The Man Standing at the Top of the Food Chain

053 Why Don't You Ask the Magical Ermin?

Anyone can hear the regret in Pixisi's words, and everyone knows why he regrets... As a soldier, Tang Cheng brutally killed a superior officer in full view. This is an unforgivable crime. If the officer did not betray humanity, the army could immediately execute him, no matter how good his aptitude was.

Realizing this, everyone felt extremely complicated, because Tang Cheng was so outstanding, if he were to be executed, it would definitely be a huge loss to mankind, but military law is ruthless, and this matter cannot be discussed.If Pixis really ordered Tang Cheng to be killed, the soldiers here would not be lenient, even those who were "probated" by Tang Cheng before, they might hesitate, but they would definitely obey the order.

Dort Pixis and Chiz Wellman, the prestige of these two people in the army is completely different.

" can this be done?"

Allen and the three were extremely anxious. Although they were not very close to Tang Cheng, and they rarely communicated with each other in the training corps, they were companions after all, and they couldn't ignore it.Moreover, fundamentally speaking, a large part of the reason why Tang Cheng is facing the current crisis is because of them. If it weren't for Alan's giant body, Tang Cheng would be charged with killing a businessman based on Tang Cheng's achievements on the battlefield today. It wasn't enough for him to be executed. If a big man like Pixis wanted to protect him because he cherished his talent, he would probably be fine after a few months of confinement.

But now, because of their affairs, he has no way out.

Not to mention Alan as the person involved, even Mikasa, who is relatively indifferent, couldn't bear Tang Cheng to be executed like this. The two subconsciously looked at Ermin. As the smartest of the three, they knew that if at this time Who else can save Tang Cheng, only Ai Ermin.

Ermin noticed the eyes of the two, but didn't respond, because he was already thinking about it.

But what to do?They have no power or strength, and they can't even protect themselves, let alone save Tang Cheng, and they are charged with Tang Cheng's crime... Wait!charges?Since it is a crime, then in turn, if Tang Cheng can make enough credit to offset the crime... But where does this credit come from?


Suddenly looking up at Alan, Elmin suddenly had an idea in his heart. If this idea can be realized, their position can be reversed to some extent, but... Will Pixis give them such a chance?

Elmin's heart was full of hesitation, and at this time, he happened to see the encouraging glances from Eren and Mikasa.

For a split second, Ermin only felt his courage multiplied.

Yes, no matter whether there is hope or not, the opportunity is won by oneself, not by others. There is only one way that I have tried my best to come up with. Even if I fail, the situation will not become worse than it is now. Since someone is willing to Believe in yourself, then you have no reason to back down.

Thinking of this, Ermin gritted her teeth fiercely, and instantly stood up straight. She clenched her right fist and hit her left chest heavily, and shouted loudly: "I am a..."

The sudden voice of Ermin immediately attracted the attention of everyone present, only to hear him shout: "Soldiers who have long sworn to dedicate their hearts to the revival of mankind, if I can act according to this belief, I will die without fail. Shake, I am here to ask you to combine the power of giants possessed by Alan Yeager with the remaining troops to take back this town that has been invaded by giants, please allow me to petition the glory of mankind, even if I am about to go Death, at least during this period of time, please allow me to explain his tactical value... Let us take the blame and make meritorious deeds!"

The four words "dai crime and meritorious service" are used very well, because as soon as the words came out, it showed to everyone that the three of them were bound together with Tang Cheng, so Tang Cheng was originally charged with killing the chief, and the three of them must also Take it together... It is no longer an individual crime, but a corporate crime.

And if Ermin didn't say these four words, their problem would be Allen's giantization.

But neither Alan nor Mikasa has any complaints about this, because only if they are completely tied to Tang Cheng, their contribution can save Tang Cheng from death, and at the same time, Alan's problem can also be solved.

Tang Cheng smiled in his heart when he heard this, since Pixis appeared, he has been waiting for Ermin's words, although he can say these words, but he who had already made a gesture of death to show his will obviously He has already lost the position to plead for his own life... Now that the scene has started, he will not mess with the key details of the scene, which is related to his self-cultivation as an actor.

And it turns out that Ermin is indeed a witty teenager.

"What a perfect salute." Pixis looked at the boy's appearance at the moment, smiled slightly, and praised without hesitation, "It seems that there are more talents in this year's graduates than I imagined. If that’s the case, I might as well listen to it.”

Hearing this, El's spirit immediately relaxed, and he slumped on the ground as if he had lost his strength. He could faintly feel his hands and feet trembling... If Pixis didn't accept his petition, they would really It's dead, I really don't want to do it again for this kind of situation!

"Commander, is this really all right? After all, Captain Wellman..." Rico whispered to Pixis. She didn't mean to target Tang Cheng and the others, and felt that it was a pity that such a person should be executed. But the impact of what the other party committed cannot be underestimated.

Pixis waved her hand to stop her from continuing, and smiled: "You young children have never understood what the most important thing is now. Even if we execute them in order to maintain the military law, what will humans get? ? But if the tactics they're talking about really work, and let us retake the towns overrun by the giants, it will be the first victory in our human history, and its significance goes far beyond military law."

"I understand." Rico suddenly stunned.

Hearing his words, Alan and the others were finally completely relieved. Although their crimes have not been eliminated, at least...they still have a chance to make amends.


Not long after, Pixis took Tang Cheng and the others to the wall of the Trost District, facing a man with the power of a giant and a criminal who killed the chief. He was alone without any personal guards , although his entourage strongly opposed this, but no one dared to defy his decision.

Trost Region is the most important defense base for human beings. Once this place is breached, the entire Ruth region will collapse, just like the Maria region five years ago. At that time, human beings could only shrink within the last wall. And the area and materials there are limited... In other words, if Trost Region falls, countless humans will be reduced to food for giants.

And at this moment, the giants have come to the city!

After looking around at the giants on the wall for a while, Pixis began to ask about Alan's giant body, and long before that, Alan almost remembered everything he did, and he probably guessed As for the opportunity for him to have the power of giants, he told Pixis one by one.

Of course, Allen still doesn't know the fundamental reason for his giant power, and Pixis can understand this and guarantee their safety during this period.

Afterwards, Pixis looked at Tang Cheng, "What do you think about the upcoming battle?"

When he came here, he had already learned about the whole incident from his subordinates, including Tang Cheng's speech of course. He knew that this was a person with real ideas.

Tang Cheng shrugged and pointed to the blond boy next to him, "Why don't you ask the amazing Elmin?"

The play he directed temporarily reached the intermission, and Tang Cheng no longer needed to be an actor, so Tang Cheng returned to his usual state. Alan and the others have long been used to this, and they are not surprised by it, and Pixis himself is Naturally, he wouldn't feel anything weird, but Tang Cheng's casualness gave him a sense of familiarity.

Alas, if he didn't do anything wrong, it would be very suitable for him to take his place after he retired... After expressing regret again in his heart, Pixis turned his inquiring eyes to Elmin.

Ermin tidied up his mood a little, and immediately said: "What I think is that if Allen turns into a giant to carry the boulder in the town that is bigger than a house and weighs dozens of tons, he will be able to block the oversized boulder. The door destroyed by the giants, then the giants will not be able to enter, as long as we destroy the giants in the town one after another... However, this is just my brainstorming, it is not necessarily guaranteed, but at least it has the possibility of breaking the status quo. "

Seeing that Pixis was silent, he said again: "Of course, the most important thing is that I hope this can protect our lives."

"Protect your own life? Haha." Pixis suddenly laughed, "There is nothing more convincing than this sentence."

If they fail, they will surely die. If they succeed, they will have hope of living. Therefore, in order to keep themselves alive, Pixis believes that these young people will do their best, at least not in this matter.

Then he walked up to Allen and squatted down, "So, Yeager trainer, can you block that hole?"

"Uh!" Allen was stunned for a moment. To be honest, he didn't have much confidence in his own power, let alone whether he could control the power of giants, because when he became a giant before, he did not have his own consciousness, and Even if you can't control your own consciousness, how can you talk about blocking the door?


"Although I don't know if it will be successful, but I will do it!"

The boy gritted his teeth and said firmly.


Temporarily turn off the domineering mode, and turn on the funny mode again, please recommend, like, and collect!

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