The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 205: I have to go back for dinner after the fight

"Everyone go together."

Xiao Qi stood in the middle of the field at random, looking at the group of people swarming from the Sirius Department, with a cold expression on his face, "Just because you dare to provoke me, and you will be beaten with one hand later. Get down."

"Asshole, Li Qi, do you really think you are something, a wolf king? Dare to say that a person is going to beat all of us, you are looking for death."

"Cross my level first."

The young man holding the spear was furious, the spear danced like a long dragon, and directly attacked Xiaoqi.

"You are too weak."

Xiao Qi stepped forward and stretched out a finger with a golden light gleaming in his hand. This finger directly clicked on the tip of the spear.

Suddenly, he heard only a sound of ‘touch’, and his finger hit the spear directly.


The youth flushed, and all the power in his body broke out to fight against it. However, the strength of the youth is only the first entry into the sixth-rank realm. How can it compete with the seventh-ranking peak realm?

No matter how hard he tried, even the body of the spear made of top alloy was played, but he still couldn't shake the finger of Xiao Qi.

"Boy, you can't do it."

Xiao Qi sighed, "Remember what I said back then? You guys back then may have only sent me a trick or even a half trick, but in a few years, I will become an existence that you can hardly look up to."


The young man was irritated by Xiao Qi for a while. Under the fright and anger, he couldn't hold back his breath and let it out. Suddenly, he heard a spit of blood, and the whole person and the spear flew out directly.

"Oh, you can't."

Xiao Qi stood in the field and sighed and said, "It's a bit interesting, don't always come to this kind of garbage, it's too weak, it's meaningless."

"I come."

As his voice fell, among the crowd, a man who seemed to be older came out.

"It's Wei Feng."

"Although Wei Feng is not old, he is already a strong man in the realm of Grandmaster. His strength can be ranked in the top ten among the younger generation of our Sirius Department."

"With him, no matter how strong the opponent is, there will be no worries."

"Haha, our Sirius Department, worry-free."

In the crowd, when he saw the man walking out, he let out an exclamation.

The man is in his thirties, his face is strong, his figure is burly, his muscles are high and bulging, like a piece of diamond.

He is the son of the Wei family, Wei Feng.

It is Wei Zixuan's eldest brother.

Among the younger generations of the Wei family, the most outstanding person, at the same time, is also a card figure of the younger generation of Sirius.

"Li Qishao, my name is Wei Feng, and the younger sister Zi Xuan, told me about you."

Wei Feng stood there with a calm face. He didn't have any anger or fierce words, but calmly said, "As a member of the Sirius Department, I will discuss with you."

"Wei Feng, you are a bit interesting."

Xiao Qi smiled, "However, you are not my opponent yet. If you let the old man from the Wei family come and attack me, it will be almost the same."

"is it?"

After listening to Xiao Qi's words, Wei Feng, who was originally calm, looked cold. "It is a good thing for young people to have confidence, but it is too rampant, but it is a bit too much."

"Try it?"

Xiao Qi said.

"it is good."

With a cold face, Wei Feng stepped on the ground one step at a time. In the midst of a loud noise, the ground broke directly, and then he walked towards Xiao Qi step by step.

At this moment, even Xiao Qi's face also showed a dignified color, and the energy of his whole body rose to the peak, and he didn't make any move until Wei Feng walked over.


In a crash, the two instantly fought together.

Moreover, they were still in a state of stalemate for a short time, and for a while, the two of them couldn't help each other.

"Who do you think can win?"

When Emperor Xiao Qing watched the battle between Xiao Qi and Wei Feng with great interest, he heard a smiling voice coming over, and four people appeared next to him out of thin air.

It is the wolf king of the Sirius Department of Wolf Three, Wolf Five, Wolf Eight and Wolf Nine.

Among the four wolf kings, except for the unusual appearance of Wolf Nine as a teenager, the rest are relatively normal, looking like they are 60 or 70 years old.

At this moment, Langjiu looked at Emperor Xiao Qing solemnly, while the other three looked at Emperor Xiao Qing with interest.

Moreover, the look in their eyes when looking at Emperor Xiao Qing was not the look of Lang Jiu that looked like a big enemy, but the look of the elders looking at the juniors.

In their opinion, Emperor Xiao Qing was just a junior.

No matter how powerful they are, they are not qualified to see them in the eyes of their peers.

"My people, won't lose."

Emperor Xiao Qing stood with his hand held hands, and looked at Xiao Qi, who was facing Wei Feng, with a confident expression on his face.


When his words fell, Langba couldn't help but said, "Wei Feng has reached the realm of grandmaster through horizontal training of external skills. At the pinnacle of Rank 7, it is absolutely impossible to defeat Wei Feng easily."

"you are?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Langba and other people, "How many people don't introduce themselves?"

"My name is Langba. These are Lang3 and Lang5. There is no need to introduce Langji." Langba said.

Emperor Xiao Qing nodded, "I have heard that the Nine Great Wolf Kings are very powerful, but now I see it, it is indeed extraordinary."

"Haha, that's right, I'll just say it, this kid definitely can't do it arrogantly as soon as he comes up, you must have come to admit his mistake, right?"

When the wolf heard it, he immediately became happy.

He smiled and looked at the other three people, and said to Xiao Qingdi, "Young man, I think you are very good, handsome, handsome, and with the style of my old man, so let’s stop fighting, wait. You will join my Sirius club later, how about I recommend you to become a wolf ten?"

As he said, he winked at Emperor Xiao Qing, "My granddaughter is about the same age as you, but a rare beauty, I will introduce you to me at that time."

Emperor Xiao Qing, "..."

The other wolf kings, "..."

Especially the remaining three wolf kings were speechless to Wolf Ba. Didn't this guy notice that the other party was just talking politely?

Before he did it, he wanted to surrender to a young man who was so arrogant and capable at the same time. How could this be possible?


At this time, there was a loud noise in the field, which attracted the attention of five people.

I saw Xiaoqi and Wei Feng separated at the same time, Wei Feng's face was a little pale, but with a firm look, "Li Qishao, a well-deserved reputation, but this battle, I will win."

"You are very good." Xiao Qi exclaimed, "You can fight with me for so long, you are definitely a top master among the younger generation."


Wei Feng's face turned dark, does this guy know how to talk?

Is the tone of an adult teaching a child appropriate to tell me?

"This kid is not bad. After you join my Sirius department, you can all become the backbone of my Sirius department." After Langba looked at it, he was overjoyed. It seems that Xiaoqi and Emperor Xiao Qing have become members of the Sirius department. same.


While he was talking, Wei Feng made a move, his whole body burst out, his whole body was golden, his muscles swelled, his whole body instantly swelled, and instantly grew to a height of more than two meters, becoming a little giant, roaring. In the middle, directly squeezed towards Xiaoqi.


Xiao Qi smiled, and pointed to a sword, slashed out with one sword, and the brilliant golden sword aura burst out, turning into infinite rays of light and slashed towards Wei Feng.

Boom boom boom!

In the blink of an eye, the two were fighting together again.

Wei Feng's King Kong is not bad, fierce and invincible, while Xiao Qi is agile, and his sword aura is extremely sharp. Although he does not hold any weapons, but the sword aura is cut, every blow makes Wei Feng's face pale. Dare to head-to-head with it.

Seeing this scene, Langba, who was still grinning, couldn't help but change his face, exclaiming, "I saw this kid Li Qi, when did he become so powerful?"

This sentence is said, but everyone who has seen the voice of Li Qishao before.

Among the younger generations, the Seven Young Masters of Li Li had a reputation as a peerless arrogant who claimed to have no one at a time. Under the leadership of Mr. Li, he challenged the young powerhouses of all parties.

Later, I don't know why it disappeared before everyone's sight.

Everyone thought that he was just a sharp edge, but what they didn't expect was that the Li Qishao who appeared again after many years was so powerful.

"He hasn't made a sword yet."

Emperor Xiao Qing laughed, "If Xiao Qi makes a sword, Wei Feng is not his enemy."

As he said, I no longer watch the battle between Xiaoqi and Wei Feng, but turned to look at the four great wolf kings, "Everyone, call out your other wolf kings and do it together. After the fight, I will bring intelligence. The department goes back to have dinner."

The Four Great Wolf Kings, "..."

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