The Man Standing at the Top of the Food Chain

049 You guys, do you have anything to say?

Chez Wellman, the captain of the Garrison Corps, is the bearded man who surrounded the four of Tang Cheng this time. He is 195cm tall. Even in the army, he is considered a relatively large person, but his courage is just right Inversely proportional to his physique.

In fact, speaking of this person, when he was young, he was somewhat capable, otherwise he would not have been able to sit in this position, but most people are going back the more they live, plus he has never fought a giant head-on, and he has already He is used to giving orders while he sits in a safe place at the rear, so for now, his skills may not be as good as some veterans of the garrison regiment, and even less than some elite squad leaders in terms of comprehensive ability.

At least the two people, Ian and Rico, who are beside him at the moment, can completely explode him in all aspects.

But it is such a cowardly and incompetent person who can order capable people to suppress or even obliterate more capable people... This kind of thing is very ridiculous to Tang Cheng.Of course, he also knows that no matter which world he is in, this kind of thing is common, and he is not interested in it. The reason why he hasn't had an attack yet is just to see what tricks this guy can play. If it can be more interesting , I might as well play with him.

It is naturally impossible for Qiz to know Tang Cheng's thoughts, but Tang Cheng's attitude is clear to him at a glance. A mere trainee, who is not even a formal soldier, doesn't take him seriously at all. It is conceivable that he was so angry that he almost wanted to order the soldiers to fire immediately, but he was not that brain-dead after all.

Tang Cheng killed three people at the evacuation point. This matter is actually big or small. To put it mildly, the three people he killed were all civilians, without military or political affiliation, and there was a reason for the incident. He was indeed meritorious in this battle. If the people in the army want to protect him wholeheartedly, they can just record a demerit and it will be over.

In a big way, the deceased chairman of the chamber of commerce had a relationship with many high-level people, most of which were important figures in the military police regiment, and then also involved a small number of royal family figures.After all, in the current situation of mankind, if there is no certain background, a mere chairman of a chamber of commerce dares to disrupt the military tactics, it is simply suicide.

And if these backgrounds are unwilling to reconcile, they will just talk about killing Tang Cheng, after all, Tang Cheng is just a trainee.

Of course, that being said, they are never willing to do anything blatantly on the surface, and they have to come up with a legitimate reason to tie Tang Cheng and a monster like Alan Yeager together, so what do they do? It all makes sense, even if they go to a military court, they can confidently say that it is for human beings.

Then, just when Qiz was furious by Tang Cheng's words but didn't know how to refute, he felt lucky that Alan Yeager finally woke up at this time, and immediately put his The attention was diverted... Yes, there is no need to be so troublesome, as long as the fact that Alan Yeager is a giant is confirmed, and Tang Cheng is killed as an accomplice, there is no need for other reasons.

And Alan Yeager's expression when he woke up was a bit frightening, not only his eyes were full of murderous intent and a cruel smile, but his mouth kept chanting words like "kill all" and "kill all" ... Keiz trembled immediately when he heard it.

Even those soldiers who were still a little swaying began to show real killing intent.

Thinking that he might be facing a giant now, Qiz's courage suddenly weakened a little, but it was because of his fear that he couldn't back down in the slightest, and immediately shouted: "Trainer Alan Yeager, Tang Cheng, Mikasa* Ackerman, Ermin* Allert! What you are doing now is a rebellion against human beings. Next, I will ask you a life-threatening question. Don’t try to prevaricate it. Countless people have witnessed everything with their own eyes. If you dare to take any action, I will immediately bombard you with grenades! Then I asked directly... Alan Yeager, what is your identity? Are you a human? Or a giant? ?”

Hearing the voice on the other side, Allen finally came back to his senses, but he couldn't understand the situation in front of him at all... His memory was still maintained at the moment when he was eaten by a giant, as for his experience after turning into a giant. He had no memory at all. He didn't understand why he appeared in such a place. The broken hands and feet seemed to have recovered, but the most incomprehensible thing for him was that the people on the opposite side who were obviously supposed to be on the same front as him, why did they Look at yourself the way you look at a monster?Why do you point the blade and weapon at yourself?

"I don't understand the meaning of your question!" Allen shouted instinctively.

"Do you want to play dumb? You monster!" Qiz yelled sharply, "Dare to say it again, I can blow you to pieces in just a moment, and I will never give you a chance to show your true shape! Like you Monsters disguised as human beings, mixing with human beings in an attempt to disturb the morale of the army, I will not give you this chance, for the survival of human beings... I did nothing wrong!"

The last sentence, as if he was trying to cheer himself up.

"Indeed, their resistance is already obvious, and it seems that we can't get favorable information from them. Now is not the time to waste time and troops on them." The female squad leader of the elite group Rico nodded. Said, and as her voice fell, the surrounding soldiers immediately joined together, requesting an order to kill four people.

Only Ian, with a love of talents in his heart, tried to make the last effort: "Captain, that Mikasa* Ackerman and Tang Chengcheng have the strength to defeat a hundred. If they lose them, it will be a great loss for mankind." .”

Chiz's expression changed suddenly when he heard this. He knew that Ian was not a big talker. If those two people were really as good as he said, then can the soldiers here really kill them... Not to mention there is another one The existence of monsters!

At the same time, Mikasa finally couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, and stepped forward with both knives in his hands, staring at everyone with ruthless eyes, "My special skill... is to cut meat, anyone at any time, anywhere, if anyone wants to If you want to experience it, just come here!"

Hearing this sentence, the garrisoned soldiers who surrounded the four felt a chill in their hearts. Even if they didn't understand Mikasa's combat power, they who had experienced real battles could feel her as long as they looked at Mikasa's eyes at the moment. of terror.

Only Ermin shouted, "Mikasa, how can you fight humans?"

His character is a bit timid and inferior, but at the same time he is the most rational. He knows very well that if he really fights with these soldiers, then they will have no way out.

As for Allen, he's still out of the loop.

Tang Cheng looked left and right. On one side was the garrison regiment full of murderous intentions, and on the other side were the three little friends who were forced to nowhere. He couldn't help but sighed.

"Alas~~" His sigh seemed to have magical powers, attracting everyone's attention, and then saw him scratching his head, looking dispirited, "I thought you could have something Wonderful performance, but it seems that I really overestimated you. Except for a few old sayings repeated over and over again, you can't come up with anything new. You think that you can do whatever you want with the righteousness of human beings. If this is the case, I am too lazy I'll spend it with you again..."

"Not good! He wants to..." The face of the female class leader, Ricko, suddenly changed, and he wanted to remind everyone, but he was still a step too late. Just as she spoke, Tang Cheng disappeared from the spot, and in an instant She felt a gust of wind rushing towards her, and when she saw Tang Cheng again, the latter was already standing in front of her, and his right hand was pinching the face of her immediate boss, Qizi.

Rico was startled, and instinctively wanted to save his boss, but just as she made an attack, Tang Cheng flicked her elbow with his left index finger, and suddenly... click!

Rico's right hand was immediately dislocated, and his lower body suddenly lost his center of gravity, his knees gave way and he fell to his knees.

How can it be? !

Rico was shocked. Although she was not as strong as the members of the investigation corps, she was not weak in close combat skills. But now facing Tang Cheng, she completely lost her fighting power with just a flick of the finger. kind of thing...

When her knees touched the ground, she instinctively wanted to get up, but before he could make a move, she suddenly felt a heavy pressure on her shoulders, but it was Tang Cheng's foot that was stepping on her shoulders, making her She could no longer move.

"My special skill is...killing!"

Standing on the high platform, Tang Cheng stepped on the squad leader of the elite group with his left foot, pinched the captain of the garrison with his right hand, looked around everyone, and said in a deep voice, "Whether it is a giant or a human, I can kill them in the most efficient way." Kill, if you dare to act rashly, I will tear off your captain's face in an instant, and let him suffer endless pain to death. I can crush your squad leader's shoulder by stepping on it with my left foot, and crush half of her internal organs at the same time. If the treatment is timely, she can live for another half an hour, but it can only make her suffer for another half an hour... You guys, do you have anything to say?"

Tang Cheng's gaze was fixed on everyone, no longer the usual playful smile, only... the cruelty towards ants.


After making two mistakes and selling out cute, it's time to show some domineering side, please recommend tickets!

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