The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 159: Old man was arrested

No one knows what happened in the Xishan Cemetery. However, after a long time passed and after the ban was released, some people went to the Xishan Cemetery to worship relatives and friends. Although there was nothing unusual on the surface, they felt something very strange. The fishy smell made them very uncomfortable.

That is the smell of blood!

Only some well-informed people really know what happened in the East China Sea today.

After the Zhang family and the Zheng family, the Lin and Huang families were annihilated!

Since then, the East China Sea giants have no forest and yellow families.

According to legend, on this day, the Xishan Cemetery was full of blood and corpses.

Some people say that on this day, the Xishan Cemetery was wailing and screaming.

It was also said that on this day, Lin Shengqi and Huang Tianqi wept bitterly, kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, regretting what they had done back then.

When the old things were brought up and everything from that year was shown to everyone, everyone really knew that there was another truth about the collapse of the Xiao family eight years ago.

Eight years ago, the Xiao Group, which had been promoted to do no evil, was betrayed and defeated by the joint efforts of several companies.

Moreover, the conduct of Xiao Zhenghua and his wife was also exposed, and everyone really understood how nasty they were said to be really good people who did good deeds without leaving a name.

Within the East China Sea, hundreds of schools were donated by two people. The roads in countless poor villages were built by them, and the public welfare foundations were exposed. The Xiao Group and Xiao Zhenghua, who had disappeared for eight years, were once again raised. Come up.

The unjust case was rehabilitated.

Xiao Zhenghua and his wife once again appeared in front of the world, and Xiao Qingdi, their son, returned to the East China Sea for the first time.

However, no matter what the result is, it is useless.

The deceased is gone, so what if the name has survived forever?

Can the dead come back to life?


In the East China Sea, in a deep mountain, the figure of Emperor Xiao Qing appeared. He looked up to the sky and roared, like the roar of thunder, countless ferocious beasts in the forest were about to escape.

Suddenly, the birds and beasts disappeared in the forest.

In the distance, Xiao Qi and Xiao Wu stood quietly on a tree, their eyes looked at Emperor Xiao Qing, with a confused look in their eyes.

This is the first time they have seen the prince so pale.

In the past few years, following the prince to cross the world, whether it is killing or calm, the prince has been calm and calm, and there has never been a change in color.

However, now, after the vengeance was avenged, the prince left halfway, unexpectedly came to this deep mountain, yelled loudly, and released the depressed emotions in his heart.

The voice of mourning, sadness rushed into the sky.

"My lord, it's also a human..."

For a long time, Xiao Wu murmured, with soft love and compassion in his eyes.

This man is like a **** from above.

He is the **** in her heart.

However, at this moment, it is so weak.

Make her feel compassionate, and can't wait to rush up and hug the king who is high in her heart to comfort her.

Xiao Qi whispered, "I have always known that he is a natural king and a natural god, but he is also a human being. We don't influence him, just let him vent."

Xiao Qi's words made Xiao Wu who had wanted to rush to stop abruptly, nodded silently, and quietly looked at Emperor Xiao Qing in the forest.


Suddenly, Xiao Qi's cell phone rang, his face changed, and he quickly answered, "What's the matter?"

"Master, something has happened."

The voice of the person on the phone was hurried, with an expression of tension and fear, "Master Ye, I was arrested!"



Emperor Xiao Qing, who was still thousands of meters away, suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Qi at this moment, grabbed the phone directly, and said solemnly, "Who is it?"

"Our people are tracking each other, but the opponent has a martial arts expert. After taking Master Ye, they fled all the way, the direction is Dongzhou City."

The other party replied.


Emperor Xiao Qing looked icy, returned the phone to Xiao Qi, and said coldly, "Chu royal family, you are looking for death!"

Xiao Qi took the phone and said in a deep voice, "Activate everyone, catch up with them as quickly as possible, try to contact each other, and tell them that as long as the father is safe, we will agree to any request."


Hanging up the phone, Xiao Qi looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with a look of guilt on her face, "The lord, it's mine who didn't protect the old man, let the old man be arrested..."

"The Chu royal family wants to arrest people, even if you go to protect Grandpa in person, it's useless."

Emperor Xiao Qing carried his hands on his back and said indifferently, "Since they dare to do it, they must be prepared for destruction."

Originally, the reason why grandpa and others were not allowed to attend this time on the anniversary of the death of parents was precisely because they wanted to pay homage to the parents with the heads of the Lin and Huang family, worrying that the scene was too **** to affect the elderly.

Unexpectedly, the royal family of the Chu family, who had not been moving, had taken the old man away at this time.

"Dare to catch the old man, this girl is going to kill her."

Xiao Wu said angrily, his voice was cold, wavy black hair flying, murderous in the sky.


With an order, the three of them disappeared at the same time, like thunder. However, the murderous aura was surrounded and not scattered.


At the same time, on the way from Donghai to Dongzhou, a commercial car was driving fast. Inside the car, there were only two people, one driving the car, and an elderly man in the back seat.

This old man was in his seventies or eighties, dressed plainly, with an angry color on his face, flushed, but he had no choice but to look helpless.

Isn't he the master Ye who was arrested?

The man driving was a man in his thirties, with a smile on his mouth, glanced at the old man in the back seat, and said with a smile, "Is that right? Old guy, stay quiet, I'm not embarrassed. You, when you are handed over to the young master, what should be done to you is the young master’s business, at least now you don’t have to suffer.

The man smiled relaxedly, and thought of the way a group of people were protecting Mr. Ye, but they were easily taken away by him, which immediately felt very interesting.

He, as a strong man, likes to look at others helplessly.

Elder Ye had a look of anger on his face, "Who are you? And who is your young master?"

Being taken away for no reason is really too angry for the old man.

What he didn't expect in any way was that he would encounter unsuspecting disasters when he was at home. This man broke into the house easily and took himself away. In front of the other party, he was worse than a baby.

"Knowing too much will kill you."

The man turned his head and glanced at the old man with a smile.

"The old man has a life, no history, no money, no secrets, are you arresting me to deal with my grandson?"

At this time, Old Man Ye was groaning and guessed the other party's purpose.

"Yeah, the old guy is amazing."

The man didn't hide it, and said with a smile, "Your grandson is very powerful. A few hours ago, the blood slain in the East China Sea and Xishan Cemetery ran into rivers and wiped out dozens of people from the Linhuang Family in the East China Sea. Tsk tsk, then The vice situation shocked countless people, even I would admire him."

As he said, the man smiled, "I heard that your grandson has only left for eight years and became a high-rank martial artist. I think it should be very powerful?"

"I think it won't take long to meet him. When the time comes, I will definitely fight him."


The man's words were very casual. Obviously, in his tone, the so-called duel with Emperor Xiao Qing was just casual. In his heart, he didn't think that Emperor Xiao Qing really had such qualifications. Can play against him.

"My grandson can squeeze you to death with one hand." The old man's face was proud, "If you meet my grandson, you are not qualified to let my grandson do it."

However, he personally saw Emperor Xiao Qing take a random shot and subdued the strongest men in the village. In the eyes of the old man, that was already very powerful.

As for the man in front of him, although he looked very powerful, the old man didn't think he could be more powerful than his grandson.

"Fart, old fellow, don't look for death, if your grandson shows up in front of Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu can kill that kid in one breath."

The man disdain, "Becoming a high-rank martial artist after practicing for eight years? It's a joke, even if it can become a sixth-rank realm? It's just a waste in my eyes."

He has officially entered the ranks of the seventh-rank grandmaster, and in the world, non-masters are not his opponents.

He is not afraid of anyone.

"You can only speak big words here. If you have the ability, turn back and confront my grandson." The old man said disdainfully, but his eyes were cunning.

The old man is not stupid, the other party will take him away, definitely to threaten his grandson with him.

And if oneself can deceive the other party in front of his grandson, it is definitely better than being caught by the other party and threatening his grandson again.

The man disdain, "Want to lie to me to send you back to the East China Sea? Old man, you think too good, your **** grandson is a master in the eyes of others, but nothing in the eyes of Laozi, if he appears in front of me now If you don’t, I’ll just trample him under my feet.”

"is it?"

However, as soon as his voice fell, he heard an icy voice, three figures suddenly appeared in front of his car, quietly watching him.


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