The Man Standing at the Top of the Food Chain

035 My own male god, how can I get gay?

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"Regional battle?" Tang Cheng was taken aback for a moment, "You mean, there is more than one reincarnation space?"

Little Apple nodded, "That's right, there are four infinite spaces in the entire reincarnation world, namely the East Court, West Chamber, South Court, and North Hall. We collectively call them the Four Districts. Every once in a while, the central system will open the first Five spaces, and select those qualified challengers in the four major regions to enter the fifth space to fight, of course, challengers can also choose not to participate.”

"What is the qualification to enter the fifth space?"

"Experience at least three copies of the world."

"Oh, that seems a little far away from me." Tang Cheng nodded.

"Yes, so the content of this aspect is still irrelevant to Dad." Probably because of copying part of Tang Cheng's personality relationship, Little Apple's ability to accept is also quite strong. After a few words, the word "Dad" has already It was very slippery, "If Dad can successfully pass through three dungeon worlds, he will be able to receive an invitation from the central system."

"By the way, which area is the reincarnation space I'm in?"

"Dong Ting, for the challenger's personal information, just check the information panel in his brain."

Sure enough, when Tang Cheng went to check his personal information, he immediately saw the word Dongting in the upper right corner of his information panel, besides his physical fitness, props, survival points, and customs clearance The dungeon world has shown that it is quite comprehensive... Of course, as a newcomer, Tang Cheng's current dungeon record is zero.

The novice copy does not seem to be counted.

"The information panel is a very important query tool for challengers, especially in the dungeon world, paying attention to the information panel at all times is one of the important guarantees for survival, but it is inconvenient for the auxiliary elves to disclose too much details about this , the challenger needs to explore by himself." While Tang Cheng was checking the information panel, Little Apple also explained a little.

However, Tang Cheng didn't care much about this kind of boring data, and quickly withdrew.

Then, just as he was about to speak, he suddenly saw two figures approaching from the front, which made Tang Cheng slightly stunned.The one who walked in front was a man in a windbreaker. There were only four adjectives for him—too handsome.And walking behind was a burly man in weird clothes, with a white cloth wrapped around his neck to the bridge of his nose, and a big sword about his height was carried on his shoulder, with fierce eyes.

It was this man who made Tang Cheng stunned.

Isn't this the guy named Momochi Zabuza in Kikage?

Thinking so in his heart, when the two sides passed each other, Tang Cheng immediately reached out and grabbed the man who looked like a peach, "Brother, your cosplay is quite magical, how did you do it?"

The man instinctively turned his head.

boom! ! !

When the man's eyes fell on Tang Cheng, he suddenly felt an overwhelming pressure coming from the front, as if being watched by an extremely terrifying giant beast, and the sense of crisis he felt at that moment was even far away. More than the tracker he faced in the novice dungeon... No, the two are not comparable at all.

It's not a cosplay, it's a real person!

Without thinking about it at all, Tang Chengcheng has already confirmed the identity of the man in front of him, because it is absolutely impossible for a pure cosplayer to have such a strong murderous aura, and the next behavior of this man is also very in line with Momochi's character.

"Looking for death!" When he said these words, Taodi's uncut hand was already on the huge handle of the knife, and he was about to cut it off.

"Stop." But before he could cut it off, the man who was handsome enough to be sloppy grabbed his wrist first, and at the same time glared at him, "I have told you many times, in the reincarnation space Don't shoot anyone here, if you don't want to cause me trouble."

"..." Tao Di gave Tang Cheng a hard look, and finally put his hand back.

And the handsome man nodded to Tang Cheng, and then left without saying a word.

Tang Cheng looked at the backs of the two, and said, "Little Apple, explain to me."

Little Apple immediately explained: "Dad's guess is right, that man is indeed Momochi Zabuza in "Naruto". There is a prop in the reincarnation space that can bring out plot* characters in the dungeon world as waiters, although The conditions are very strict and the price is high, but if the waiter is strong enough, the combat power of the challenger will be greatly improved, and at the same time, the plot* characters brought out can also be strengthened through the central system."

"And judging by the strength of that waiter, the challenger he serves has at least reached three stars."

"Wouldn't it have an impact on the dungeon world by bringing the plot* characters to the reincarnation space?" Tang Cheng asked.

"Although the dungeon world can exist in plural forms, different challengers can even experience the same plot at the same time and in the same dungeon world, but if a character in a certain plot becomes a waiter, he will gain uniqueness, From now on, any challenger will not be able to see this plot* character in that dungeon world, nor will he be able to touch the plot related to that character.”

"So that's it, then...can he kill me just now?"

"No. Although he does have the ability to kill Dad, killing is forbidden in the reincarnation space, and all his attacks will be erased. At the same time, once he really makes a move, the order guards in the reincarnation space will show up and attack punish him and the challenger to which he belongs."

"Should he know that?"


"Then he is really a funny guy." Tang Cheng's tone was not without contempt, and then, when Tang Cheng's gaze passed Tao Di Zai Bu Zhan's body, watching the figure of the handsome man who was so handsome gradually going away, his eyes He suddenly became lonely, shook his head and sighed: "Oh, my dear god, how can I do it."

He really didn't understand why a three-star challenger would find such an impulsive muscular man like Momoji Zabuchan as a waiter... Although he didn't know what the three-star star meant, it sounded very powerful Even if you really want to find a waiter, from an aesthetic point of view, at least you have to find a girl who is pleasing to the eye.

"Sure enough, even I can't understand the inner world of gay people, it's too scary."

Shaking his head, Tang Cheng had already left the square with Little Apple.

"That newcomer seems to be very impressive."

"Indeed, he didn't even frown in the face of Tao Di's murderous intent, and have you noticed? He doesn't seem to have been strengthened yet, and his physical fitness is still at the level of ordinary people."

"If it's an ordinary newcomer, I'm afraid that he will be paralyzed by fright in an instant."

"It seems that it has been a long time since I saw a newcomer of this quality, but unfortunately..."

"Unfortunately, it's a mental illness."

After Tang Cheng left, the people who saw that scene in the square couldn't help talking.Tang Cheng didn't know that handsome challenger, but they knew very well that in the lower level of the East Court, that man was one of the strongest men who deserved it, and he would definitely be able to enter the upper level soon, while his waiter Tao Di Even if he doesn't kill him, he has the strength to overwhelm most of the captains here. Not to mention the new challengers, even some old birds can hardly keep calm in front of him.

As for Tang Cheng, he was completely unmoved. This calmness alone was enough to make people take it seriously.

But even so, no one wanted to recruit Tang Cheng to join his team... He even foolishly provoked Tao Di and refused to kill him. Most of the psychopaths like this will not live long, but it's a pity for that quality.


Tang Cheng's room.

"Dad, are you really not considering joining a team?"

"Well, there's no need for that, at least not now."

After returning to her room, Little Apple, who was loyal to her duties, suggested that Tang Cheng join a certain team, but Tang Cheng refused without hesitation.

As mentioned earlier, Tang Cheng is an extremely willful and reckless person, and he is extremely self-centered. This kind of him can be said to be in two extremes with a team that takes the interests of the team as the best. It will not only cause harm to other team members. Injury, he himself will become handicapped.

For example, there are two tasks in front of you, one of which is very dangerous and can be easily completed as long as you follow the rules, while the other is very dangerous but can be played freely, and the rewards of the two tasks are similar , then if it is a normal person, it will definitely choose the former one, but Tang Cheng...he will probably choose the latter one.

Under this kind of conflict, it is impossible for Tang Cheng to obey the majority, and it is unrealistic for the majority to follow Tang Cheng's rhythm to die. Therefore, the single player mode is the most suitable for him.

As always, he doesn't have to worry about others, nor does he harm his teammates because of himself.

Of course, Tang Cheng also knows that in such a world, it is difficult for a lone ranger to go far, and forming a team should be an inevitable trend. Maybe one day in the future he will really join a team, but the members of that team It must be special... It doesn't have to be the same abnormality as him, at least it must accept his abnormality and be able to follow his abnormality.

However, not only are there very few abnormal people like Tang Cheng in this world, there are also very few people who can understand and accept his abnormality, otherwise he wouldn't be too handsome to have no friends.

So, before someone like that appeared, he wouldn't consider joining any team.

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