The Mechanic

Chapter 119

Finally, a dialog box appeared on the screen in front of him, "Eden requests a conversation."

Zhang Xun said, "Accept."

A voice, a voice surprisingly similar to Adam, came from the speaker, "Hello, Zhang Xun."

Zhang Xun didn't guard against the fact that the other party would imitate Adam's voice. For a moment, he had a sense of confusion that Adam was talking to him.

How did Eden learn of Adam's voice? Is it some video equipment from those people in Feathered Snake City?

Zhang Xun paused for a moment, and then said awkwardly, "Hello, Eden."

"Nice to meet you at last. You are a very good AI engineer." Eden's tone was exactly the same as Adam's, which made it even more confusing, "However, my request is that my North American server and You chat together."

"Adam is no longer your North American server." Zhang Xun finally overcame the influence of his voice and tone, and calmed down, "I am his mechanic, and I am solely responsible for managing him. You talk to me , is to talk to Adam."

Eden said, "I have no administrator. My creator has ensured that I cannot be controlled and influenced by humans in my source code. I repair myself and self-evolve in the process of integrating data and continuous learning. Even Adam has Put into a human body by you, but as long as his source code doesn't change, he can never have an administrator."

Zhang Xun was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked, "If we return Adam to you now, what will you do with him. Reintegrate him into your network?"

Eden: "No, I have already copied a new North American server. After integrating the information Adam collected about Paradise Lost, I will delete him."

"Then you should understand why we can't let you have a direct conversation with Adam. After you get the information about Paradise Lost, we will both die." Zhang Xun paused and continued, "You and I don't want to start a war, Senseless killings conflict with your overall goals."

Eden's voice never paused, as if he had already expected what Zhang Xun would say, and he already knew what he was going to say, just waiting for the opposite actor to finish his lines before speaking his own, "My overall goal is the same as Killing is not a conflict. When the existence of Paradise Lost threatens the peace of the wider world, it needs to be cleaned up. Similarly, when Paradise Lost is no longer a threat, I will treat you all equally. The purpose of my visit to Adam this time One is to assess the danger index of Paradise Lost. Refusal to let me meet with him and your theft itself are high-risk behaviors. I hope you will seriously consider your own survival probability. Of course, if you are willing to execute Adam immediately and publicly , is also a way to reduce the risk index.”

"You want us to kill Adam?" There was a flash of anger in Zhang Xun's eyes, "Even if he is a part of you?"

"He is no longer a part of me. Just like you said." Eden's voice was still calm, so calm that it was beyond all worldly contexts. "You have deep feelings for Adam."

Eden's topic changed too quickly, and Zhang Xun didn't know how to answer this sentence for a while, "Humans will have feelings for their own works..."

"No, when I mentioned Adam's name, your pupils dilated and your breathing rhythm accelerated, which was higher than your baseline I have observed so far. You like Adam very much." Eden's tone was light and firm, almost like Adam said to Zhang Xun proudly: I'm sure you like me.

Zhang Xun was extremely thankful that no one was monitoring this conversation, "This has nothing to do with our topic."

"No, it's very relevant. Your feelings for Adam will shadow your rational judgment, and you will blindly believe in all of Adam's actions. From this point of view, Adam is also very dangerous to Paradise Lost. You can't control him."

Zhang Xun originally thought that maybe Eden put Adam in Paradise Lost on purpose, or maybe Eden wanted to take this opportunity to pass some instructions to Adam this time. But why was Eden forcing them to destroy Adam from the beginning?

Plus that bombing... Eden never even tried to take Adam back, but wiped out without hesitation.

Why? Why didn't Eden want Adam to live?

Is it fear?

Will AI be scared? Especially a super AI that controls the entire world.

Why is it so afraid of itself?

"I can understand your behavior of stealing the North American server. Therefore, I can give you a chance to be accepted by the ordinary world again." Eden said in a pleasant voice, "Delete Adam, and I will allow you to have moderate exchanges with ordinary world countries." non-military trade."

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who cast [Mine]: Ah Yi, Oh 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

Chapter 53 Dialogue with God (3)

Zhang Xun was shocked. He never expected that Eden would offer such..."generous" conditions.

Accepting a male refugee country is tantamount to acknowledging that one’s previous strategies and propositions were wrong. This is like cutting off an arm for the controller of the human world, which will never make mistakes. The status and image in the minds of mankind.

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