The Man Standing at the Top of the Food Chain

093 My System Can't Be This Cute

"This is a world full of fantasy and the unknown. It has both highly developed technology and thrilling mysteries. Explore the unknown, pursue the mysteries, find secret treasures hidden somewhere in this world, dig out relics with a long history, capture Those little-known rare beasts make dishes that people will never forget in this life... Use your own feet to advance, use your own hands to explore, travel to every corner of the world, and chase the unknown power and dream For this reason, even at the cost of their own lives... For such a group of existences, people call them - hunters!"

"And you are a 15-year-old boy who dreams of being a hunter and vows to become the hunter king."

"Starting from a distant hometown, traveled thousands of mountains and rivers, walked across all corners of the country, experienced endless trials, shed countless sweat and tears, gritted your teeth, pouted your bones, straightened your back, and finally realized your dream with other dreams. Those who wanted to become hunters came to this hunter examination venue, as the so-called "successful", attracting countless heroes to bow down, so... can you stand out among these countless heroes and become a qualified hunter?"

"Main task one: Pass the hunter exam and obtain the qualifications of a hunter."

"Reward: None."

"Note: If you can't even pass the mere hunter exam, what's the point of living? Why don't you just buy a piece of tofu and kill yourself, you scum."

"Main task two: learn to read."

"Reward: None."

"Note: Learning the ability to read is the minimum standard for becoming an official hunter. If you can't even do this, let everyone laugh at your dream of becoming a hunter king... As for the reward, you can learn the ability to read It is the biggest reward for you, what else do you want to have? You scum."

"Main task three: not open."

"There are currently three challengers loaded, and the mission begins."


When the words in his mind finally ended, Tang Cheng also woke up from the dazed state, and suddenly some noisy voices came to his ears, but Tang Cheng didn't care, because he His attention was still in the system introduction just now, and his expression looked a little dazed.

It shouldn't be an illusion, he always felt that today's system seems to have become a lot more literary, and he even recited the poems of Taizu.Also... the phrase "starting from a distant hometown, traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers, and traveling across all corners of the country" is simply a fabrication, alright, although I have already experienced your fabrication of facts in the novice dungeon and giant dungeon Ability, but when did I swear to become the Hunter King?After all, what kind of job is this hunter king?

The most hateful thing is that it's fine to give me the title of heartbreaker, and now there is a scum on the left and a scum on the right. The system must be a woman, right?Where did the good luck go?Where did the promised survival point reward go?Can you stop messing around like this and show me a little more seriousness? !

Tang Cheng complained frantically in his heart, lamenting the humanity of the system and lamenting his own sorrow. Suddenly he thought of an astonishing possibility: if this system is really a woman, will the system suddenly appear in the future? Transform into a human form and want to fall in love with yourself?


Thinking of this possibility, Tang Cheng broke out in a cold sweat. Is this the rhythm of developing into Japanese light novels?

"Hi, Tang Cheng!"

At this moment, suddenly, a slightly familiar voice rang in his ears, and he instinctively turned around to look, and suddenly saw a pretty girl standing in front of him, looking very happy.

"Ah, Takao Zhan!" Tang Cheng exclaimed.

The girl looked devastated, "Can you stop calling me Takao Zan? My surname is Tang Mingya, and I have a name!"

The girl who appeared in front of Tang Cheng was none other than someone with hidden desires. She had learned the magical skill of Takao Slash, which was inextricably related to moving. One of the three challengers in the dungeon, Tang Ya from number 10086.

"Oh... Tang Ya." Tang Cheng was stunned for a moment, and seemed to have finally remembered the name of this mobile girl, and then asked strangely, "Didn't you already join a certain team? How did you come here?"

Since Tang Ya appeared here, it was obvious that he also chose the solo mode, but he had never heard that challengers who joined the team could still choose the solo mode.

"Uh... I'm leaving the team." Tang Ya hesitated for a moment and said.

"Then you are really courageous." Tang Cheng teased that team members can quit the team. Little Apple told him a long time ago, but unlike joining the team unconditionally, members who quit the team need to deduct at least 1000 survival points , if the player stayed in the team for a long time, he would be deducted more, and if he was kicked out by the captain, the penalty would be double that of a normal team resignation.

Although generally speaking, very few captains will kick out their own team members, after all, this may destroy the unity of the team, but it does not prevent one or two black sheep from appearing in the team. This setting is aimed at those black sheep ...Of course, there are so many challengers in the reincarnation space, and occasionally there will be a few weird captains, creating teams and kicking people randomly.

Therefore, not only will the team select the players carefully, but the players also need to think twice when choosing the team.

Tang Ya has the courage to bear the punishment of quitting the team. Although it was beyond Tang Cheng's expectations, he didn't take this matter seriously, and looked around.And Tang Ya didn't say any more. After all, the more she said, the more mistakes she might make. She didn't want Tang Cheng to know that she hadn't joined the team. Tang Cheng didn't ask, which was exactly what she wanted.

At this moment, the place the two are in is a huge underground tunnel, about 20 meters wide. Although the tunnel is equipped with lighting facilities, the whole environment is still a bit dim. Not far behind them is the end of one end of the tunnel, and you can see One elevator goes up, and the other end is blocked by a stone wall.

In addition to them, there are many people of all kinds in this tunnel, some are wearing ordinary suits and casual clothes, some are wearing exotic clothes with exotic styles, men, women, old and young, tall, short, fat and thin. There were four to five hundred people, most of whom had vigilant eyes.

After a while, Tang Chengcheng found a few people in the crowd that he cared more about.

The first is an eleven or twelve-year-old black-haired boy who looks very energetic, wearing green summer shorts, holding a fishing rod in his hand, and looking at everything around him with curious eyes... This boy is "Hunter x Hunter" The first protagonist Xiaojie.

And there are two people standing beside Xiaojie, one of them is a handsome blond boy who looks a bit indifferent. In terms of appearance, he is more beautiful than most of the girls here. The trousers are covered with a blue long coat, which is very fantasy style.

The other is a tall and thin young man in a black suit. His leather bag and small sunglasses that cannot cover his eyes are his most obvious signs, but he looks a little rough.

The names of these two people are Kurapika and Leorio, and they should be regarded as protagonists, after all, they both have the aura of protagonists.

As for the fourth person, he is a boy with a silver-haired hedgehog head. He is also about eleven or twelve years old. He is wearing casual clothes and shorts, with a skateboard under his ribs. The second protagonist in "Hunter x Hunter" is Qi Ya*, who beats the enemy. He was born in the second generation of the killer family, and has a strong strength that does not match his age.

But what Tang Cheng cares about the most is not the four protagonists, but...the man with a coquettish appearance, teardrop-shaped and star-shaped makeup on his face, the hero who likes blood and killing the most in "Hunter x Hunter" Metamorphosis - Magician Hisoka!

Hisoka standing in the crowd was not particularly eye-catching, but when a man bumped into him inadvertently without apologizing, a cold look appeared in the magician's eyes.

After that, without knowing what kind of attack he had made, the man who hit him knelt on the ground and screamed.

This voice immediately attracted everyone's attention. Turning around, I saw the man's arms turning into red petals and slowly floating away.

"Oh, it's unbelievable, the arm turned into a petal and disappeared..." The magician Hisoka stood in front of the man, with a cruel and cold smile on his face, "Be careful, you will apologize if you bump into someone .”

Seeing this scene, those who were closer subconsciously backed away, most of them had shock and fear in their eyes, even Tang Ya instinctively stepped back a few steps, as if wanting to avoid Hisoka gaze.

However, there are exceptions.

Just when most of the man's arm disappeared, Tang Cheng flashed past him and came to him, holding his arm with one hand and picking up the petals with the other, his eyes were full of excitement. Another curious look.

"It's really amazing. No blood came out at all, and these petals disappeared immediately after touching. How did it happen?" Tang Cheng looked at Hisoka while speaking.

"I don't know." Hisoka spread his hands, signaling his innocence, "I didn't do anything."


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