The Man Standing at the Top of the Food Chain

075 Pigs and humans are always different

In the more than 100 years since humans hid in the walls, the survey corps have gone out on expeditions 57 times, consuming countless financial, manpower and material resources. As soldiers, they are undoubtedly brave, but as a force, they have not been able to come up with Substantial gains... Yes, at great sacrifices, almost all of their actions ended disastrously.

Therefore, within the walls, the Survey Corps is not welcome, at least most people regard them as idiots who are eager to go out to die, although there are people like Allen who regard the Survey Corps as a hero worship, but after all, they are a minority... From the royal family to the common people, more people regard them as fools and feed their expedition behavior.

Feed the giants.

Before each expedition, except for the cheers of a few people, more people looked at them with the eyes of the dead. When returning, except for a few relatives and friends of the investigation corps who cried bitterly about the death of their relatives, more people questioned them , and a denunciation of their expedition.

And it was the same this time, when the wounded and disabled generals of the Survey Corps returned to the wall with the corpses of their companions, Tang Cheng finally experienced this kind of questioning and denunciation for himself, and everyone in the Survey Corps remained silent. language.Tang Cheng believed that he was different from ordinary people, independent and independent, and never cared about what others thought of him, let alone whether he could be understood by others, but after hearing this voice too much, he was still a little irritable after all, as if there were countless flies Flying in front of you.

In normal times, he would slap these flies away or kill them, but this time he did nothing, because he knew very well: when a creature gets used to living in captivity like a pig, They will no longer care about what they can't see, and they will cast a different eye on those around them who want to run out of the pigsty.These people who have lost their dignity and freedom, before they can pick up their dignity and freedom without paying any price, they don't want to see that people who are originally in the same position as themselves have freedom and dignity.

In a nutshell, lowly people want everyone to be as lowly as themselves, so that the lowly can stay away from themselves and say to everyone proudly: Look, we are all the same.

This is what Tang Cheng thinks of most people inside the wall.

Because too many people have this kind of thinking, in Tang Cheng's eyes, this world is deformed. He doesn't like this kind of world, it's too rigid and rigid. To put it bluntly, the structure of this world is too small.But at the same time, he also likes this kind of world very much, because he can lead a very small number of people to break this routine and let the world develop in a broader direction, which must be a very interesting thing.

However, when everyone returned to the headquarters of the Survey Corps, an uninteresting thing happened.

Since the end of the Trost Recapture War, Ian and Rico, who had excellent performances in this battle, were promoted to captains by Pixis, respectively serving as the second and third commanders of the southern line of defense. After learning that the Survey Corps had returned, The two hurried over and brought a shocking news: Pixis, the head of the garrison regiment, and Darris, the supreme commander of mankind, died at noon and afternoon respectively today.

Hearing this news, everyone's face changed drastically except Tang Cheng.

The reason why the Survey Corps has been able to stand still amid so many doubts is mainly due to the support of Pixis and Daris, and now with the fall of these two, it means that they have lost their last support.

"It was an accident." When Erwin instinctively asked how the two died, Ian said sadly, "The commander was drunk this morning, fell off the city wall, and unfortunately died. The president is Hearing the news of the commander's death, on the way there in a hurry, the carriage fell down unfortunately, resulting in a head hit and died... According to the medical officer's examination, the bodies of the two people were not attacked by humans, and both died of accidents."

"Hahahahaha!" Tang Cheng laughed out loud after hearing what he said, and said disdainfully, "Hmph, accident? Darris is old, and he will be killed by a carriage overturning, I believe, but Pixis That guy is old and strong, if he falls to his death because of drinking, I will broadcast live! What's more, the two died on the same day, this kind of trick to deceive a three-year-old is an accident, do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it." Ian shook his head first, then took out two letters from his pocket and handed them to Erwin, "A few days ago, the commander said some strange things to me and gave me a key. I didn’t understand it at the time, so I didn’t pay much attention to it. But when the commander died, I suddenly remembered this incident, so I rushed to the commander’s residence and found these two letters from his safe.”

"Have you seen it?" Erwin asked, taking the envelope.

Ian shook his head, "I haven't had time to see it yet."

"Let's watch it together, the commander must know something." Having said that, Erwin had already opened the envelope and spread the two pieces of letter paper flat on the table. The content is as follows:

"Baldhead, maybe you don't believe it, but what I want to tell you is that the enemies we really have to deal with are not only the royal family and the gendarmerie regiment. He will definitely kill you when I'm not paying attention. I don't have time to deal with him for the time being. After all, no matter how omnipotent I am, I can't be divided into two, so if you have a premonition that something is wrong Just run away, at least on the day when I act with the survey corps, pay as much attention to the surrounding situation as possible, if you die accidentally, you can’t blame me for not reminding you.”

After reading the first letter, everyone subconsciously looked towards... The one who called Pixis a bald head and spoke in such a rash tone, besides the person in front of them, they could not think of a second person.

Tang Cheng shrugged indifferently, "That's right, I wrote this letter, one from the bald man and one from the old man, but obviously, they didn't take my words to heart."

Everyone had a lot of questions in their hearts, but they didn't ask, but continued to read the second letter.

"I do have doubts about what Tang Cheng said in his letter. Maybe it's more of fear. If there really is a black hand behind what he said among us humans. But as the head of the garrison regiment, the old man guards The most important line of defense for human beings, even if there is a life-threatening situation, the old man will not take a step back... Recently, I don’t know if it’s an illusion, but the old man did feel some unusual breaths, and he was in a trance. Thinking of what little friend Tang Cheng said , Maybe there is something secretly going on around the corner, but little friend Tang Cheng didn't make it clear in his letter, and he doesn't have any solid evidence..."

"The old man is old, and his life will not be long. There are so many talents among the younger generations. The old man is very pleased. With your existence, human beings will not go to a desperate situation. Therefore, the old man decided to risk himself. If the old man really died because of this, I hope that the death of the old man can remove a little fog in the heart of little friend Tang Cheng, and if it can get rid of the black hand lurking among the human beings, then the death of the old man will have great significance, and there will be a lot of people in the underground. Now that I can drink with a smile, I ask little friend Tang Cheng to do his part for mankind."

"In addition, Ian acts decisively, has a unique vision, and is brave and resourceful. After I die, he can take my place."

"Ah~~" Hearing Rico finish reading the letter in a low voice, Tang Cheng rubbed his forehead with his hand and sighed helplessly, "This dead bald man is dead, yet he even made me owe him a big favor. , but...doesn't he know that I'm not the kind of person who always repays favors?"

"Did you understand this letter?" Rick asked suddenly, and the others looked at Tang Cheng with puzzled faces. They read the letter, but they didn't understand what it said at all... The sentence that Ian was in charge of the garrison regiment.

Tang Cheng shrugged, "Needless to say, of course it's the ability of the murderer."


Tang Cheng didn't answer, but asked Ian, "When Pixis fell off the city wall, was there anyone by his side?"

"Yes, at that time Rico was discussing with the commander about the defense of the city wall." Ian replied.

Tang Cheng turned to Rico, "So, did Pixis have any abnormal behavior at that time? For example, he was restless, or being controlled by someone?"

"How is it possible to be controlled?" Rico expressed his confusion, and then said, "The commander's performance is no different from usual, although he looks drunk, but he has always been like this, and there is nothing wrong with him. But when he was talking to me about halfway through, he suddenly crooked his body, stepped on the air, and fell straight down... If there is something strange, he didn't use a three-dimensional motorized device when he fell. And when I reacted, he had hit the guardrail of the city wall, is there any problem?"

Erwin also asked strangely: "Can you infer who killed the commander based on these alone?"

"I don't know who killed Pixis, but I probably have some clues about what ability the murderer used, but it's useless to tell you. Anyway, I'll keep this matter in mind for the time being. Let's talk about us now." Let's take the next move..." Tang Cheng shook his head, with a hint of playfulness and disdain in his smile, "The other party obviously knew that we had plans for a coup d'etat, so they got rid of Darius and Pixis in advance, so that Turning us into a solitary army completely, but his thinking is a little simple, even if I lose the aid of the military department, I can still take the entire king city."

"Of course, since the other party has already started, he will definitely not stop there. According to my estimation, someone will summon us to enter the capital soon..."

"Regimental Commander!" Before Tang Cheng could finish his sentence, an investigative soldier had already rushed in and said, "The First Gendarmerie Regiment came here to send a message that you and Tang Cheng's squad leader will take Arnie Leonlid, Enter the royal capital to accept investigation and questioning."

Tang Cheng suddenly smiled and spread his hands, "Look, the wisdom of apes."

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