The Mechanic

Chapter 222

Such extreme and hateful words are completely different from the people in the record.

Zhang Xun wanted to ask more about what happened after the other party's consciousness was uploaded, but Johansen's narration was very chaotic, with different ideologies and concepts all entangled together, and in the end it seemed like gibberish.

No third personality appeared, so Zhang Xun had no choice but to ask Paulino to bring the prisoner back and meet the second prisoner.

This prisoner was only twenty years old, and his expression was so calm that he had no symptoms of multiple personalities. But he stared at Zhang Xun's expression, as if looking at a prey waiting to be slaughtered, which made the hairs on the back of Zhang Xun's neck stand on end.

"Hello, Alex." Zhang Xun leaned back on the chair, raised his jaw slightly, trying to put on a posture of controlling the situation, "My name is Zhang Xun. I want to ask you a few questions, I hope you can cooperate .”

"Ask, sweetheart," Alex said flippantly, even winking at him with his right eye.

Zhang Xun cleared his throat, looked at the personal information displayed on the tablet, "You are one of the leaders of this rebellion, what is your motive?"

"Motivation? Do you need a motivation?" Alex shrugged his shoulders. "I mean... those nuclear warheads were created to be blown up, right?"

"But if you succeed, you will die yourself." Zhang Xun paused, "All living things within a radius of 300 kilometers will be razed to the ground, and all living things within a radius of 20 kilometers will be instantly gasified. The skin of the person will start to melt and the whole body will ooze blood. Whether it is a child or an old person, they will die in excruciating pain. Is this what you want to see?"

Alex's expression didn't change at all, "Do you know what kind of species a human is?"

Zhang Xun didn't answer.

"They connected all of our brains together, and I saw everything. There is something beautiful, vast, fascinating, endless imagination. But you go down the road and the rest is madness." Alex As he spoke, he suddenly laughed softly, an almost perverted light laughter,

"Memories are all chaotic, distorted, and thoughts and ideas are entangled, a bit like the octopus in the deep sea. All these consciousnesses are trying to attack each other, and any difference will develop into a fight. Guilt, superiority Feelings, moral conflicts, jealousy, fear... everything is... crazy. I was only uploaded for one day. Without your body, you can't sleep. These things will follow you, 24 hours a day. Then even They pulled me back into this body, and they came back with me."

Alex's smile narrowed slightly, and he looked at Zhang Xun with pleading in his eyes, "You should execute me and everyone. Because one day... one day you will see the same thing. It belongs to you Your own memory and consciousness will be swallowed, and there will be nothing left in the end. Die now, at least you are still yourself."

His eyes didn't blink, and his tone of voice was like a dream, which made people feel deeply uneasy.

After that, some prisoners tried to commit suicide, some wanted to use nuclear bombs to destroy the machine that uploaded their consciousness, and some were unable to communicate at all.

Zhang Xun recorded the conversations with everyone in detail, collected the brain scan information of each prisoner, and brought it back to his studio. After entering the gate, he sat down on the only sofa without saying a word, feeling unprecedentedly tired.

As he thought, the brains and consciousness of these people cannot accept the invasion of foreign consciousness and cannot be reconciled. Some people try to isolate different consciousnesses to protect themselves, thus forming multiple personalities; some people go crazy because of the mutual devouring and dissolving of consciousness; relief……

Through their brain scans, it can be seen that after the experiment, everyone's brains were in a state of excessive discharge, and the red and yellow colors on the image almost spread to the entire cerebral cortex. And this state is continuous. After a month, several subjects entered a state of brain death due to excessive consumption of neurons. And such cases continue to increase over time.

He tossed the tablet aside and rubbed his face vigorously with his hands.

Enoch quietly picked up the tablet and looked at the image on it.

"Whose cortical scan is this?" Enoch asked.

"Those rebels who participated in the Ascension Plan." Zhang Xun's eyes looked at the intricate pipes and metal beams on his head, "The human brain simply cannot bear this level of stimulation."

"Maybe they just haven't adapted enough." Enoch said softly, "This may be a process of mechanical selection. Survival of the fittest."

Zhang Xun suddenly opened his eyes and stared at Enuo, "What did you say?"

Enoch said, "You humans have been selected by nature for six million years or more. Isn't the survival of the fittest a very common thing for you?"

"This is different." Zhang Xun's tone became a little cold, and his eyes became a little more suspicious, "Natural selection occurs between generations, and it is a slow evolution to adapt to the environment. There is no artificial or value orientation. sex. And this, not for survival, but for a machine, playing with human life in order to achieve its stupid end goal!"

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