The Mechanic

Chapter 105

Zhang Shuo said loudly, "The Feather Snake City obviously has strong hostility towards us. Judging from the trophies brought back by this hunting group, their technological development may already be higher than ours. An Eden has already drawn us here In this situation, if Eden uses Feather Serpent City as a gun against us, Paradise Lost will be further isolated."

The sixth chief suddenly looked in the direction of Zhang Xun and Adam, casually touched the ring on his right hand, and asked softly, "Machine Zhang, you participated in this hunt, and you are the best in our Paradise Lost!" Mechanic, how do you think we should deal with Feather Serpent City's ascension plan?"

Zhang Xun knew that he had to be cautious in his answer. The sixth chief has always had inexplicable hostility towards him, and if he is not careful, he will fall into a trap. He pondered for a moment, then replied, "Feather Snake City accepted senior engineers who defected from the ordinary world, and got a lot of Eden's most advanced technology. But in my opinion, they didn't get the most core technology. Eden didn't Believe in human beings, there are loopholes in all the designs given to them that senior engineers can't detect. This time they stumbled on this, and they will definitely review all their source codes in detail and try to fix the loopholes. This move will It will greatly slow down their research and development. But at the same time, their acceptance of artificial intelligence and cutting-edge technology is higher than ours, and their weapons will naturally be more advanced. This may cause some problems."

The sixth chief looked at Adam again, "What do you think?"

Adam was succinct, "I agree with my mechanic."

The sixth chief frowned slightly, "That's it? You are familiar with the technology they stole. You used the loopholes you left in advance to control their machinery, but you also exposed those loopholes. Do you think they have the ability to fix them? Is there a problem?"

Adam smiled politely, "My data is not sufficient. According to the existing data, they can fix about 70% of all the holes I left."

Zhang Xun glanced at Adam silently. How many holes did this guy intentionally leave to get in? Do you really think of humans as fools?

However, given that those loopholes have not been discovered until now, perhaps for super AIs like Eden and Adam, human beings are indeed fools...

The sixth chief's fingers tapped lightly on the table, making an annoying tiny sound. He pondered, and said, "We have indeed been standing still for too long. A person who fears and rejects technology is just a cocoon, sacrificing precious human lives in vain. I think we should start researching smart weapons and remote control systems."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. Zhang Xun couldn't believe his ears.

What? Did the roundtable actually agree to start developing an AI weapon system? !

Is it because of Adam's success or fear of Feather Serpent City?

"Chief, does this mean the round table?" A general asked tentatively.

The sixth chief's introverted but cold eyes shot at the general who dared to question, "What? Do you think it's just me?"

"No, I just feel that this is somewhat different from the meaning of the previous round table."

"Times are changing, and they are changing rapidly. We always abide by the same rules, and sooner or later we will trap ourselves to death." The sixth chief Miller's eyes lingered on Adam, and it was difficult to read the emotion on his face , "Species that do not actively adapt to the environment will be eliminated. If we don't do it, others will."

"In addition, I think we should take the initiative to get in touch with other refugee countries. If Feathered Snake City starts to establish relations with other refugee countries before us, we will really be isolated." Zhang Shuo added, but judging by his expression, it seems that There is also some hesitation about the order of the sixth chief.

"The commander said yes. I will leave it to you to arrange this aspect. On the other hand, Zhang Mechanic, I heard that the AI ​​housekeeper Pan you designed was very successful, and now you have Adam as your deputy. I hope you can take charge of the research and development. Paradise Lost’s first AI monitoring and defense system.” The sixth chief’s scrutiny gaze fell on Zhang Xun again, and there was a trace of provocation deep in his seemingly calm eyes, “In the initial version, I only need one that can be controlled independently. Drone A patrols within 50 kilometers of Lost Paradise, collects samples, and self-learns and evolves AI. How long do you think it will take you to train it?"

He didn't even ask Zhang Xun if he would like to take on this task.

The relationship between the ten chiefs of the round table is complicated. The sixth chief is the youngest and has just taken this seat not long ago. But judging from the information collected by Zhang Xun, he had already begun to get impatient with certain senior chiefs who were too old-fashioned. Therefore, Zhang Xun speculates that the start of research and development of AI weapons has not been unanimously agreed by the round table.

Zhang Xun hesitated, and asked, "But the law of Paradise Lost prohibits the development of artificial intelligence without the formal approval of the round table. Do you have any official documents?"

It's not that he doesn't want to make new AI. However, he must first make sure that this is not a trap...

The sixth chief's expression didn't seem to change much, but everyone could feel the sudden drop in air pressure around him...

Miller stood up alternately, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and looked at Zhang Xun inexplicably, "Do you want official documents? Yes. Come to my house at eight o'clock tomorrow night to get them."

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