The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 9 Family Night Talk

After Bell sent his sister, who was already asleep in her arms, back to the bedroom, she came to another small restaurant in the castle. William and Elena are already waiting for him here.

"Bell, how are you? Did you have fun tonight?" William asked with a smile.

Bell thought for a moment. Although greeting dozens of adults made him physically and mentally exhausted at first, it was quite interesting to listen to a group of young wizards bragging later, so he replied: "Happy."

William laughed happily.

"Just be happy. I came to you today because I want to introduce you to the family situation. After all, the family will be in your hands in the future, so although it is a bit early, I still feel it is necessary for you to understand us first. The family has a general understanding.”

"You have seen all the wizards present today. Each of them holds a pivotal position in the wizarding world in the UK and even other countries. And today, they all attended our family's banquet because of my invitation. Bell , this is proof of the strength of our family. Our Menethil family has a history of thousands of years and is one of the oldest existing families in the wizarding world. Even when the 'mysterious man' was raging in the past few years, we did not dare to do so at will. Violating our family."

William proudly introduced his family's glory to his son.


Seeing the pride on his father's face, Bell was a little embarrassed to speak. But it's just a little bit embarrassing.

"But according to the records I have read, it seems that there is some discrepancy with what you said, dad?"

William's laughter stopped abruptly.

"Did you read the information? Where did you read the information?"

"Of course it's the information I asked Lim to find. It should be from the library?"

Bell thought of the library he had just learned about a few days ago.

The night he returned from Diagon Alley, Bell found his mother and wanted to see his library. The result was beyond Bell's expectation. He forgot that there was a magic spell called the 'Invisible Stretch Spell', so the library was much larger than it looked from the outside.

Bell also learned from Elena that all pure-blood wizard families will set up a family library. It's just that some families will only put some precious or unique magic knowledge into it. Some families, such as the Menethil family, store all the magical knowledge they can collect in libraries.

"I was somewhat interested in the situation of our family some time ago, so I asked Lim to find all the records related to the family. According to the records, the history of our family is only more than 500 years old, and the origin of the family is also unclear. Compared to the Black family, the Gunter family and other ancient families with documented history, our family doesn’t seem to be that old?”

"And there is no family that is... that Mysterious Man does not dare to provoke. As far as I know, Mysterious Man will not specifically target pure-blood families unless he explicitly stands up against him. After all, no matter how strong Mysterious Man is, He has only one person, and one person cannot rule the wizarding world. The pure-blood family is the foundation of his strength and dominance. Although the mysterious man is mentally a little abnormal, it does not mean that he is stupid. So I think our family does not Being attacked by a mysterious man is nothing to be proud of. Not doing it doesn’t mean you dare not do it. In fact, he can destroy us at any time."

Bell ignored William's pale face and the cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and told all the information he learned in one breath.

"Am I right? Mom."

"That's right, honey. Don't listen to your daddy."

Elena rolled her eyes at William. She herself did not agree with telling Bell too much about her family. Bell is just 5 years old, so it's too early to say that now.

As the saying goes, drunkenness makes a man bold, so William, who drank some wine at the banquet today, dared not give his wife face and insisted on saying this to Bell. What's more, what Elena didn't expect was that William actually told those false information!

Those false information are specially made up to deceive outsiders. After all, the internal records of other families will not describe the situation of the Menethil family in detail. And it all happened hundreds of years ago. Even if someone questions it, just say that the other family's records are missing.

I don’t know if he lost his mind due to drinking, or if he just made up lies all day long and believed it himself? Elena really wants to kick William a few times now.

"This, this... Don't worry, Bell. Our family still has a very important position in the British magical world. A short history doesn't mean anything."

William tried to redeem himself as a father. It’s so embarrassing to have your lies exposed in person, or by your own son or something like that! Are there any cracks in the ground that can be drilled?

"And even those families that are a little bit stronger than us will not make things difficult for us for no reason."

"Dad, I have always believed that it is foolish to place expectations on the enemy." Bell said calmly, while taking a sip of the tea on the table and leaning on the backrest like a boss. Those who didn’t know thought he was the father and William was the son.

Looking at the speechless William, Bell continued: "And as far as I know, our family can only be regarded as slightly above the middle in the British wizarding world, let alone in the middle. The whole world came to see it.”


William, who originally wanted to show off his family's glory to his son, didn't expect Bell to know so much about the family's current situation? Is this really something a young wizard of this age would know? William wanted to cry so much.

In fact, Bell has been thinking about the current situation and future of his family. After all, even if it doesn't help her learn magic, Zannah will become safer once her family becomes stronger.

"We should have a lot of gold galleons at home, right?" Bell asked.


William regained some confidence.

"Our family's underground vault in Gringotts is filled with gold galleons and various treasures."

"But we don't use them, do we?"

Bell looked indifferent and didn't feel like there was anything to be proud of.

"So does it make any difference whether the vaults are filled with galleons or dirt? They are both worthless."

William choked again.

"How can there be no difference? That's Galleons! Galleons that can buy anything!"

"No, gold galleons can't buy anything, it can only buy what it can buy. And those things, as long as there are gold galleons, anyone can buy them."

Bell stared at his father seriously.

"Dad, we are wizards, not Muggles. The only thing that can make us powerful is magic. If gold Galleons can't help us obtain more powerful magic, then they are worthless."

"No, no, no! Bell. For the wizard family, Gold Galleons are indispensable. Only with enough Gold Galleons can our family continue to pass on."

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