The Mechanic

Chapter 284

For the convenience of movement, it is naturally best to get back the original body. The free folk of Metis decided to help Anya venture back to their previous temporary base to find out if Adam's body had been taken or destroyed by Eden. However, on the way, they encountered mechanical policemen who were carrying the equipment of the temporary base, including Adam's body. So they raided the mechanical police, snatched the human body back, and then connected to the security network in the settlement, and re-downloaded Adam into his human body.

The whole process lasted for two weeks.

For Zhang Xun, two weeks is just the length of a dream.

Zhang Xun always felt that his heart was up and down, which was unreal. He asked seriously, "Did Pan personally confirm Adam's identity?"

"Yes, it says that AI language cannot lie. So Adam's identity is credible."

Zhang Xun was silent for a moment, then asked, "How is Pan?"

"Pan has now developed some extended AI, which slowly infiltrates into the Eden network in a latent manner. It has been trying to find you, so we can contact it so quickly."

Pan... So he still hasn't given up looking for him?

"I've chatted for a long time, Axun needs to rest." Adam, who had already brought his winter clothes, didn't want to disturb Zhang Xun to ask about the situation, so he kept silent, and now he came in silently from the outside. Apparently some equipment was added to the abandoned research base, probably brought back by Anya.

But wouldn't it be too risky for them to stay here for so long?

Adam wrapped the cold-proof clothing around Zhang Xun's body, the strength seemed a little too strong, and Zhang Xun was a little bit suffocated. Zhang Xun looked into Adam's eyes searchingly, as if he wanted to find some clues from those ethereal eyes.

What Anya and Diego did was so reckless. Even if you don't believe him, he knows Adam and Eden best, and they let him sleep like this for two weeks.

They also seem to have had no casualties in getting Adam's body back, which seems suspiciously smooth.

But now, it's too late to say that. He just... needs confirmation...

But how to confirm?

"Now Zhang Xun is also awake, we need to move the location as soon as possible." Natalie said at this time, "Then we can plan how to find a way to get close to Eden's core server and implant the virus."

"You said that I can't enter that virus into my memory, otherwise I will be infected." Adam turned his head and looked at him, "But if I just take the hard disk with the virus and transfer it to Eden's core server, then I'll be fine, right?"

"Theoretically, this is the case. But you must be careful not to read the contents inside." Natalie closed her Button and said seriously, "Although you have entered a human body, after all your core processing Whether it's an organ or a mechanical brain, I'm not sure how this virus will affect you."

"How many copies of this virus are there?"

"There are currently three copies. We have been very careful not to create too many backups. We are worried that once Eden finds out, it may use extended AI or associated AI to crack viruses or build firewalls and loophole repairs against viruses. We will wait until then It's useless to have multiple backups."

"If there are three copies, we can try to infect Eden from three different access points." Adam spoke a little faster, "In order to ensure its own safety, Eden is currently using the cloud to store its core Module, that is to say, countless computers all over the world are equipped with its core module. Each computer has only fragmented information. It is very difficult to effectively implant viruses, which is completely different from before the Shenshen incident.

But because it yearns to analyze data more effectively and quickly to control all extended AI, it currently builds some servers similar to the Feathered Snake City biological computer, and the number of these computers is limited and the locations are relatively concentrated. So if we're going to do it, it's best to target these biological computers. "

"Do you know where they are?"

"I know. But Eden is likely to transfer these biological computers in the near future. After all, I have been in its network for long enough. It is enough to make it worry about the location leak." After Adam finished speaking, he immediately threw out a long list of questions. coordinate. Three are in Europe, two are in Asia, one is in Africa, and four are in North America.

"Most of them are secret military bases, or confidential locations guarded by mechanical police, and there are hardly any human guards." Adam paused, and said, "Any living organisms that try to approach will be neutralized immediately."

"Then how do we get in? Pretend to be a robot?" Diego asked with a cigarette in his mouth.

"Biological computers need to replenish nutrients regularly, and sometimes humans may be the ones who deliver the nutrient solution." Adam thoughtfully replied, "Although it is impossible to get too close, we can send electromagnetic pulses at close range to make most of the The mechanical police are temporarily paralyzed. A small number of mechanical police that use biotechnology can use nano-robots to destroy them. It’s just that Eden will immediately know our movements. So after completing these, we probably have less than five Minutes to inject the virus."

Zhang Xun, who had been silent all this time, said at this moment, "...This plan is too risky. What if Eden knows we are going?"

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