On the way back, Carinne was elated and chattered incessantly. Her demeanor resembled that of a singing bird, never resting.

“As expected, Marta is Marta. The moment our eyes met, my breath got caught in my throat. She asked, ‘What?’ in a cold voice, and I thought I had done something terribly wrong.”

Archen remained silent, simply gazing at Carinne.

“Tall and well-built, with such sharp eyes… it felt like she was looking at a beast, not a person.”


“And her swordsmanship skills are exceptional too. I wanted to see her wielding a sword, but I guess I’ll have to wait for another opportunity.”

Carinne hummed a tune, then realized that the surroundings were unusually quiet and stopped humming. Did she make too much noise? Archen was looking at her reproachfully, and in her eyes, it seemed as if he was silently demanding her to be quiet.

“Was I too loud? I did talk quite a lot, didn’t I…?”

Feeling a bit unsettled, she closed her mouth, but Carinne couldn’t completely suppress her excitement. Unbeknownst to her, her feet were tapping to a rhythm as if playing a percussion instrument.

Fortunately, Archen asked a question, preventing the heavy silence from descending.

“How did you know about the white oak story?”

So it was about the trees.

It seemed that he had a question he wanted to ask. Relieved, Carinne burst into a cheerful laugh.

“Even if it seems like I don’t know, I actually know everything. So, don’t underestimate me. It might come back to bite you.”

“I see. I never knew you had a talent for lying.”


Was that so? It turned out she might have talent in unexpected areas, too.

Carinne scratched her head and laughed awkwardly as if feeling out of place. Truth be told, she had also been anxious while speaking. She had debated whether to say it or not, but now she realized it was a good decision to speak up.

The notion that the proud Knights of Esmeril could be tasked to chop trees was surely a shock to Marta.

“The territory below the northern mountains will now belong to the Princess.”

“No, it’s not even confirmed that the building has been canceled. And…”

After finishing the conversation with Marta, Carinne realized that she didn’t need to take responsibility for the territory.

“If I don’t accept what the Duke gives me, then it’s over.”

She could simply refuse the territory given by the Duke. He wouldn’t force the territory on someone who didn’t want it, so the wager would naturally be canceled.

“Even if the building is canceled, I won’t be the one receiving the territory. If there’s no giver and no receiver, the wager will end like that.”

Archen raised his eyebrows as if he hadn’t thought of that.

“I see. I will go and tell the Duke about it.”

He contemplated sharing this information with the Duke. The mere thought of it brought a smile to Carinne’s face. She could picture the Duke, who exuded an air of casual confidence and dismissiveness, being taken aback by Archen’s words.

Moreover, during the meeting with Marta, she would once again assert her victory. It added another layer of satisfaction to her already positive outlook. Carinne had arranged to visit the palace with Iris after the meeting concluded.

The anticipation of witnessing the Duke’s haughty demeanor crumble filled her with excitement.

“Are you really that happy?”

“Oh, haha. Is it that obvious?”


He responded immediately.

Carinne felt uneasy and turned her gaze out the window. It felt like a gentle reprimand, but she found herself invigorated by it nonetheless. The clear weather mirrored her positive disposition, and she leaned out of the carriage, relishing the refreshing air.

As the carriage swayed along a forest path, she knew they were nearing the mansion.

“I should go and have a cup of tea.”

With her task successfully accomplished, the anticipation of savoring a warm cup of tea seemed even more delightful than honey. The memory of its sweet taste brought a surge of energy coursing through her entire being.

She felt buoyant and ready to face any challenges that lay ahead.

Immersed in pleasant thoughts, Carinne failed to notice Archen stealing occasional glances in her direction.


After returning to the mansion, Archen diligently composed a report based on the conversation between Marta and Carinne, filing it away in the document cabinet. When he made his way to the Duke’s office, he found Duke Lucas seated at his desk.

Taking a seat himself, Archen patiently waited for the Duke to acknowledge him.

The Duke, known for his quiet and composed demeanor, gave the impression that the room was empty at first glance. Yet, beneath the serene silence, a tempestuous whirlwind raged within his heart.

Just a few hours ago, the Princess had not only acknowledged her mistake but also expressed gratitude towards him. It was a stark contrast to the Princess he had known before. Archen couldn’t help but believe that she was a genuinely good person who possessed an understanding nature.

That was the sole thought that occupied his mind, at least until he heard her next words: “Do you know? You’re the most flawless person I have ever known.”

Those words were a sincere accolade directed at him. The Princess couldn’t conceal her genuine admiration. The realization that the Princess held him in such high regard came as a surprise, yet simultaneously, he couldn’t help but think it was because she didn’t truly know him well enough to say such things.

He wasn’t as extraordinary as her expectations. If she truly came to know him, she would realize that her statement was unfounded. However, his train of thought was abruptly interrupted by her next words.

“There’s no need for you to feel burdened. This offer is not based on your exceptionalism but simply because it is you.”

The Princess’ voice, melodious and overly sweet, stirred up a buried sensation within him. It was a feeling that was both incredibly rare and irresistibly captivating.

“You’ve suffered enough until now, so only happiness awaits you,” said the Princess.

She seemed like a gift bestowed from the heavens, an existence straight out of a fairy tale.

…But the reality was far from a fairy tale.

The notion of overcoming adversity and living happily ever after was nothing more than a fabricated story, a baseless belief in the idea that good days will inevitably follow difficult ones—a fictional narrative crafted to instill unwarranted hope.

And to blindly follow such fiction would be foolish.

One act of foolishness was enough. He had no desire to repeat past mistakes or toy with his own fate once more. It was best to let go of unnecessary thoughts. Let the Princess live her life as a Princess, and he would forge his own path according to his destiny.

He tried to clear his mind completely.

Ah, yet why did the Princess’ melodious voice persist, lingering in his ears?

Like an echoing reverberation across the mountains, her voice permeated his thoughts and refused to fade away.

“Have you completely lost my mind? How many times did I call your name?”


Startled by the Duke’s grumbling, Archen finally opened his eyes. He had somehow entered the study and was sitting in a chair. He had wasted time daydreaming again. Archen blamed his own foolishness and lowered his head.

“I apologize.”

“Never mind. What happened with meeting the Knight’s Commander?”

He silently handed over the file he had been holding to the Duke.

The Duke accepted the file and quickly scanned its contents.

“What is this…?”

It didn’t take long for the Duke’s bloodshot eyes to be filled with astonishment.


“Now, let’s begin the meeting.”

The meeting, which typically proceeded without any notable changes, was now enveloped in an oppressive atmosphere. All eyes were drawn to a figure seated in the corner of the table, emanating an overwhelming aura of authority.

It was Marta, the sole Commander of Esmeril’s Knights, donned in her armor as if she had recently concluded a rigorous training session.

The distinct scent of sweat permeated the air within the meeting room.

The moderator, keenly aware of her disposition, cautiously broke the silence in response to the exchanged glances among the nobles.

“The first item on the agenda is… due to the frequent monster attacks in the northern region…”

“Constructing a separate building.”

Simultaneously, Marta also began to speak.

“It seems wasteful.”

The meeting room fell into a dead silence.



The nobles looked at each other’s faces but couldn’t step forward willingly.

Then, one nobleman bravely spoke up.

“It… it has already been decided.”

Another nobleman stepped forward and intervened, his voice filled with considerable force.

“We already discussed this last time. We decided to clear the white oak forest and build a separate building there…”

“Why do you consider it wasteful?”

However, when the King directly asked Marta, no one could utter a word.

“Do you feel that something is lacking while living in the palace?”


“Is your room too small? Or is it too chilly in the sleeping quarters?”


“If not, then it seems unnecessary to have a separate building.”

Once again, a dead silence filled the room.

“But aside from discomfort, it enhances Your Majesty’s grandeur! To show that Esmeril, despite its limited land, is no less than any other country, it is necessary…”

The nobleman who dared to speak up initially displayed a look of disbelief as he countered Marta’s statement. Although his voice resounded loudly, his hands resting upon the table betrayed his intense trembling.

Now, the time had come for Duke Lucas to address the gathering.

“In Radian, which is twenty times the size of Esmeril, there are only three separate buildings.”

“Ahem, but in other countries…”

“The Emperor of the Sahara Empire has only one small separate building by the seaside.”


“Therefore, His Majesty’s grandeur and the presence of a separate building seem unrelated.”

The nobles lost their words and only stared at each other’s faces. Uncomfortable silence enveloped the meeting room.

Finally, the King spoke.

Unlike usual, his gaze was clear, and his posture was upright. At this moment, he was not a meek spinach but a majestic leader of a powerful nation.

“It would be better to cancel the construction of a separate building.”

“But Your Majesty…”

“Moreover, isn’t the white oak forest a sacred place with legends of fairies living there? To destroy such a place and build a separate building… I must have been too reckless.”


“Cancel the construction of a separate building. I will not entertain any objections.”

Under the unwavering authority of the King’s resolute tone, the nobles obediently sealed their lips, enveloping the room in a silence that persisted for the rest of the meeting.

The subsequent proceedings flowed smoothly as Duke Lucas effortlessly secured the approval of the previously proposed agenda items, including the restoration of funding for the Knights and the importation of Isril from Radian.

Despite the opposition from some nobles, they found themselves with no alternative but to yield to the unyielding resolve of the King.

Throughout the remaining duration of the meeting, Marta maintained a serene composure, her presence marked by a quiet and unwavering stillness. Not once did she cast her gaze upon the King, nor did she even turn her head in his direction.

Likewise, the King reciprocated the detachment.

Like the moon rising after the sun sets and the sun rising after the moon sets, the destinies of the two individuals continue to diverge.

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