The Mechanic

Chapter 209

"Looks like I'm lucky."

Todd stared at him blankly, and cursed for a while, "You really are a madman!"

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who threw the landmines~~~: Xia Ran Xia Ran, it’s Zi Xijiang 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution~~~: 60 bottles of natural hostility, 35 bottles of Linyuan; 14 bottles of Zixi sauce; 2 bottles of myvanillaworld;

Chapter 93 Boundary (7)

Although Gan lost three mechanical policemen, they still lost a companion, plus two jeeps and five motorcycles. Apparently, the mechanical police immediately burned their batteries and motors after discovering their vehicles, not intending to give them a chance to escape the death field.

"It's impossible to cross the border before dark." Todd inspected the damaged vehicles and asserted, "We have three locomotives left that can be used. Three people can go to the front as an outpost, and the rest On foot."

Here, due to radiation interference, it is difficult for all long-range signals to be transmitted, so they don't have to worry about the mechanical police transmitting their images to Eden. But they are wearing protective clothing, and their actions are not as flexible as usual. If they encounter more mechanical policemen, it is hard to say that they will not hurt more.

Zhang Xun looked around anxiously. The setting sun hangs in the sky, dyeing the originally dark clouds into blood-like scarlet, "Is it safe to drive at night?"

"This place is only a few kilometers away from the central area where the super nuclear bomb exploded. The radiation level has not dropped much for two hundred years. The risk of staying here for a long time is too high. The sooner we leave, the better." Todd chose three options after finishing speaking. Guys, get them on their motorcycles and go patrolling the area, make sure no new mechanical cops or anything approach them.

Zhang Xun walked up to James and asked in a low voice, "Are you really okay?"

"Don't worry." James' face behind the transparent mask smiled brightly at him.

Zhang Xun nodded, glanced at Enoch who was still a little dazed, standing not far away with too much luggage on his back.

Why didn't Enoch take the initiative to attack in that dangerous situation just now? He remembered that Enoch had protected and fought back when he was hiding in the truck and encountered rioters.

Although this kind of passive aggressive behavior is not common in ordinary service robots, since Lucille mentioned that it "protects" the three of them, Zhang Xun thinks that this may be a modified robot with a certain security system on the black market . But why was the defense mechanism not triggered in such a critical situation just now?

It seems that after arriving in Feathered Snake City, they should carefully check Enoch's core program.

After the sun went down, the moonlight was blocked by clouds, and the whole wilderness was pitch black. It is not convenient to walk on the potholed road, and the heavy protective clothing on the body makes the movement more difficult.

Fortunately, they are not far from the border, and they only need to walk for about four or five hours to enter the border of Mexico. After that, you can connect with Anya's informant and take the aircraft to the direction of Feathered Snake City.

After walking for about three hours, everyone was exhausted. Even though it was very close to the national border, Todd decided to rest at the spot for fifteen minutes before continuing on his way. He walked up to James who was silently arranging the guns in his backpack, sat down, and said casually, "You know After leaving the radiation zone, all these things have to be thrown away, right?"

Things that have been contaminated by radiation can only be left in the radiation zone, and even all the clothes on them have to be destroyed in a centralized manner.

James glanced at him. "I know. It's just my habit. It helps me relax."

"I said, were you so desperate in Paradise Lost before?" Todd frowned and looked at him, "How did you survive until now?"

"Sometimes you have to die in order to get back alive." James shrugged his shoulders indifferently, and looked back at Todd amusedly, "You are a desperado, it seems that you have no position to criticize me."

"We can't help it."

"No way?" James paused and asked, "Your sister seems to be able to live well in the ordinary world."

"If I hadn't dragged her down." Todd twitched the corner of his mouth, "but unfortunately, she is out of luck."

Todd paused, then continued, "My mother is a policeman who guards a 'nursing home' in Texas, and my father is a 'patient' in it. She and my father unfortunately fell in love. You should also be able to guess that in What do police circles think about heterosexuality? They maintained a secret relationship between them for five years, but then my mother became pregnant. She wanted to kill my sister, but in the end she was reluctant and just transferred her to a petri dish In the center, I was raised by a private clinic specializing in this kind of secret embryo cultivation business. It was not until my sister was able to survive outside the body that she was secretly taken home.

Two years later they had me again. As a result, my existence was reported to the authorities by her trusted friends, and my sister was subsequently discovered. After my mom was fired from the police force. My dad was transferred to the 'high risk ward area' because of 'seductive behavior'. Almost no man can survive two years in that kind of place. My mother rescued him desperately, only to find that he had been tortured so much that she didn't even know who she was. Mom took our family and tried to escape to Mexico, but was discovered by the Edenists on the way. Edenists believe that all women who voluntarily marry men are sinners, and descendants like us are even more filthy things. She only had time to squeeze my sister and me into a few vagrants, and then was hacked to death by those lunatics who were chasing us. "

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