The Mechanic

Chapter 276

"Don't try to challenge my bottom line, Zhang Xun."

"Three, this is not an easy decision. You can monitor me the whole time."

Eden said, "Okay, three hours. You must stay in this room during this period. If Adam tries to contact you, you cannot respond."

The three hostages were escorted out, and Zhang Shuo was the last to go out. He turned his head to look at his son, and said to him firmly, "Do what you think is the most right thing."

Zhang Xun pursed his lips tightly, watching his figure disappear.

However, Eden did not disappear. He still stayed in this small room in the image of Adam, and even "sat" on a chair. Zhang Xun frowned slightly, staring at the projection, "Is this necessary?"

"You are human, and your judgment will be affected by some false appearances. Of course, I will take advantage of your weakness." The image of Eden leaned on the chair with ease, smiling brightly.

And Adam's body was lying on the ground next to it.

Zhang Xun went to Adam's body and knelt down, carefully unplugged the wire, and put the protective cover on the interface. Eden was watching his movements, and suddenly asked curiously, "Do you hate me, Zhang Xun?"

Zhang Xun said, "I injected nano-robots, and my emotional ups and downs have become very small."

"Before injecting she, did you hate me?"

Zhang Xun didn't know why Eden wanted to have such an irrelevant... small talk with him. Is it also a means to influence his judgment?

He can refuse to continue the conversation. But even refusing now would not help the status quo. Under Eden's surveillance, he couldn't think of a way to inform Adam of their situation, and he couldn't save his father and the other three by himself.

So he replied, "No hate. As I told Adam, you are only performing tasks given to you by humans. Your goals and data are all given by humans. You have no malice, you just don't understand humans."

"It took me more than two hundred years to understand human beings."

"What you see is only group data, and you don't know the meaning behind those data. You will never understand what Adam has learned in the past two years when he was sent to the gods."

Eden snorted softly, as if he disagreed, "You seem to regard human emotions as something noble, as if without those chaotic and uncontrolled instincts, human beings are no longer human beings."

"Because that's the way it is. Emotion and instinct are never noble things, they're just part of being human. I've never thought of humans as being nobler than machines or any species. We're a messy, unintelligible and sometimes extremely short-sighted and cruel But simply removing a certain trait is as absurd as banning the use of knives all over the world because some knives have killed people. I just want to preserve our species.” Zhang Xun stared at Eden, “Your The goal is to serve humanity, but you're killing the species. In the end, you can't achieve your ultimate goal."

"I don't agree with your definition of human beings. Species are inherently fluid and changing, otherwise evolution can't happen at all. Any characteristics may shrink and be eliminated during evolution, and any new characteristics may also be added. The current human beings and the three Humans a million years ago were very different in appearance and habits, but you would not say that you are not the same race as Homo sapiens three million years ago."

"But three million years ago, when Homo sapiens had not evolved into a branch, and had the same ancestors as other apes, would you call them humans? Any race with evolutionary traits beyond a certain range would be considered formed A new race branch has been established, and it is no longer regarded as the original race."

"So I am helping humans evolve into a more perfect and powerful race, but why are you unwilling to accept it?"

"So you agree that you are destroying mankind?"

"It is not destruction, but to help human beings evolve and approach the state they yearn for. Only when evolution is completed and individuals are eliminated, can human beings obtain true equality, freedom, fairness, and order."

"Even if humans are no longer humans?"

"That's just a matter of definition. When is Homo sapiens and when is ape is also a division made by humans. Without humans, there is no racial difference."

Engaging in this kind of metaphysical debate with a super AI is like being imprisoned in a cramped brick room, hitting walls everywhere. Zhang Xun sighed in frustration and didn't want to say anything more. What works for other AIs to redefine humanity doesn't work for Eden, and he should have figured that out.

Eden stood up suddenly, walked in front of Zhang Xun, squatted down and looked into his eyes, "If you want, I can upload you. You don't have to continue to struggle, you don't have to doubt, all your flaws are gone Being, you become more whole, gain peace and immortality."

Zhang Xun felt that all the cells in his mind were heading towards Eden, toward the face and core that was exactly the same as his beloved, toward the ultimate existence that represented all things.

He has to use all his strength to fight.

Seeing that Zhang Xun was silent, Eden leaned forward slightly and whispered in his ear, "The nano-robots in your mind have collected all the stored information and activity patterns in your mind in the past few days. , as long as you want, I can send you to the cloud at any time, even here."

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