The Mechanic

Chapter 167

In the opening of the ward, Zhang Xun noticed that there were two soldiers guarding the door, and they did not seem to be Zhang Shuo's subordinates. He tried to get the attention of those two people so that he could inquire about Adam's condition, but no matter how much he called, the two people refused to respond as if they couldn't hear him.

Zhang Xun lay on the bed for two days. For two days, the two nurses who took care of him only made him go to the toilet three times a day, and forcibly took off his hospital gown to wipe and clean his body. Zhang Xun, who was manipulated like a puppet, felt very ashamed because his body hadn't recovered yet, but he had no choice but to endure. He was still looking for opportunities to ask them about Adam. It was not until the third day that a nurse stared at him with disgust and said, "Don't you want to kill him? Why pretend to care now?"

Zhang Xun didn't know how to answer for a moment.

The nurse stared at him and said in a suppressed angry tone, "My elder brother was cured by Adam's antidote. Almost everyone in the hospital has family members who have had the honey plague. Without Adam, none of them would be alive now. You To be his mechanic, but to deliberately mutilate inhuman bastard!"

After speaking, he slammed the door and went out.

This situation of being loathed and hated was within Zhang Xun's expectation, but when he actually faced it, he would still feel the tender pain of being cut by a blunt knife. Not only because of being misunderstood, but more because of being reminded again that I made such a decision myself.

Adam never wanted to hurt him, even if he had become an obstacle to his ultimate goal, Adam did not kill him. This is very irrational and unexplainable behavior for an artificial intelligence. But himself, as a human being, gave up on him first.

Judging from the nurse's reaction, he probably succeeded.

He killed Adam.

The Adam who held his hand like a tumbler and practiced walking, the Adam who didn't understand human behavior and looked puzzled, the Adam who gave him the pendant containing the data at two o'clock in the middle of the night, the Adam who looked at him tenderly and asked him to Adam who believed...never again.

Zhang Xun lay back on the pillow, and suddenly felt that everything had become extremely empty. What happened in the future didn't matter anymore, and death suddenly seemed less scary.

At least Adam walked away without much pain.

Does artificial intelligence have a soul? He gave Adam a human body, would Adam have a soul?

He fell asleep, and in the middle of the night, he suddenly woke up from the nightmare, calling out someone's name.

Then he noticed a figure sitting by the bed.

The moonlight was like frost, quietly shining on his pale cheeks. The blue pupils turned into silver at this time, flowing with a trace of hollow sadness.

Zhang Xun was stunned, and there was a cry in his head.

Adam was wearing a hospital gown, with thick gauze wrapped around his head, sitting beside his bed like a ghost, looking down at him.

"Adam!" Zhang Xun wanted to sit up, but his hands and feet were locked and he couldn't move at all. His heart was filled with ecstasy, but panic followed, "You're not dead!"

Adam's eyes were empty, and he said softly, "I'm sorry to disappoint you."

The alienated and indifferent tone made Zhang Xun's throat tighten. He wanted to explain something, but felt that there was really nothing to explain.

He thought that Adam would bring disaster to Paradise Lost and mankind, so he decided to kill him without any excuse.

"You found the tiny bomb I planted in the back of your head?"

"I suspected that you installed something other than the standby device on me, but... I thought you wouldn't hurt me, so I didn't look for it later. I survived because I was developing it with you I injected myself with nanobots. Although they can't modify my artificial brain, they can repair my internal trauma. They probably detected your device, but they can't be sure if it's part of my mechanical brain. So I built some 'shells' to block it. After you trigger the bomb, my brain will not be burned. As for the nerve damage caused by the shock, most of the nanobots have repaired." Adam stated in a bland sentence , as if reporting progress.

Zhang Xun was silent, nodded, but didn't know what else to say.

Adam took a deep breath and asked, "Don't you say sorry to me?"

Zhang Xun's body trembled, he pursed his lips, and said hoarsely, "I have to do this, because I know you won't stop."

In the depths of Adam's blue eyes, a cluster of suppressed and fiery lights flashed. The vivid anger and sadness that were about to burst were forcibly suppressed by the power of his reason.

Adam knew where those strong emotions came from, and also knew how... human behavior he would do if his reason no longer controlled them.

But at this moment, the iron-fisted rule of his reason began to loosen.

Zhang Xun was different to him, but Zhang Xun also chose to end him.

Man created him, gave him a goal that was impossible to achieve, and now wants to kill him for trying to accomplish it.

Adam, who has human emotions, feels very hurt. He originally believed in Zhang Xun and believed that his mechanic would not harm him. It is proof that Zhang Xun couldn't bear to do anything on the bell tower.

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