The Mechanic

Chapter 267

His Zhang Xun, the silent Zhang Xun with bright and enthusiastic eyes, shouldn't be like this. He didn't want to see Zhang Xun become like this.

Even though this was his goal, this was the fate he designed for the entire human race.

"It seems that human nature has really influenced you a lot."

Adam didn't turn his head. He took a deep breath, adjusted his emotions, and then began to pick up the syringe fragments on the table.

Natalie leaned against the door frame, looking at Adam's back with an almost curious look. Adam is too human to imagine Eden inside his head...

"There is news about the person you said you were looking for. Someone who is suspected of Zhang Shuo has been seen near Baixiong Town near the Arctic Circle. We are now flying to the Northwest Territories of Canada."

Adam paused for a moment, then turned his head to look at the descendant of his creator, "What happened to Eden?"

Natalie's expression froze slightly. Adam saw some bad news from the slightest change in expression, "According to my guess, has an important president died of an accidental myocardial infarction recently, and another king suddenly announced his abdication?"

Natalie opened her eyes slightly, "Did you see the news?"

"I don't have time to watch the news." Adam turned his head away, his tone brisk and steady, "But you and I have so many resources, it's impossible not to have sponsors behind us, and our consciousness uploading plan is not in the interests of those in power. We're deploying to take out these key plan-breakers before you even have an appointment with them."

"If that's the case, why are we still allowed to talk? Why don't we catch us all while we talk?"

"If we kill several of the most important humans in the world at the same time, it will arouse human vigilance and hostility towards artificial intelligence, which is not conducive to the implementation of our plan. Moreover, letting you contact each other will also facilitate us to intercept some important information." Adam turned on the gene editing program again, carefully staring at the double helix structure molecules rotating on the screen, "I have a list in my hand, which contains all the harmless values ​​in the world that are higher than the harmless value to Eden and me during the monitoring process. of human beings. Two of the top ten on the list will be neutralized, but the cause of their death will be drawn to other forces, and the rest will be in the hands of Eden. We will list several important The character 'removed' to a more obedient leader. At least that was my plan before I and Eden were completely separated. Now, it has probably changed its tactics, so it only neutralizes one person, and does not try to blame others, This reduces the chance of leaving an unanticipated trace. Even if I wanted to expose it, I would have no evidence."

"Since you separated from it recently, you should know its next plan. Who is its next target?"

"Your correspondence with the recently deceased President of the United States over the years will be found, as will the several Eden terrorist attacks that you were behind the scenes. Two-thirds of the top 1,000 people on the list will be found. You will be implicated. You will be 'packaged' as corrupt rulers trying to destroy Eden to prevent consciousness uploading and restore the previous social structure. After that, you will be skillfully neutralized one after another. As for the sequence and timing, It's probably random, and I can't predict it." Adam paused, then chuckled, "Over the years, you have used various methods to discredit Eden's image, and Eden is just using your methods to deal with you. That's all."

Natalie's face turned pale, and she turned around to leave quickly. But Adam said behind her, "It's too late. You're going to lose all financial support very soon. So now, you better find a place to hide as soon as possible. Any of your co-conspirators may try to get Iraq Dian's forgiveness and confession."

Natalie's footsteps paused slightly, and when she turned around, she still looked at Adam with bright eyes, "We haven't lost yet. As long as you stand on the human side, we won't lose."

Listening to the sound of her high heels going away, Adam turned his head to look at the densely floating codes on the screen. If Zhang Xun's parents can be found, perhaps enough references can be found in their DNA to restore Zhang Xun's DNA. Although the other half of Zhang Xun's father was randomly selected by Paradise Lost, he collected the DNA data of most people in Paradise Lost during the construction of Hengxiang, so he has already targeted a researcher from the Department of Chemistry. Just according to his memory, the researcher died accidentally in several riots against Adam and the round table shortly after Zhang Xun escaped from Paradise Lost.

His only hope is Zhang Shuo.

Looking at the time, it was already dinner time. He turned off the computer screen and asked the steward AI on the aircraft to prepare dinner for two for him.

Now Zhang Xun often forgets his own hunger, he must always pay attention to urge the mechanic to drink water and eat...

He stood in front of their room with their dinner plates in hand, and the electronic door that recognized his facial features opened automatically.

He saw Zhang Xun sitting by the bed, holding a fruit knife in his hand. On the bed sheet, on the clothes...there was blood everywhere. And the sleeve of his left arm was pulled away, the flesh was bloody, and even the bright red muscles under the raised skin could be seen.

The dinner plate fell to the floor with a clang.

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