The Man Standing at the Top of the Food Chain

058 Hidden special side missions - the new era of mankind

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The division commander of the dignified military police regiment, the leader of one army, was slapped in the face by a mere training soldier in front of countless people. Dirk himself, even the gendarmes present could not bear it.

But what if you can't stand it?attack?protest?

Don't be kidding, if the protest is effective, those businessmen won't die, if the attack is effective, the military police won't lose all their teeth, and even Levi, who is recognized as the strongest human being, can't beat Tang Cheng. What can it do?Even if they shoot recklessly, let alone whether they can kill Tang Cheng, if they accidentally kill Darris and kill the supreme commander of mankind, they will never be able to afford it.

Therefore, even if it is unbearable, they have to swallow this humiliation.

But after he slapped Neil Dirk away, Tang Cheng's gaze was already on Nick, the priest of the Church of the Wall.

Father Nick's face turned pale at that time, and he said tremblingly: "You you... what do you want to do? I am a believer of God, if you dare to attack me, the great god will definitely... will never let go. past you!"

Although he spoke loudly, everyone could tell that he was serious and indifferent. Tang Cheng didn't care, and smiled kindly, "Don't worry, I won't beat you, let alone kill you, I just want to tell you You, I may come to you soon, I hope you can make mental preparations in advance, as for the reason, I think you should know."

"You..." Father Nick's expression changed suddenly, and there was a slight dodging in his eyes.

"Of course, as far as my arrangement is concerned, it will take at least a month for me to find you, so you have enough time to prepare. If you don't want me to come to you, just resist." Tang Cheng was very Enthusiastically gave him suggestions, "Whether it's assassination, poisoning, assassination, besieging, framing... as long as it's the means you want, you can use it anyway, I will wash my neck and wait for you, even if you can let me I feel the slightest bit of threat, and I'm happy."

Father Nick was too frightened to speak.

After Tang Cheng put pressure on him, he stopped paying attention to him, and a bright apple suddenly appeared in his hand as if by magic, and he said while eating: "Perhaps you will wonder why I did such a thing , in fact, I just want to tell you that I am strong, stronger than everyone here, including Alan. Of course, some of you will not care about this, because you have power, money and status, So a powerless soldier like me is nothing in your eyes, so... let me tell you with practical actions, you are nothing in my eyes."

Tang Cheng's eyes flashed across the gendarmerie regiment, businessmen, and even those pale-faced royals, and smiled lightly, and then he saw his footsteps move, and a few afterimages came behind a royal, eating the The half-remaining apple was placed in front of him, his hands were on his shoulders, and his eyes were looking forward, "Actually, I prefer to kill giants than to make trouble here, because it is very meaningful to me." So I plan to join the survey corps and go outside to hunt giants, and what I want to ask is... will you object?"

When he said the last sentence, Tang Cheng's eyes were already on those royal families.

These few royals are used to being pampered and pampered. Facing such a murderous lunatic like Tang Cheng, their courage has long been frightened. How can they raise the heart of resistance? They nodded instinctively, "Of course I won't object. .”

"Very good, I like your frankness, then, I will take Alan, will you agree?"


"That's great, you are indeed a sensible nobleman, I really want to kiss you, but unfortunately I don't have sex." Tang Cheng smiled and patted the head of the royal family, and then walked to the other party's dry laughter. In the center of the meeting room, open your hands.

"The nobles have already agreed to my request, but I am a democratic person, and I also want to hear your opinions. If any of you don't agree, just attack me. If you can kill me, Of course it's up to you to decide, but...if you can't kill me..."

While speaking, Tang Cheng's eyes froze, and the originally friendly eyes suddenly became sharp like an eagle, faintly releasing a terrifying murderous aura, "If you can't kill me, everyone who attacks me today will die. Including your parents, wives, children, even friends and companions, and everyone related to you...whether it is a hundred, a thousand or 1, all of them will die!"

"Come on, I've already gambled my life, do you dare to gamble with me? Let me see your courage, come on, shoot me!"

Tang Cheng stood there like this, with his hands open and his eyes even closed.

However, no one shot.

Even those who hated Tang Cheng deeply and wished to kill him immediately did not shoot.

Because of fear.

Whether it's taking out an apple to eat, or walking to the royal family to talk, these things are not Tang Cheng's evil intentions, but his deliberate actions, but what he casts in everyone's hearts...shock!

Human beings are always full of fear of the unknown, and Tang Cheng's previous behaviors were full of too many unknowns. Coupled with the strength he showed, he repelled Levi and caught bullets empty-handed... Such a person, by virtue of Can their skills and weapons really kill them?

It would be fine if he killed it, but if he couldn't kill it, his whole family would die!

They didn't doubt the authenticity of Tang Cheng's words, because he was a lunatic. Since he was a lunatic, of course he could do anything, but they were not!Take the lives of the whole family to gamble on an unpredictable possibility, how could they do it!

Moreover, the bolder Tang Cheng was, the stronger their fear of Tang Cheng was. After all, in the eyes of normal people, no one would seek death. Since Tang Cheng dared to let go of the hostages and let them shoot, it meant that he Sure to survive.

One minute later, no one fired. Tang Cheng smiled, walked to Alan's side and took off his handcuffs, then patted the young man who was also stunned, "You have been released."

When Tang Cheng pulled Alan up, a gendarme instinctively pointed his gun at them, but Tang Cheng just turned his head and gave him a look, and the gendarme was so frightened that his whole body went limp, and even the gun dropped to the ground .Tang Cheng laughed, grabbed Alan and threw him towards Mikasa.

"Do you want to leave like this?" At this moment, a steady voice rang out.

Darius Zachary.

"Oh, what's your opinion, Mr. President?" Tang Cheng asked with a smile.

"The only judge of this deliberation is me. Without my consent, you are not eligible to leave here. You claim to be a democracy and have asked everyone's opinion, but you have not asked my opinion." Darris Having said that, unlike other people, he didn't have any fear or anxiety when talking to Tang Cheng, just simply telling.

Tang Cheng smiled slightly, "I see, but I have always heard that the President is a person who knows how to weigh the pros and cons. I don't think you want everyone here to die because of your wrong decision?"

Darius tapped the table lightly with his fingers, and he heard that although Tang Cheng was threatening him on the surface, he was actually giving him a step... If he prevented Tang Cheng from leaving here, he would kill all of them. Otherwise, he would not do anything again, so he let him go not because he was powerless to stop him, but because he cared about the lives of these people present.

"General... Your Excellency..." A royal family looked at him with a pale face.

"His Royal Highness, please rest assured." Darius nodded to the royal family, then turned to Tang Cheng and asked, "Is your purpose just to join the Survey Corps and go to the front to kill giants?"

"Of course not only, in fact, I also hope that the Chamber of Commerce can donate all the food and materials they have accumulated to provide to our frontline soldiers. I also hope that the Gendarmerie can join the action of the Survey Corps and help us deal with the giants under our orders. I still hope...hehe." At this point, Tang Cheng noticed that the faces of many people began to change, and couldn't help laughing, "Of course, I know these are impossible, so I didn't mention it."

"Smith, what do you think?" Darris looked at the commander of the Survey Corps.

Before Erwin could speak, Neil Decker pointed at him and asked, "Erwin, do you really want to take them into the Survey Corps?"

Erwin glanced over Tang Cheng and Allen, and finally looked at Neil Deke, nodded and said: "Yes, if they have this intention, my survey corps will accept them."

"Even if they were murderers and monsters?"

"That's right, as long as they have the power to defeat giants and help humans retake Maria's Wall, it doesn't matter what they are."


Neil Dekker was so angry that he couldn't speak at once. At this time, he was quite courageous, but in fact, he had already seen that as long as he didn't push too hard, Tang Cheng would The matter will not get out of hand, at least from the point of view that the four people Tang Cheng killed were all businessmen, he does not want to really confront the military.

Although killing people at the deliberation meeting has an extremely large impact, businessmen have no political status. As long as the military and the royal family are willing to suppress it, this matter can be reduced to a big issue, and a small thing to nothing... In his opinion, the Supreme Commander Darris has mostly made a choice.

This is a politician who can give up a lot for the good of humanity.

Then, as the division commander of the gendarmerie, even if it is useless to resist, he should protest a little bit, and get back as much face as he can.As for Tang Cheng, since his goal has been achieved, there will be no more troubles in the future.

And the facts are indeed the same. Now that the overall situation has basically been decided, Tang Cheng doesn't care about one or two objections. Although for his plan, the Gendarmerie must be eliminated, but not now, he has to Give them a grand funeral that befits their status.

From the very beginning, Tang Chengcheng knew that whether it was Erwin or Darris, what they valued was only the overall interests of mankind, and they didn't care about the lives of just one or two people.Compared with the value of him and Allen, which is more important than the deaths of several businessmen?To maintain discipline and become an enemy of Tang, or to put Tang Cheng in the survey corps and let him fight the giants, which choice is more beneficial to human beings, smart people can tell the difference.

And most importantly, Erwin, Darris, and Pixis, the main combat faction of the army, have a certain degree of dissatisfaction with the current weakness and conservatism of the royal family, but they have no way to change because of their unknown origin.Although Tang Cheng's words and deeds are very radical in terms of influence, they are still an opportunity.

So, under the guise of the safety of several royal families, this matter was suppressed by Darius. He pretended to be helpless on the surface, but in fact paved the way for Tang Cheng.The gendarmerie couldn't raise any objections, and the royal family just wanted to go home quickly. As for those businessmen... no matter how rich they were, they would not dare to confront the head of the military department.

In the eyes of many people at the time, it was inconceivable and even incomprehensible that an event that should have been unforgivable ended with such a smooth ending.

And no one knew that shortly after the review meeting ended, Darris, Pixis, Erwin, Levi and Tang Cheng had a secret meeting.

No one but the five of them knew the content of the talks.

After the meeting, Tang Cheng became a member of the Survey Corps as he wished, and at the same time, a faint smile appeared on his face, because... everything was as he expected.

"Main task [-], the task of joining the Survey Corps has been completed, no rewards."

"The main task three is triggered, and the threat of the three giants should be eliminated within 1500 days. When the threat of the three giants is completely eliminated, the challenger will return to the reincarnation space. The reward for completing the task is [-] survival points, and a d-level reincarnation card."

"This main task is shared by all challengers in the current instance."

"Note: You can't kill the three giants when they are human. Otherwise, 1000 survival points will be deducted for each kill. When the challenger returns to the reincarnation space and the survival points held are negative, the challenger will be obliterated."

"The hidden special side mission 'New Era of Humanity' is triggered. Before completing the main mission three, overthrow the current human political system and establish a new human kingdom. The mission rewards will be distributed randomly according to the completion of the mission."

"This task is exclusive to challenger 9527, and it is a free task. If the challenger does not complete the hidden task before completing the main task three, this task will be cancelled, and there will be no cancellation penalty."

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