The Mechanic

Chapter 124

He saw Adam at a glance.

Adam stood in the center of the circle, facing the ten chiefs who were about to decide his life or death. Hearing the sound of footsteps, he turned his head, and the moment he saw Zhang Xun, the pure and innocent joy overflowed in his eyes, seeing the simplest happiness of someone he trusted and loved was the most instinctive reaction.

Zhang Xun found that just this smile was enough to make his heart ache.

Did Adam know? He has been abandoned by his "companions", or rather by his former self.

In this world, he has no companions, only enemies. Zhang Xun couldn't imagine what kind of loneliness that was.

Even if AI is emotionless, it doesn't understand the concept of being abandoned. But he gave Adam the ability to experience all kinds of emotions.

Standing beside Adam, Zhang Xun looked deeply into Adam's blue eyes, as if he wanted to convey a thousand words through his eyes. His lips moved, but no words came out.

He wanted to tell Adam: Don't be afraid.

Although I don't know how to do it... But one thing is certain - I will protect you.

He didn't say a word, but Adam seemed to hear it. The ethereal blue in his eyes is like a soothing ocean, extending out silently, intertwined with Zhang Xun's sight. The simple trust in it seems to be telling Zhang Xun: I believe.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the two little angels who threw the mines~~: Xia Ran Xia Ran, oh

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution~~: Kexin 7 bottles

Chapter 55 Doom (1)

"Judging from the strength of the troops brought by Eden, it is not enough to destroy us, but it is also likely to destroy our defense system."

"If the defense system is gone, is it no different from annihilation?"

"You mean to surrender to Eden? To spend the rest of your life waiting for his handouts like a good pet?"

"Second chief, please don't distort other people's words casually! I just said, I think it is a way to exchange Adam for Eden to relax our vigilance."

"You have forgotten the most important creed of our Paradise Lost, the third chief. No matter how bad the living environment is, Paradise Lost will never compromise and never be a slave! What's more, what the mechanic said makes sense, we can't trust Eden, it may It will not fulfill its promise at all, but just wants to get rid of one of its biggest threats. We have lost our trump card, and we have no use value, so we can only let it be mermaid!"

When Zhang Xun stated all his analysis of Eden and explained why Eden forced them to get rid of Adam, the quarrel became more intense. In the past, Mr. Zhang Xun thought that the internal meeting of the round table should be as peaceful and orderly as the public political meeting, so that he fell asleep, but he didn't expect it to be so tense, and he almost stood up and started.

He glanced at it with his eyes, and the circle of guards around him looked at each other carefully, as if they hadn't seen anything, and stood upright with their guns in their hands, guarding all the exits.

And Adam, the central figure in the incident, occasionally reveals uneasiness in his seemingly calm eyes. He and Zhang Xun were arranged to sit in the first row of the parliamentary seats, and they could only speak when they were allowed to speak.

Listening to their argument, Zhang Xun felt that the situation might not be as bad as he imagined. Most of the Chiefs apparently refused to compromise with Eden. At times like this he was almost thankful for Paradise Lost's increasingly extreme hatred of Eden. Even the chief who wanted to surrender and reconcile with Eden did not dare to speak directly, after all, surrender was regarded as a shameful and cowardly act.

He shook Adam's hand quietly, and whispered, "Don't worry too much, it sounds okay."

Adam didn't speak.

The chiefs could not reach an agreement, and finally the fifth chief said, "There will be no results if this quarrel continues. The meeting is suspended, and everyone goes back to rest. We still have one more day. But I can be sure of one thing." His The tenacious eyes full of years of hardship and wisdom looked around, and all the people who were swept by this gaze unconsciously quieted down, "I will never be a slave. If freedom means death, I choose to die with dignity."

The fifth chief, who is the most respected and has the most right to speak, has already set the tone for the final decision. Zhang Xun breathed a sigh of relief, even if the crisis was not over, even he didn't know how he would react when he learned that they refused to execute or hand over Adam the day after tomorrow.

Zhang Xun and Adam were allowed to leave and were escorted back to the Lab by a group of soldiers. However, after the gate of the Lab was closed, that team of soldiers did not leave, but guarded around the Lab, as if they did not intend to leave in the short term.

Lab is blocked.

This arrangement is not surprising. Eden came suddenly on the day of Harvest Festival, causing a large-scale panic in Victoria Square. Fortunately, Adam reminded James before, so that the military was prepared and arranged enough soldiers to evacuate the people to maintain order, so that there was no mass panic. of stampede casualties. But rumors that Eden asked Paradise Lost to hand over Adam also spread like wildfire. When the situation became extreme, someone might try to kill Adam in order to survive.

Zhang Xun went to the bathroom to rinse, let the hot water splash on his face, and tried to calm down his restless mood amidst the uproar. Even if the round table decides not to hand over Adam, the crisis is far from over. How will Eden react? How will the public react? How could innocent people be willing to risk their lives for what they saw as Adam, an incarnation of the demonic Eden?

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