It can be seen that Hermione's transformation was not very successful. The needle can only be called a 'needle'. After all, it is too thick and it is impossible to sew clothes with it. However, as a first-year freshman, it is not easy to complete the transformation in the first Transfiguration class after the start of school.

With the first place, no one would pay attention to the second place, so Bell took out his magic wand with confidence, waved it in a pretentious manner, and turned the match in front of him into a needle. Then he picked up "Ultimate Transformation" again and started reading it. At the same time, he applied a transformation spell to the cover of the book, turning it into a "Beginner's Guide to Transformation".

‘Why didn’t I think of that just now? ’

Bell was a little annoyed. He must be still confused, so he turned slowly. At the same time, he also decided to promote the Transfiguration Technique and do it in future classes. Professor McGonagall should really give him 100 points.

Soon Professor McGonagall walked up to Bell. She looked at Bell who was reading quietly, and then looked at the needle on the table.

"Mr. Menethil, have you successfully turned a match into a needle?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Yes, Professor."

"Very good, can you demonstrate it to me again?" Professor McGonagall said, taking out another match and handing it to Bell.

As a veteran professor, she has decades of experience in battling wits and courage with young wizards. So she knows one thing very well, that is, there is nothing these little bastards can't do that she can't think of! So although it was a bit bad, she still asked Bell to prove that he had transformed the needle, rather than preparing it in advance and putting it in his pocket. After all, this needle is better than the one Miss Granger transformed just now.

"Of course, Professor."

Bell pretended to wave his wand again, deliberately controlling the speed of transformation.

"Excellent transformation. Except for the slow speed, everything else is perfect. Five points for Ravenclaw."

Professor McGonagall looked happy.

"Remember to practice more when you go back. Once you become proficient, your speed will become faster."

Hearing Professor McGonagall's praise, the little wizards all looked over. Most of them looked at Bell with envy. Only Hermione, who was sitting at the front, looked at Bell a little unhappy for some reason.

After that, Bell sat in his seat and did his own thing quietly.

Soon, the bell rang for the end of get out of class. After Professor McGonagall finished assigning homework, she announced the end of get out of class. The little wizards all walked out of the classroom one after another. After reading the last paragraph, Bell also stood up and prepared to leave. At this time, he found Hermione walking towards him menacingly.

"Bell, I have something to ask you." Hermione said to Bell in a low voice that was completely opposite to her aura.

"What's up?"

Bell was puzzled. He recalled what he had done today, and realized that it was just about noon. He had done nothing except daze and go to class, and it was impossible for him to offend Hermione.

"Your transformation skills are obviously so powerful. It must not be difficult for you to turn a match into a needle. Why did you complete the transformation after me?"

Hermione felt insulted! Obviously Bell should be the first to successfully transform, so Bell should get 10 points, while she should only get 5 points! Although she was able to gain an extra five points, Hermione was still quite happy. but! She doesn't need the points from this kind of charity, she will earn more house points for Gryffindor with her own efforts!

So Hermione is unhappy now, very unhappy, extremely unhappy! If Bell can't give her a reasonable explanation, this matter will never end!

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