The Man Standing at the Top of the Food Chain

079 Look, They Are Pretending Again

"Hehe." Hearing Tang Cheng's slightly sarcastic words, the man was not angry, but just smiled, "I really don't have a name, because I have given up on it long ago, but you can call me the curtain behind the scenes, this is me. title."

"The curtain behind the scenes is really high-end and high-end." Tang Cheng spit out a sentence, "But, is it really okay for you to tell me the title as soon as you come up? With your IQ, behind the scenes really Can you stay?"

It's not that Tang Cheng doesn't know about the title, he's heard of it from Little Apple as early as in the reincarnation space.The title is an enhancement system in the reincarnation world that allows the holder to have certain special abilities. For example, if you have the title of One Piece, then you can obtain the treasures in the sea more easily than others. For example, if you have the title of Big Stallion , then you are definitely better at picking up girls, and even if you have a title like Long Aotian, you can get a halo-like skill that can make the enemy's IQ drop or lose their mind.

There are three ways to obtain the title. One is to complete a certain achievement in the dungeon world, and there is a certain chance of obtaining the title, but the ability value of this type of title is relatively low, and occasionally there will be some messy titles, so relatively Said it was relatively scumbag.The second type is that strength or a certain aspect of ability is recognized by the reincarnation space, and they will be given titles, and this type of challenger will be considerable in terms of their own strength or the ability value of the title, but the number is relatively small.

As for the third type, which is also the most mainstream, is to trigger title missions in the dungeon world, and obtain titles by completing missions, and the ability values ​​of such titles are generally not too bad, and the strongest titles can only be obtained through this kind of title. method to obtain.For example, the two most powerful challengers in the East Court, their respective titles "Princess" and "Queen" came from this.

Well, let’s not mention this matter for the time being. In short, the strength of any challenger who has a title is generally not too weak, and because most of the titles can be guessed literally. The ability to increase the ability, so as to prevent and target, so, in theory, the holder of the title will do his best to hide his title.

That's why Tang Cheng said this.

But the curtain behind the scenes didn't care at all, and said: "My title can't improve my combat power, it doesn't matter even if I tell you, but... although my title is dead, But it allows me to hide behind the scenes to a large extent, since when did you know that I exist?"

"Do you think I'll tell you?" Tang looked at him like an idiot.

"Uh!" The curtain behind the scene was stunned for a moment, but before he could speak, Tang Cheng laughed and said, "Haha, since you want to know, let me let you feel the difference in IQ between you and me." !"

"This is an eight-person copy world, but there were only seven people who appeared before this, and there is no choice of position in this copy world, so the assumption that the eighth person is on the side of the giant can basically be ruled out..."

"But it's possible that I'm already dead, just like those two people." The curtain behind the scene interjected.

"There is indeed this possibility, but when Keiz Wellman accused me of colluding with Alan Yeager and tried to kill me together, this possibility no longer existed."

"Why?" A hint of puzzlement flashed in the eyes of the curtain behind the scene.

"Of course it's because I'm a hero." Tang Cheng shrugged his shoulders with a bit of disdain in his tone, "Although these nobles in the capital are all fat aggregates and useless, they are not really brainless after all. Just now they made great achievements in the war against the giants, but in the blink of an eye they killed me on trumped-up charges. Once the news spreads, their reputation will be damaged...well, although they are nothing in my opinion Reputation, but these noble lords will always dress up and look good, even if they want to kill me, they will definitely not choose that time to stain their reputation."

"Then, the challenger is the only one who is not afraid of these negative influences and puts getting rid of me first... Of course, as for why you got rid of me, I haven't thought about it. Maybe it's just that you are jealous that I am better than you." Good looking."

For Tang Cheng's narcissistic speech, even Christa felt a little sick to her stomach.

"So that's it." The curtain behind the scene naturally ignored Tang Cheng's last sentence, shook his head and smiled, "It seems that I am still too impatient. If I knew you have such analytical power, I should have done it later."

"It's all the same." Tang Cheng spread his hands, then looked around and said, "Speaking of which, except for the three of us, there is no other person in this hall. It stands to reason that at this time, the royal family They should all stay here to discuss matters, where did they go?"

"I killed them all."

"What!?" Hearing the indifferent voice behind the curtain, Christa was taken aback.Although she didn't know who this man was, since he appeared here, he obviously had a close relationship with the royal family, but she never expected that this man would kill all the members of the royal family.

"Why...why do you do this?" Christa asked subconsciously.

"Because they know too much." The curtain behind the scene laughed, "The royal family holds the secrets of the giants, and my task is to hide these secrets and prevent them from being released, but I can't control each of them. Mouth, then you have to kill them all... Oh yes, you are the daughter of Rhodes, the only heir with true royal blood? Unfortunately, your father is also dead. I keep apologizing to you."

"This..." Christa stared and couldn't speak. Although her real personality was too empty and pale, that didn't mean she had no feelings. She had always hated her father and felt that He would never forgive the other party, but now he suddenly heard the news of the other party's death, and there was an inexplicable sadness in his heart.

Whether it's my mother or my father, I haven't said more than ten sentences to them in my life.

But at the same time, Christa felt a little relieved, because all the members of the royal family were dead, which meant that Tang Cheng no longer had to kill people, let alone be the one who killed his father.

"But having said that, the mother and daughter's skills are quite good, it's a pity to kill them like this." The curtain behind the scene sighed regretfully.

Tang Cheng narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Oh, it seems that you enjoy being here."

The curtain behind the scenes smiled confidently: "I have won the lottery in this random match. A mere two-star dungeon is nothing to me. It is rare to have such an opportunity, so I naturally want to enjoy it." Now, as a man, you will understand me, right?"

"Well, I understand. If I were in your position, I would try to enjoy it too... What kind of blonde princess, silver-haired loli, immoral lady, cheating wife, mother and daughter, sisters, Thinking about it carefully, I'm still a little excited." Tang Cheng suddenly showed a yearning expression, which made Christa blush.

The girl didn't quite understand the current situation. She could feel the undercurrent between the two people in front of her. Based on her understanding of Tang Cheng, she wouldn't talk so much nonsense in the past. She just slapped him and it was over. , but now he is acting uncharacteristically, and chatting with the other party instead... As for the person named Behind the Curtain, it seems that he also wants to kill Tang Cheng from his words, but he hasn't seen him for a long time. What do people seem to be testing each other for?

"Since you understand, it's easy to say, because of your stupid actions, I had to complete the task ahead of time, and the comfortable life that could last for more than half a month had to be terminated because of you. I'm a little angry, But..." While speaking, the eyes behind the curtain looked towards Christa, and said with a smile, "If you send this girl here on your own initiative, I can spare you."

For some reason, Christa felt that this man's gaze had the ability to penetrate everything. Under his gaze, she couldn't help but feel naked. She instinctively covered her body and quickly hid to Tang Cheng. behind.

As for Tang Cheng, he looked at the curtain behind the scene with a look of death, "You really did a good job. If I were the protagonist, you dared to force the protagonist to sell a girl to survive. According to the script, this is a big deal." A death falg more terrifying than the prostitute's wife and daughter."

"Hahahaha!" The curtain behind the scene laughed loudly, and said indifferently, "I just said that this two-star dungeon is nothing to me, even if you are a five-star challenger, It's just a newcomer, in my eyes, it's no different from an ant. As early as a month ago, I learned that you wanted to plan a coup, but do you know why I didn't stop it? Why would I sit here and wait for you to come? ? Why did I tell you so much?"

"Because all your actions are meaningless to me, I can crush you like ants at any time, just like Pixis and Darius, if I want them to die, they must die... I am afraid that until now You still don't know how the two of them died, hahahaha..."

"Well, I know, the power of faith."

"Yes, that's... um!?"

In an instant, the smile behind the curtain froze on his face.

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