The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 197: Who is babbling?

"Why, the solicitation is not successful, you still want to suppress me?"

Emperor Xiao Qing flicked the soot with one hand and looked sideways at Lang Jiu, with a smile on his face.

At this moment, the aura of the wolf's nine weeks body burst out, and the aura of a strong man far beyond the realm of the master circulated.

That is, a great master who has reached the eighth rank.


At the same time, on the top of Lang Jiu's head, the blood wolf phantom roared, and the sound was rolling, with terrifying power to suppress Xiao Qing.

Langjiu walked towards Emperor Xiao Qing step by step, his expression was cold, his eyes were blood-red, he grinned, and he was bloody, "At a young age, he has extraordinary skills and he is very rampant. I really think there is nothing in the world. Can people subdue you?"

"Today, let me teach you how to behave as a young man!"

The whole body aura rolled, bursting out with the invincible strength of the 8-Rank Great Master Realm.

Although he looks like a young man, he is not old because of the cultivation method.

The real shot at this moment is even more terrifying.

"Be careful."

Long San was obviously not unfamiliar with the strength of Lang Jiu, but turned his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing. When he found that Emperor Xiao Qing was still swallowing clouds and fog, he was anxious and hurriedly shouted, "Wang Jiu, don't be impulsive. , You are not his opponent."

"Interesting, hehe, the nine-headed wolf king of the Sirius Department has always been very arrogant. This time, is it the little fellow Langjiu who can maintain his previous arrogance or will he be suppressed by his fingers? I am looking forward to it."

Ying Thirteen was smiling. Not only did he not persuade him, but instead found a rock to sit down with a happy smile on his face, just watching the excitement so cheerfully.

He even sighed a little regretfully, "If I can have a small wine or a cigarette, it would be fine, cough cough, then what, Emperor Xiao Qing, would you give me a cigarette?"

This guy is not too big to watch the excitement, and has made up his mind to watch the excitement well.

"You can't afford my cigarettes."

I originally thought that Emperor Xiao Qing must be cautious when facing Langjiu. It is impossible to respond to his words. Who would have thought that Emperor Xiao Qing still swallowed the clouds and breathed out a smoke ring, looking at him with a smile but a smile. Eagle XIII.

"I'll rub, I won't accept what you say like that, Yanhua III, the welfare is definitely the best in the entire empire, the funds are too much, I don't have anything else, it is the money." Ying Thirteen refused.

"My things can't be bought with money."

Emperor Xiao Qing shook his head, did not continue to catch Li Ying Thirteen, but looked at Lang Nine, who was walking towards him step by step.

At this moment, Langjiu's expression was cold, with a bloodthirsty smile on his face.

As for Long San telling him that he is not Xiao Qingdi's opponent, he simply didn't care about it.

He has entered the state, the blood of the wolf is boiling, and the momentum has reached the peak, the blood wolf phantom lying on top of his head also stood up and let out a roar.

"Emperor Xiao Qing, join my Sirius Department, become a wolf ten, or be suppressed by this king...

Choose one of the two to see if you are a smart person and know how to choose! "

Lang Jiu sneered, raised his hand, ready to do it.

The emperor Xiao Qing still had that cigarette in his mouth, as if no one was beside him vomiting smoke.

Then, looking at the imposing wolf nine, he smiled and said, "How about a bet before you do it?"


Not only Langjiu was stunned, even Long San was also a little stunned.

As for Eagle Thirteen, it’s not too big to watch the excitement. When he heard it, he immediately exclaimed with excitement, "Okay, make a bet, play a big game, I bet, this time, even if I lose my fortune. Place a bet."

"If you want to delay time, you don't have to speak up. Today, you, the so-called Dragon King in the mercenary world, are destined to be suppressed by me." Then, Langjiu waved his hand with an indifferent expression.

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled, "The tone is not small."

"It's not a big tone, but to deal with you, a young man who has been practicing for eight years. No matter how strong the chance you get, it's useless." Lang Jiu smiled disdainfully.

"If you lose, I don't want your life, just send me the intelligence department of your Sirius Department."

Emperor Xiao Qing flicked the soot and said lightly.


"It turns out that the bet is not money, what a pity."

Ying Shisan shook his head with a disappointed expression on his face, "However, the bet of the intelligence department of the Sirius Department is a bit big. If the intelligence department of the wolf nine loses, he will return to the Sirius Department. A few wolves tore."

Long San said, "This is impossible. Although the Sirius Department is a combat-oriented department, the intelligence force is also very strong. Without the intelligence department, the Sirius Department would be incomplete."

Lang Jiu glared at the two of them, "I won't lose."

These two **** actually felt that they had already lost, it was too much.

"You have no hope of winning."

Long San shook his head.

Among the three, he was the only one who had really fought against Emperor Xiao Qing. He knew very well how powerful this young man who was just an ordinary person eight years ago was.

Even if he is today, although he is not convinced in his mouth, in fact, he is very clear in his heart that he is absolutely impossible to be Xiao Qing's opponent.

Time can make a person grow into a super master, but there is a kind of person called evildoer!

For them, time is in vain, and one day is worth ten years of hard work.

Emperor Xiao Qing is this kind of person!

"To shut up."

Wolf nine roared.

Then, he turned his head to look at Emperor Xiao Qing, "Very well, I promise you, if I lose, the intelligence department of Sirius will give it to you, but if you lose, you will be my man."

As he said, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, "Give you the position of Wolf Ten, then you will become the king's subordinate."

"Ok, deal."

Emperor Xiao Qing smiled and squeezed out the cigarette **** and threw it away. After agreeing to it, he looked at Long San and Ying Shi 13, "You two want to make a bet with me too?"

"I'll talk until you win Wolf Nine." Ying Thirteen had a cunning look in his eyes.

If Emperor Xiao Qing wins, he can only bet with Emperor Xiao Qing unless he is stupid. If Emperor Xiao Qing loses, then there is no need to bet.

Long San simply shook his head and refused, "I will not fight you."

"You have no chance to bet with them."

Langjiu's voice was cold.

At the same time, he was very angry. This kid even looked down on him at this time.

"Give you a chance, the three of you will fight together. If you lose, the intelligence departments of the three departments will hand it over to me." Emperor Xiao Qing placed his hands in front of him, his expression very calm.

However, his words are extremely rampant.

"So arrogant."

The Eagle Thirteen, who has always had a hippy smile, couldn't help but frowned, "You want to fight the three of us at the same time. You are too rampant."

Long San's eyes flashed too, as if he was eager to try.

However, Langjiu roared, "Do you dare to look down on me and die."


Without any extra words, he stepped out with his right hand flatly out, a terrifying **** force, like a tsunami wave, hitting the Emperor Xiao Qing one after another.

In the blink of an eye, there was a **** tide of energy in front of Emperor Xiao Qing.

This is a wave of energy condensed by Wolf Nine with its own power, powerful and capable of destroying everything.

"One trick, suppress you!"

Langjiu came from the crimson energy tide with a confident voice.

Facing all this, Emperor Xiao Qing stood still, and even his hair could not be blown when the energy tide hit him.

He sighed, "Wolf King ninth, a bit disappointing."

Take one step out gently, the figure is like a fairy, stepping up in the air.


One step down, the monstrous colorful light burst out.

This light presents nine colors.

Very gorgeous.

However, it broke out with a terrifying force.


Faintly, there seemed to be a dragon roar coming over, stepping into the air with one step, the **** light was washed away by the nine-color light.


When the second step fell, the halo flickered, and the nine-colored rays of light condensed and turned into a long dragon surrounded by Emperor Xiao Qing's feet.

The dragon raised up to the sky and let out a dragon roar, and the dragon's tail swayed.


In the crash, it was as if the world was unfolded, the **** energy tide was directly split by this blow, and then, it was broken a little bit.

In the tide, Langjiu with a stern look on his face instantly solidified his smile, "How is this possible?"

"Wolves travel the world, the wolf king breaks!"

Langjiu roared, and both fists attacked at the same time. Above his head, the blood wolf phantom rushed out, roaring towards Emperor Xiao Qing.

Wherever he went, countless blood energy tides merged into it, causing the blood wolf to expand.

When the blood wolf arrived in front of Emperor Xiao Qing, it had already turned into a giant wolf ten feet high, like a substantial wolf, and rushed towards him with a surging weather.


However, at this time, Emperor Xiao Qing's third step fell!

The invisible ripples spread, and everything was frozen, including the blood wolf that was ten feet high, keeping the hideous appearance that was pouring over, and was directly frozen in the air like this.


Then, the nine-foot-long nine-color dragon that surrounded Emperor Xiao Qing made a dragon roar. Wherever the sound passed, the ten-foot-high blood wolf shattered like a mirror...


The shattered voice came into Wolf Jiu's ears little by little, making him stunned, "How is this... possible?"

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