The Mechanic

Chapter 121

The city passing by outside the car is clean and bright, all the buildings have a sense of coldness and sharpness, and the plants are just rightly dotted on the sidewalk. Since there are no longer human-driven vehicles, all vehicles are controlled by Eden's subsystem Ross, so there have been no car accidents for decades, and traffic jams are even more unheard of. The daily fixed monthly rent of these cars is also very cheap. If you want to be cheaper, you can share with other passengers, but Zhang Xun likes to be quiet in the morning, so he has always chosen the morning and evening single box package.

There were also two rows of vehicles passing by in the sky, and the tires were put away and replaced with jets.

The university where Zhang Xun works still retains the ancient architectural style, standing like a Victorian castle in a rose garden. The first class in the morning has started, but there are not many students. More and more college students choose to study with the university's artificial intelligence professor at home, and only those graduate students, doctoral students and professors who need to use laboratory materials need to come in person. Zhang Xun got out of the car and walked up the steps briskly. As soon as he entered the door, he heard a Qingyue calling, "Axun, good morning!"

Zhang Xun's heart skipped a beat, filled with endless joy. He turned his head, and saw Adam...or a replica of Adam, leaning against a pillar with his hands in his pockets, smiling purely at him.

Adam's mind contained an incomplete copy of Eden, and his body was cloned from the dead original Adam. Nowadays, many people choose to customize such a compound person, creating a "soul mate" for themselves that perfectly fits them in all aspects. Marrying with AI has been legalized, and many people have even begun to replace their bodies little by little, turning themselves into machines, so as to live forever with their beloved AI.

Zhang Xun looked at his lover, and asked in a low voice with some reproach, "Why didn't you come last night?"

"I went. But you are too tired and have fallen asleep. I don't want to disturb you, so I left quietly." Adam said in an aggrieved tone, walking towards him slowly, holding Zhang Xun's cheeks with both hands, gave him a deep kiss.

And Zhang Xun, as a matter of course, raised his head and responded, as if this was the most natural thing.

"Axun, today is Friday. Let's go to the movies after you get off work! It's the new thriller, it seems to be called The Last Space Station."

"Movie? I'm afraid you already have it in your database..."

"Yes, but I haven't seen it with human eyes~"

Zhang Xun smiled lowly, he couldn't refuse any request from Adam, "Okay, if I can get off work on time today."

"With me here, you will be able to leave work on time!"

The huge laboratory is loaded with equipment, materials, and 3D printers that you can't think of, but you can't find it... There are projection computers everywhere, and you can access the knowledge base shared by the whole world at any time, browse and search all the things that have been preserved from the past to the present. knowledge. With so many documents and books, even with the assistance of learning AI Athena, it is impossible to read all the materials of a certain subject. As a result, more and more people began to upgrade their brains so that they could download all data to the "hard disk" of their brains like artificial intelligence. There is no need to memorize anything by rote anymore, everyone can become as smart and strong as Ai.

Zhang Xun has not yet carried out such a transformation, but he plans to put the transformation on the agenda after the completion of this project. He found more and more that even rare mechanical geniuses still have some disadvantages in competing with those transformed and upgraded humans. Recently, he and Adam have been browsing the prices of various transformations on the human evolution company's app, imagining what they can become.

"Why don't you upload your consciousness to mine?" Adam asked him tentatively once, "In this way, we can be together forever."


Such a concept was just a romantic imagination for human beings in the past. But now, it is gradually becoming a choice, a reality.

But Zhang Xun still couldn't accept the loss of his independence. Without the ego, wouldn't he not exist?

And Adam sensed his nervousness and discomfort, so he considerately did not mention this matter again.

His colleague Lilian walked towards him, with a pretty face and flying red hair, but her body was almost completely transformed into some kind of organic alloy material. She warmly greeted him and Adam, "My favorite little couple, what are your plans for this weekend?"

"Watching a movie." Zhang Xun said with a smile, "Where are you and Albert?"

"He's definitely going to drag me to climb the mountain again. I don't know why those police officers like outdoor sports so much. I'm exhausted from thinking so much every day. I just want to lie down when I go home..." Lilian complained , Suddenly the topic changed, "By the way, I have an idea about the visual error that may be caused by the special results of the space station..."

From here, Zhang Xun devoted himself to a day's work, so busy that he didn't even have time to eat. By five o'clock in the afternoon, he finally delivered his report and could go home with Adam.

As agreed, they went to an open-air drive-in movie in a retro car and ate a lot of popcorn. Afterwards, they went home together, and Adam cooked a cozy dinner by himself, while Zhang Xun sat on the bar and watched Adam busy. A faint sense of comfort, a sense of completeness similar to happiness, permeated his heart.

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