The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 951 Common Sense Questions

2 hours is a long time, but a short time is indeed quite short.

While everyone was waiting nervously or expectantly (?), the two hours came to an end soon.

At this time, in the meeting hall on the top floor of the central tower of [Dalaran], the bodies of the prisoners have been transported out for burial, and various instruments used for live broadcast have been removed, making the hall empty again. stand up.

Some important personnel in [Dalaran] were sitting on both sides of the speaker's table at this time, all sitting upright, and the atmosphere was very serious. Most of this serious atmosphere emanated from William, who was sitting in the main seat.

Before, after Bell once again caused such a big thing, William, who was outside the world, immediately put down all the matters in his hands and rushed back as if his buttocks were burning.

After running all the way to the topmost meeting hall, William finally met his eldest son, who was not easy to worry about. Seeing Bell's nonchalant expression, William almost lost his temper and killed his family.

In fact, if Shanna hadn't been sitting next to Bell at that time, William might have actually taken action.

"Bell! What on earth is going on!"

William roared angrily, and the spitting particles were sprayed several meters away.

Leaning back in fear, Bell looked at his father with an innocent face.

"What's going on?"

'What's happening here? Could it be that my father just had a nightmare? Why do you ask questions so blindly when we meet? ’

Bell thought unconsciously.

"What did you say it was! Stop pretending to me!"

William hoped that everything he had just seen and heard was just a nightmare. However, the protagonist of the 'nightmare' is right in front of him, and he can't deceive himself even if he wants to!

"Okay, okay, I understand. Dad, don't be so angry. You will scare little Al. You sit down first."

Bell helplessly spread his hands and compromised.

"How can I not be angry! Also, what does this have to do with Al? Don't even think about using your brother as a shield!"

William almost wanted to strangle Bell to death. This bastard uses his sister as a shield every day, but now he doesn't even want to spare his infant brother. Is he still a human being?

Facing his father's questioning, Bell said nothing and just pointed behind him.

William turned his head in confusion, and then he was horrified to find that his wife was standing behind him holding her youngest son. The youngest son was currently curled up in his wife's arms, looking at him with fear in his eyes.

"No, my dear, when did you come? And Al, it's daddy, your dearest daddy. Don't be afraid, daddy will not hurt you."

William's expression changed suddenly, and even Bell felt that his father's IQ had dropped a lot in an instant.

"William! How many times have I told you not to yell at home! Look at you, you're scaring Al!"

Elena glared at her husband angrily, then hugged her youngest son, walked around her husband, and sat next to her children.


Seeing his wife also running out to defend that bastard Bell, William almost cried out of breath.

Don't be such a bully! ! !

(Actually, Elena just came up to take a look, otherwise she wouldn’t have brought Al with her when discussing business matters.)

Fortunately, with the burden of being the head of the family weighing on him, William finally resisted.

After stepping hard and walking to Bell's side, William's eyes widened.


Seeing this, Bell shrugged, stood up obediently, gave up the throne to his father, and ran away to cool off.


Seeing that Bell was still sensible, William's anger and jealousy subsided a little. He sat on the chair and said in a deep voice:

"Tell me, why did you do this?"

It was fine that the whole city was brought to its knees when the spies were captured before, but is it necessary to publicly execute those spies?

And he was executed publicly in front of everyone in the world!

Does this bastard know how much public pressure this will bring to the Menethil family?

Sure enough, he should have insisted on letting the brat Bell inherit the position of head of the family. In that case, he wouldn't need to worry about these things now.

Moreover, what the hell is that ‘destructive blow’ mentioned at the end! Does Bell really intend to make the whole world his enemy? And can that kind of thing really be done? ?


Isn’t it common sense to convince the other party first and then go to the negotiation table to negotiate? "

Bell said innocently.


Because Bell's expression was so innocent, William didn't know what to say for a moment.

Is there such common sense?

It seems to be there, and it seems not to be there... so is it there or not? ?

"But you can't declare war on more than a dozen powerful forces at the same time! And that's just the Muggle forces. You also sent notices to several wizarding organizations!"

Let’s just assume that this kind of common sense exists for the time being, but even so, we can’t do things so ‘boldly’!

"So...what's the problem?"

Bell looked at his father in confusion.

This is really not that Bell jumped, but that he wants strength, resources, and strategic depth. He has whatever he wants now. It can be said that on the current earth, he wants to go sideways, You can walk sideways, and if you want to climb upright, you can climb upright. So sooner or later, we have to deal with those guys. He packs them up at once, saving time and effort. How great!

"Of course... Bell, tell me the truth, what level has your current strength reached? Have you surpassed Dumbledore, Voldemort and others?"

In William's opinion, the most powerful wizards in the wizarding world for thousands of years have been Dumbledore, Grindelwald, and Voldemort.

But even Grindelwald, who was at the height of his power back then, could not really completely conquer all Muggle forces. Bell is so confident now, and excluding the possibility of losing his mind, the only possibility left is that Bell's strength has surpassed the above three people, or even far exceeded it.

To be honest, it was hard for William to believe that his son's strength had reached a level beyond his understanding, but from the usual scattered news, he instinctively felt that maybe things were really that outrageous.

Facing his father's question, Bell smiled slightly and stretched out his right hand.

Magic power emerged from Bell's palm and formed a miniature earth model above his palm.

Then, Bell's fingers were slowly closed, and orange-red cracks appeared on the earth model. Hot lava flowed from the cracks, igniting forests and grasslands. Burning fires spread across the entire surface of the earth. The sea even boiled. Black smoke filled the air, and the entire planet was a scene of doomsday.

‘Bang! ’

Finally, when Bell's palms were completely closed, the ravaged earth model could no longer bear it and burst into pieces, scattered into large and small pieces of debris, flying away in all directions.

After the display, Bell withdrew his hand, leaned back on the chair and looked at his father, with a playful smile on his lips.

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