The Mechanic

Chapter 126

The No. 3 air defense cave is the closest to the residence of the fifth chief. Also a sanctuary specially built for the Chief.

The government officials hiding in the No. 3 air defense shelter in the fifth district, together with the fifth chief, were engulfed by the red before they even had time to feel scared. All fifty people were vaporized in an instant, leaving only patches of black shadows on the walls of the air defense shelter. Some of those shadows were still standing, while others made a gesture of fleeing, imprinted into the rock for eternity.

The fifth chief, the most respected wise man of Commander Zhang Shuo, the elder who watched Zhang Xun grow up, and the biggest backer and backer of the Zhang family in Paradise Lost, became one of those shadows. A few days later, when people wearing protective clothing went down to the air-raid shelter to search for unlikely survivors, they couldn't even tell which shadow was him.

And Zhang Xun only got the news of the fifth chief's death in the early morning of the next day, three hours after the bombing ended.

He stared blankly at the sky that became clear again, and watched the silent aircraft slowly turning, only felt that the news seemed false, and the sudden short-term air raid last night was also like a nightmare. But when the first civilian, the second civilian, and the barrage of people yelled and tried to break through the soldiers, yelling at Lab, and cursing Adam to death, he knew it was actually happening.

He vaguely realized that Adam was right.

They've already lost, they just don't know it yet.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who threw the mines~~~: Sansansan, Xianの鱼骑士, Chain Chain Chain Chain, Xia Ran Xia Ran, Oh, Anan 1

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution~~~: Linyuan 30 bottles

Chapter 56 Doom (2)

The news of the death of the fifth chief and the gap in the shield system quickly swept through the entire Lost Paradise, and the huge panic swallowed everyone like pure black magma. Whether it is an octogenarian or a helplessly trembling and crying child in the arms of his father, they all open their eyes wide and bewildered in the dim light of the air defense shelter, for the fate of lost paradise, for each of them Frightened by his fate.

The life that has gradually stabilized in recent years has made the new generation of people almost forget the situation where their lives are hanging by a thread. They thought Paradise Lost was an inviolable safe haven, and the indestructible defense system built with wisdom by their parents and grandparents would protect them, and even Eden could not harm them. But today, this illusory belief has collapsed.

It turned out that if Eden really wanted to destroy their shields, it would be so easy, it wouldn't even take an hour.

Once there is a gap, the shield system is on the verge of collapse. That kind of radiation can not only vaporize people, the radiation pollution caused will continuously corrode and damage their land, buildings, and all life in the next tens of millions of years. In other words, although only the air defense dung where the fifth chief was located in the fifth district was destroyed, in fact, the entire fifth district may have been affected. Fortunately, the air-raid shelters are covered with a layer of lead, and most of the people are hiding underground. As long as they don't go out into the polluted area rashly, their lives should not be in danger for the time being.

Eden's invisible but ubiquitous dark and heavy figure concretized into a solid darkness above his head, pressing on everyone's forehead like a demonstration. That is an existence that is too grand, an existence that people cannot understand at all, a god-like existence. What good can man do when he fights against God?

Perhaps the only chance of survival is to seek God's mercy and forgiveness.

Of course, there were also people who were yelling and cursing, shouting not to surrender, not to hit Eden in his arms. Those young people said loudly that they were going to rush out and fight Eden to the death, and that they were going to blow up that guy's servers on every continent, so that he wouldn't even have a chance to escape to the cloud. But amidst the restless terror, these rants seemed hollow and ridiculous, like a mouse cursing the sun indignantly.

Then, Eden's voice, a voice mixed with men and women, light enough to make one's body chill, diffused from every aircraft above Paradise Lost, resounding through every corner of Paradise Lost.

"Kill Adam or hand over Adam and you will be free. Refuse to cooperate and you will die. You have four hours. After four hours, if I don't see Adam or his body, I will lose Paradise Razed to the ground. This is not what I want to see, but for the safety of most of the world, I have to let you be buried with Adam."

A casual, playful and most merciless curse. On the contrary, it is the smoothness, lightness and lack of emotion in this voice that makes this curse more believable, and it can easily penetrate into everyone's heart.

There have been countless versions of the death of the fifth chief, and various horrific ways of death have fermented in people's imaginations. Death, the end that was thought to be out of reach, suddenly came in front of us. The children cried loudly, grabbed their father's clothes, and begged over and over again, "Dad! I don't want to die! Daddy save me!" They thought that the almighty father could save them, but they didn't know that the father was also afraid.

"We're going to die! We're all going to die! We have to do what it says!" someone started shouting at the top of his lungs. Others who still insisted on refusing to surrender tried to mock and call the other cowards, only to be called back by those around them who had initially remained silent. Gradually, riots began to break out in various air defense shelters. People punched and kicked each other in a mess, with cursing, crying, and screams mixed together, which were amplified and distorted by the echoes from the air defense tunnel, as if they were coming from hell.

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