The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 95 When a reckless man meets another reckless man, you never know

Chapter 95 When a reckless man meets another reckless man, you never know what they will do

Because Arthur rejected Bell's gift, the 5,000 gold galleons he had previously offered to sell technology were miraculously lost by this family at some point. So the Weasley family's flying car is still the Muggle car modified by Arthur himself.

Bell had seen the car.

It can only be said that the car can still move because of the magic of magic and the blessing of Merlin. Mr. Arthur still dares to drive it out. I wonder if this family member should be said to be very courageous? Or should I say they have no brains?

From what happened today, everyone can draw a conclusion: 'The flying car is better from the Menethil family. When buying a speeding car, please look for the Menethil brand speed car, Menethil...'

Ahem! Let me make it clear here that Bell is definitely not advertising his own speed car, he is not such a person!

Bell sincerely considers everyone's personal safety before recommending its own speed car, and there is absolutely no selfishness whatsoever! real!

After retracting his increasingly unreliable thoughts, Bell turned his attention to the professor's seat again, just in time to see Professor Sprout exclaimed and hurriedly left the auditorium, probably to check the situation of the Whomping Willow. .

If something really happened to the Whomping Willow that was irreversible, the Weasley family would probably have to sell themselves to pay off the debt.

Of course, if their family could be so embarrassed as to hug the little rich Harry's lap, that would be another matter.

"Bell? What's wrong? You've been acting strange since just now. Is anything so funny?" Penello, who was sitting next to Bell, asked strangely.

You know, every time it was time to eat, Bell would eat like crazy from beginning to end without looking up. As a result, it took a while for the food to be served today, but Bell kept looking here and there, just not eating properly.

This is so abnormal!

Especially when she didn't know if it was her misunderstanding just now, an uncomfortable sense of oppression suddenly came from Bell's body, just like the feeling she had when she faced the professor when she forgot to write her homework.

After the oppressive feeling disappeared, Bell began to laugh secretly again. He looked like a fox who had stolen a chicken. He was so mean. Penello wanted to kick Bell a few times.

"Huh? Did I laugh?"

Bell turned to look at Penello in surprise, completely unaware of his own weirdness.

"Are you smiling or not? Haven't you figured it out yet?" Penello rolled his eyes at Bell and said speechlessly.

Bell quickly adjusted his facial expression. It would be bad if Lao Deng saw it. What if he was wearing small shoes?

In fact, Bell really didn't intend to laugh, but the thing was so funny that it really hit his point of laughter. Bell felt that Dumbledore must be going MMP crazy in his heart right now, and he probably even wanted to kill Ron.

The old man is over 100 years old, and he is still painstakingly cultivating the little savior. He is shining brightly in order to completely eradicate Voldemort. How difficult it is!

But look at Ron, what he has done! ?

He actually abducted the cute and obedient little Harry and drove him to school in a speeding car! ?

He dares to drive even if he has a driver's license!

In fact, it's not a big deal to drive to school. Even if many Muggles saw it, Dumbledore didn't care.

Anyway, there are staff from the Ministry of Magic who will erase the memories of Muggles. If it's a problem, it's up to Fudge to do it. Dumbledore doesn't care if Fudge finds out that he's dropped a few more strands when he wakes up in the morning. What about little things like hair.

The main problem is that Ron actually dared to hit the Whomping Willow with his speeding car!

Isn't a place as big as Hogwarts enough for Ron to race his car?

He had no choice but to hit the Whomping Willow?

Is there any place more dangerous than there?

What if Harry accidentally gets his neck broken by the Whomping Willow?

Dumbledore has been waiting for 11 years for that prophecy! It took a lot of effort to wait for the leek... Ahem, it was Harry who had grown up. When Harry came to Hogwarts to go to school, I thought it was safe now, but in the end, he was almost defeated by Ron?

Doesn't he know how to be considerate of an old man like himself? ?

Be sure to tell Arthur and Molly about today's events later.

Look at the wonderful son they raised!

In the past few years, Arthur and his wife have really gotten worse and worse at raising their children!

Forget it about Fred and George. Although the two little guys like to play pranks a little bit, they still know some sense of propriety. At least they haven't caused any big trouble so far.

But now this Ron is so good, he usually looks wilted and looks like he is easy to bully. Who would have expected that he would turn out to be a master who would do nothing but make a big splash? It almost stopped the old man's heart!

If I had known earlier, I should have assigned him to Slytherin and let him harm those little snakes!

Dumbledore began to consider whether Ron should be replaced. Although someone like Neville is a bit stupid...well, a lot stupider. But at least they are self-aware! At least you won’t just be blathering around when you have nothing to do!

Watching Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and Snape walking away quickly, Bell couldn't help but laugh out loud.

So you never know, when one reckless man meets another reckless man, what kind of qualitative change will occur between the two of them, and what outrageous things will they do?


Well, after Dumbledore's figure disappeared from Bell's sight, Bell finally couldn't hold back and laughed out loud.

The Ravenclaw eaglets who were eating around them all cast strange glances at Bell.

Not just Penelo, many people noticed something strange about Bell tonight.

Although in Bell's perception, he is still a little transparent, no one will notice him. But this is not the case.

You must know that Bell ranked first in her grade last school year with perfect scores in all subjects, tied with the famous Miss Gryffindor.

Senior students may not care about the ranking of first-year students, but at least there are very few young wizards in the second and third grades who don't know Bell.

"What happened?" Penello tugged on Bell's arm and asked curiously.

She regretted sitting next to Bell tonight.

Usually when Hermione was away, Penello usually sat next to Bell to eat. After all, strictly speaking, Bell was the only friend she could talk to.

As for why we need to add a prerequisite?

……you guess.

But what Penello didn't expect was that Bell would be nervous this evening, causing others to look at him strangely, which made Penello feel very stressed.

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