The Mechanic

Chapter 261

The game between Adam and Eden thus rapidly becomes complicated, layer upon layer, and ring within ring, almost incomprehensible to the human mind. After descending more than a dozen layers of game analysis, Adam decided to give up the current thinking mode. Because there is no end to this mindset.

He's going to make a completely random decision. Only random decisions are unpredictable for Eden.

After Zhang Xun fell asleep, he walked to a huge reef by the beach, sat up straight, closed his eyes, and shut down all possible influences of perception on his thinking. This is very difficult for human beings to achieve. The ability that only some practitioners who have practiced meditation for many years is not so difficult for him to achieve, but it cannot be maintained for a long time.

Listening to the white noise made by Hai làng, he gradually began to block all the tactile sensations on the body surface and all the signals received by the five sense organs from the mechanical brain.

A series of random land coordinates were generated in his mind.

According to his prediction, Eden will crack the loop he created in the satellite monitoring system around midnight, and he and Zhang Xun must leave the island before then.

He got up and walked towards the private house in the depths of the island that was abandoned by the islanders seventy-five years ago. A two-story wooden house that was mostly engulfed by vines and plants, most of the furniture inside was decayed, and it smelled of damp sea salt. Zhang Xun curled up on the blackened rattan sofa, his eyes were closed, and his brows were tightly furrowed, as if he was not at ease in his sleep.

Adam didn't wake him up immediately, but squatted down next to the sofa, carefully studying every detail on Zhang Xun's face. He knew that nanorobots were quietly sneaking into every cell in Zhang Xun's body at this time, modifying the base pairs on several specific chromosomes. After rounds of cell metabolism, Zhang Xun will become more and more collective consciousness, and individual consciousness will become weaker and weaker.

The whole process will last from 16 days to three months depending on the individual's physique.

However, reversing the effects of the nanobots has been... next to impossible. The modified cells have a lower mutation rate and are stronger than ordinary cells. Even if all the nano-robots are forcibly eliminated from the body, those modified cells will still metabolize more slowly than the original cells, and will eventually become Dominating, gradually occupying the entire body, affecting the corpus callosum of the brain.

After all, people are not machines, nor are they programs that are deliberately revoked and updated. Once the DNA has been modified, it is almost impossible to change it back perfectly.

But he will not give up Zhang Xun, he must find a way to minimize that influence.

Zhang Xun asked him, "If other people can be transformed, why can't I?" He couldn't answer. He just knew that he couldn't accept it...he couldn't accept it no matter what...

I can't accept Zhang Xun becoming...they...

At this time, Zhang Xun's eyes suddenly opened, and he took a deep breath, as if he saw something extremely terrifying. He opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn't breathe, his hands were scratching in the air, but the scream was stuck in his throat. Adam immediately held Zhang Xun's hand, pulled him into his arms, and wrapped Zhang Xun's twitching and struggling body with his own strength.

" were dreaming just now..." Adam said softly in Zhang Xun's ear, repeating it over and over again.

Zhang Xun's body, which was so tense as if it was about to break, finally relaxed a little bit, no longer struggling. He gasped for breath, like a man who is suffocating in the water and finally grabs a piece of driftwood.

"I saw it..." Zhang Xun whispered, with a trembling ending in the words.

Adam rubbed Zhang Xun's back with his hands, "What did you see?"

"Collective consciousness..." Zhang Xun opened the distance between the two of them a little bit, his face covered with cold sweat was like seeing a ghost, "They can feel me...they...want to eat me..."

Adam knew that Zhang Xun probably had this dream because he was too afraid of the changes that were about to happen to him. After all, the injection time was so short that his brain should not have been affected.

But Zhang Xun's fear was real. Adam then asked in a low voice, "Do they...refer to Hengxiang?"

"You can't control them... You thought it would be more rational for human beings to fuse together, but you're wrong..." Zhang Xun's eyes were empty, and he murmured, "It will swallow everything...including you...including Yi Dian..."

"'s just a nightmare...Heng Township is not finished yet, and most people haven't uploaded it yet."

"Button..." Zhang Xun gently pushed Adam away, his face still pale, "Eden can connect everyone to the network through Button, as long as the brain is modified, these people will be sucked into Hengxiang. So many complicated human consciousness, Without the restrictions of the individual and the individual, all the suppressed subconsciousness will burst will soon lose control of Hengxiang."

Adam frowned, Zhang Xun seemed to believe that what he saw was not just a dream, but something that really existed.

But it's impossible, he has already determined that any form of signal is blocked here, how can Zhang Xun, a human being, be connected to Hengxiang, which is far away in Paradise Lost?

He knew that human beings have some philosophies and psychological theories that believe that there is an invisible and intangible common consciousness among all human beings, and that everyone has a part connected to it, which subtly influences all human behaviors. But these theories are extremely old and lack the support of research evidence, so they have long been abandoned.

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