The Mechanic

Chapter 153

Zhang Xun couldn't laugh or cry, "Huh?"

"Axun, let's go dance." Adam suddenly changed the subject, stood up and grabbed Zhang Xun's arm.

Zhang Xun panicked, "I won't!"

"It doesn't matter, I just observed carefully, not many people here will." Because the music is too loud, Adam leaned close to his ear, and his warm breath blew past, "According to my analysis, dancing here is not the point .The point is to make yourself happy. You deserve to be happy, Axun."

That was Zhang Xun's first attempt at "dancing" among a half-drunk crowd. The so-called dancing is actually just dancing to the music. At first, he still couldn't let go, but the effect of the alcohol gradually increased, and with Adam in front of him, the gentle blue eyes seemed to be hypnotizing him all the time. He gradually felt safe, gradually smiled, and let go of something.

The closer to midnight, the more enthusiastic the crowd. The DJ yelled something loudly on the stage, but Zhang Xun couldn't hear it clearly. He felt like he was in a wild, free, slightly tipsy state that felt good. No one stared at him all the time, no one judged his achievements, no one laughed at him. There is only this mechanical compound man in front of him who was created by him, but now gives him an inexplicable sense of security. In front of Adam, he always seems to be more open.

The countdown started, and Zhang Xun and Adam shouted loudly with everyone: ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one..."

When the New Year's bell rang loudly overhead, the crowd boiled. And Adam hugged Zhang Xun's waist, bowed his head and kissed Zhang Xun's lips.

Not the first kiss, but the first time it happened.

All feelings, emotions, are in the right place. Zhang Xun closed his eyes, as if all the perceptions were gathered on their touching lips. The crowd around him disappeared, Paradise Lost disappeared, the whole world disappeared. He couldn't hear other sounds, couldn't feel the vibration of the air. The only thing he could feel was the warm body opposite him.

After a kiss, Adam told him seriously, "Axun, I think I have fallen in love with you. It started a long time ago."

Zhang Xun's heart was beating wildly. If it was him in the past, I'm afraid he would continue to use the relationship between them as a mechanic and the work to prevaricate and push them away. After all, he has been doubting whether all the tenderness shown by Adam is just a disguise for survival.

But now, he began to feel tired, and he didn't want to continue to violate his inner desire, and he didn't want to deliberately ignore what he wanted. Everything is gradually getting better, maybe he can get happiness.

He is entitled to happiness.

So Zhang Xun said in a hoarse voice, " too."

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angel who cast the rocket pào~~~: Nanfengxu 2

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines~~~: Xia Ran Xia Ran, Xiao Jin 1

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution~~~: 40 bottles of Xiangshou; 10 bottles of Haoying; 6 bottles of Confusion; 3 bottles of myvanillaworld;

Chapter 68 Human nature antidote (6)

Zhang Xun was in an unprecedentedly good mood.

Even though he'd been uncomfortable sitting down all day long, his cheeks were burning hot when he thought about last night, and his mouth was involuntarily trying to smile.

His relationship with Adam finally settled in the New Year's bell, and those unresolved temptations finally got a happy ending. Zhang Xun felt a sense of joy that was almost free, as if he had escaped from the narrow shackles of Paradise Lost, and his soul flew to a high place, soaring among the stars in the universe.

He pulled up his collar and responded with a smile to everyone who greeted him, even if the other party was obviously late because they played too late last night, he didn't look harsh. Everyone was used to his usual indifferent response, as if they saw the sun coming out from the west, they were very surprised, and secretly discussed what good thing happened.

While instructing three young researchers who had just joined the Lab to adjust the parameters of a malfunctioning cleaning robot, they were suddenly tapped on the shoulder. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Adam standing behind him, with a smile so doting on his face that it melted his heart, he stuffed a cup of sugar-free coffee with two milks into Zhang Xun's hand, and kissed it on Zhang Xun's lips. After a quick kiss, he turned and left. Zhang Xun looked down, and there was a little robot drawn on the coffee cup, showing affection to him.

With a bang, a researcher dropped the tablet in his hand to the ground.

At lunch, Zhang Xun saw Adam waving to him warmly as soon as he entered the restaurant. He had obviously prepared a meal for him, and it was all his favorite food. After helping a mechanic solve a technical problem, he returned to the office and saw a cup of hot tea on the table and a small robot assembled from parts holding a sign saying "A Xun is the best". In the afternoon, Zhang Xun took a nap on his desk, and Adam stood guard at the door, not letting anyone in, so as not to disturb his mechanic's sleep.

From that day on, Adam completely let go of himself, spreading too frequent and sweet love to Zhang Xun all the time, and the whole Lab was dizzy by the dog food that flew in at any time... All the mechanics said: It is better to find a boyfriend Develop artificial intelligence yourself.

After the new year, the date for the new round of mechanic assessment is getting closer and closer. I don't know if it's because of Adam, the number of researchers who signed up for the assessment this year has doubled compared to previous years. After discussing with Fernandez, Zhang Xun and Fernandez decided to increase the number of mechanics, but at the same time increase the difficulty of the assessment slightly. When they were discussing, they suddenly saw Fernandez turned over

He rolled his eyes and pointed to the glass window to his left.

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