After the executioner was killed, the waterfall completely calmed down, and Tang Cheng officially boarded the adventure zone amidst the astonished eyes of the onlookers.

Standing on the top of the waterfall, looking at the ants-like human beings below, I feel a sense of loftiness in my heart. Is it interesting to act aggressive in front of the weak with less than 5 combat power?Nonsense, of course interesting!

"Fathers and elders, relatives and friends..." Although he knew that it was impossible for the scumbags below to see him, Tang Cheng still waved his arms and shouted in the loudest voice, "Thank you all for the journey. Your support and solidarity, the props and equipment you generously donated, and your kind eyes are the indispensable motivation and strength for me to come here. Without you... I will definitely be able to come here , but still thank you for letting me gain a little happiness during this boring journey, Arigado! 3q! Smecta..."

Tang Cheng expressed his gratitude in Chinese, Japanese, English, French, Russian, German, and Korean in turn, which made the people below almost dead, especially the pretentious expression on their faces, which made them want to rush up and beat them up. Paused, but when they thought of the terrifying murderous aura before, they trembled again... they dared not scold even if they couldn't beat them, and now they could only stare and sulk.

Tang Cheng thought that it was impossible for the people below to see him, and the most they could do was to listen to his own voice, but it was not the case.When a challenger successfully crosses the boundary, the boundary will shorten the line of sight with the challenger, so that nearby challengers can see the apex. On the one hand, it proves that the boundary can be crossed, and on the other hand, it is also an incentive for losers :look.He passed by, how majestic, how tall he was.You can't get over it, how failed, how embarrassing, you can only watch others pretend, are you willing?Not reconciled?Then go!

And the people below were really excited by Tang Cheng, thinking that Tang Cheng could get over in that situation.And I only need to face a slightly higher waterfall, so why not?How could it not work!

Therefore, many people are gearing up.Prepare to challenge this waterfall.

Tang Cheng didn't know that his success in crossing the boundary could impress others, and he didn't care what the people under him thought. He was about to leave after he finished his mocking words, but when he turned around, he suddenly remembered something.

then.Tang Cheng turned around again.Walking towards the Great Falls, he wanted to confirm it.

Then, when the distance between him and the waterfall was less than two meters, and he could jump down by just stepping forward a little bit, suddenly, an unprecedented force came overwhelming, and even Tang Cheng could not help but take two steps back.

The Great Waterfall, which had just recovered its calmness, came alive again!

But this time was different.It's no longer that funny water dragon, but...a one hundreds of meters tall.The giant gathered by the water of the waterfall stood in front of the cliff like a god, and the endless power was released from him. When he appeared, it seemed that the sound of the whole world had disappeared, and everything was silent!

The group of challengers below were stunned. Some even collapsed on the ground in fright, trembling hands and feet, and some even fainted. Those who fainted were not from being frightened, but from being shocked.

On the waterfall, even Tang Cheng was a little dazed. Although he hadn't been attacked yet, his life instinct was warning him: Danger!Danger!Danger!

This is... God!

Tang Cheng could clearly feel the looming divine power wrapped in that huge momentum, which reminded him of the situation when he was fighting Kikyo. If he guessed correctly, the momentum was just the appearance of the giant of water However, its real power is that divine power... the same as Kikyo, but this giant is stronger than Kikyo!

Because he is also a god, Tang Cheng knew that the giant standing in front of him was a god.

true god!

Water God!

This guy's strength is very different from the previous water dragon.

While Tang Cheng was thinking about it, suddenly, the water giant raised his hand and pointed at Tang Cheng, "Go back!"

His voice is not heavy, but it is full of absolute majesty, which makes people dare not resist.

He can talk!

What the hell is this guy?

Although Tang Cheng knew that crossing the boundary from top to bottom would encounter even more terrifying threats, he didn't expect it to be such a thing. His intuition told him that this guy was different from the water dragon just now!

After a few seconds, Tang Cheng chose to retreat.

After he retreated tens of meters, the water giant seemed satisfied, and finally restrained his majesty. Then, with a crash, the huge body of the water giant disintegrated and turned into a calm waterfall again.

Unlike just now, he didn't chase and kill himself, and he wasn't restricted, so he didn't have to be defeated.

After thinking about it, Tang Cheng continued to step forward.

Then, when he came to the same position as before, the water giant reappeared, and Tang Cheng once again felt the terrifying momentum and the looming divine power hidden in it.At the same time, the unlucky ghosts under the waterfall who had just woken up because of the disappearance of the water giant also fainted again.

"Go back!" The water giant repeated the same words. It sounded the same, but Tang Cheng could vaguely feel it through his godhead. At this moment, the water giant's tone was tinged with dissatisfaction, as if he felt provoked.

So Tang Cheng retreated again.

The water giant disappeared.

Tang Cheng thought for a few minutes, then stepped forward again.


The water giant reappears.

"go back!"

In the voice, the dissatisfaction grew stronger.

Tang Cheng retreated as he said, but within a few minutes, he came up again.

Moving forward and back again and again, he is probing, if the giant of water is a different existence, he wants to know where the bottom line of the other party's patience is, from this, he may also know the secret of this transgression, and thus Can learn more about the battlefield in this area.

Tang Cheng's advance and retreat, apart from being shocked by the water giant's momentum from time to time, there is no loss, but the people under the waterfall will be miserable. After finally waking up, with the appearance of the water giant, They were stunned again, and finally woke up after a few minutes. Before they got up, the fucking water giant came again.

Wake up and pass out!Woke up, passed out... Mother Caoni, is it over yet? !

It was a depression in their hearts, they would rather not wake up.

Originally, the horror of seeing the water giant for the first time gradually faded under this repeated torture, leaving only anger and aggrieved. This group of people who were just eager to try, have now decided that even if they die, they will die. To cross this waterfall, and return the same torture to those who come after.

On the other hand, Tang Cheng drew some conclusions.

After repeated probing, he found that the tone of the water giant was no longer dissatisfied, but furious.Yes, rage!

Through the induction of the godhead and the godhead, Tang Cheng can clearly feel that his behavior has exceeded the water giant's tolerance limit. In the looming divine power, he can clearly feel the other party's killing intent, and even Tang Cheng still To know where this killing intent comes from... His divine power has been unforgivably violated!

Tang Cheng believed that in an ordinary dungeon world, this water giant would kill himself regardless.

But here, he doesn't.

Apart from telling himself to go back, he didn't have any extra actions or words.


There was only one reason Tang Cheng could think of—the water giant was restricted, and he was not allowed to act on his own will.

At the same time, during the last advance, he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he noticed that there was a hint of expectation in the furious emotion of the water giant, and he was looking forward to jumping off the waterfall.

Tang Cheng did not believe in the so-called illusion.

He believes that all illusions are super perceptions beyond his own sensing ability.

Therefore, the expectation of the water giant should be true, but why does he expect to jump down by himself?

Contact the previous water dragon, if you jump down by yourself, the water giant will be able to attack!

In other words, when the challenger crosses the boundary, he can only go up but not down. There is no problem going from bottom to top, as long as he can pass the level with his strength.From top to bottom, you will be blocked, but the road ahead will not be blocked. As long as you retreat honestly, the other party will not chase you down.The situation of the previous water dragon was different. At that time, because of the relationship between the executioner, the water dragon agreed that the challenger among them was from top to bottom, so the road to the novice area was completely blocked.So, if you jump off the waterfall when a challenger crosses the line, will the road be completely closed?

If it is closed and other challengers are also attacked by the water giant, it means that this is a problem with the setting, but if only you are attacked and the challenger who crosses the boundary can leave, it means that the IQ of the water dragon is a problem.

Tang Cheng really wanted to do a test on which situation it belonged to.

But unfortunately, he was unable to carry out this test.

Although it seemed that the group of challengers below were all eager to try, he knew that they would not be able to cross the line in a short time. Moreover, even if they had the courage, he might not have the strength.

This water giant is very strong, probably not inferior to Histarna, but due to restrictions, if he finds a suitable method, he may not be impossible to win, but the possibility of failure is even greater... The outcome is about [-]% open it.

Therefore, if he really jumped, he would undoubtedly be gambling his life.

Of course he is not afraid of betting his life, and even a little excited, but now is not the time to do such a thing.

Although it was a bit regretful, Tang Cheng chose to give up in the end. Anyway, the water giant is here. As long as he can survive, he can challenge him at any time, not just overnight.

But what kind of existence is this water giant?

When he left, Tang Cheng was also thinking carefully. He felt that this water giant might be a real god. Maybe it was born and bred in this world, or maybe it was transported from other worlds. In short, he is different from ordinary monsters. Same, he and his own mind and will, only, his actions are limited.

With their own strength, they have drawn out the real gods, so what kind of opponents will Widowmaker and the others meet when they cross the line? (To be continued..)

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