The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 719: Since you don’t have a long memory, take it slowly on Huangquan Road


"This, is this the strength of the Dragon King Xiao Qingdi?"

"With a palm, he smashed the Phantom Ancestor to pieces, and how do I feel that he hasn't used his full strength yet?"

"too frightening."

At this moment, everyone's faces were shocked.

The ancestor of the phantom, although it can not be said to be an invincible powerhouse, but he has already cultivated the Dao Dao to the realm of the Heavenly Sword, and has gone far away.

Moreover, his strength is a strong man in the stage of foundation construction.

Beyond the mortal, no longer an ordinary warrior.

This kind of existence is something that few people in the world can rival.

However, when he just appeared, he was slapped to death by Emperor Xiao Qing, which was really sad.

"I, I... I rely on..."

On the yacht, Zhu Chenfeng was completely dumbfounded.

He just arrogantly yelled to destroy the Dragon Guard first, then the Dragon King Island, and then the Dragon King.

But now, as soon as Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, appeared, he wiped out the Phantom Ancestor.

What should he do?

At this moment, he is also very desperate.

Be cautious, enter the yacht and hide.

However, at this moment, a sword-like gaze suddenly came over, making him cold and afraid to move.

"I...I'm done..."

Zhu Chenfeng's whole body was trembling. He only felt that there was a sword on his neck. As long as his movements were slightly larger, he would be instantly killed by this sword.

"A member of the Zhu family?"

Emperor Xiao Qing came over with an interesting voice.

Zhu Chenfeng turned around this time, and it took two minutes for Zhu Chenfeng to turn his body completely.

Originally, it only took a second or two to work. However, his body was stiff and his movements were extremely slow.

Until, when he raised his head and saw Emperor Xiao Qing standing far away with his hands on his shoulders, his heart froze and suddenly roared, "Dragon King Xiao Qing, it is not enough for you to destroy my Zhu family. , Are you going to kill them all?"

"The prince wants to kill him?"

Long Yi sneered, "Just now you screamed the happiest, kill the dragon guard, kill the dragon king island, and kill the dragon king. Now, how come you have become a prince and want to kill him? To such a level of shame, I am afraid that you are the only one. "

"Oh, first destroy the Dragon Guard, then slaughter the island, and then kill the Dragon King?" Xiao Qingdi looked at Zhu Chenfeng with a smile on his face.


Zhu Chenfeng has nothing to say.

All this is really his own death.

If it were not for him to shout too frantically, perhaps Xiao Qingdi would not notice him, maybe, he would be fine.

"The prince, he is the leader of a newly emerging assassin organization overseas. I never thought he was a member of the Zhu family."

Several dragon guards came to Xiao Qingdi's side, Long Yi said.

"Let me kill them."

Long Er stepped forward with a cold voice, "These people all come together to watch the excitement. I think their purpose is not that simple, maybe they are here for Dragon King Island."

"All killed things."

Several other Dragon Guards also hummed.

Originally, even if they were in their peak state, they didn't dare to say that they would kill all so many people.

However, their prince is by his side, is it not a simple matter to kill these people?


As soon as these words came out, the original silent scene of the sea was instantly chaotic. Headed by the group of warriors in the wood country, they finally recovered after experiencing the shock of the destruction of the phantom ancestors and disappeared.

"Wooden Warrior."

Emperor Xiao Qing raised his eyelids slightly and said calmly, "This king once said that if you come to provoke this king again, you will be at your own risk. It seems that you still don't have a long memory."

"Since you can't remember what the king said, don't remember it."


A sword aura suddenly rose up, bursting out with an incomparable light, and directly slashed in the air.


The power of this sword is many times stronger than the Heavenly Sword of the previous Phantom Ancestor.

A sword smashed down, and the sea was divided into two points, which lasted more than many miles.

The sea exploded, and sword qi was pulled up from the water, slashing towards the wooden warriors indiscriminately.

"No, no, break it for me."


"Drive me."

Those wooden warriors roared again and again, however, it was useless, no matter how they roared, their sword energy was cut down on all sides.

The sword aura above his head was even more terrifying.

In the blink of an eye, flesh and blood flew across and fell into the sea.

When the sword gas dissipated, the blood stained a sea area.

The crowd around the audience, seeing this scene, all their faces changed drastically, and their hearts were shaken.

The evil name of Emperor Xiao Qing, the dragon king, is really not imaginary.


Zhu Chenfeng was trembling with fright a long time ago for this scene, and the whole person couldn't help it anymore. There was a yellow liquid dripping in the double strands.

It turned out to be incontinence.

"You want to kill me?"

Emperor Xiao Qing looked at Zhu Chenfeng, his expression still flat.

However, there is a murderous spirit brewing.

"I, no, no..."

At this time, how dare Zhu Chenfeng admit that he wanted to kill Xiao Qingdi? Isn't this asking for his own death?

However, if you say no, is it all right?


Emperor Xiao Qing pointed at him at will, a sword qi pierced through the void, and instantly appeared in front of Zhu Chenfeng, piercing his head through his horrified eyes.


Zhu Chenfeng fell down with unwillingness and fear in his eyes.

His fate was already doomed when he shouted to destroy Dragon Guard and Dragon King Island.

Killing Zhu Chenfeng casually, as if doing a trivial thing, Emperor Xiao Qing clapped his hands at random, looking at everyone around him.

This glance immediately made all the people around him nervous.

"Wait, why are you here?"

Fortunately, what made them breathe a sigh of relief is that Emperor Xiao Qing did not immediately do it directly, but asked questions first.

"Your Excellency Dragon King, I haven't seen you for a long time. Congratulations on your strength."

On the side of the light forces, the Pope walked out, with a smile on his face, and said to Emperor Xiao Qing, “We didn’t come here to target Dragon King Island. We were passing by. We just sensed that there was a big battle here, so we came and watched. Just a look."

As soon as this remark came out, other people responded,

"Yeah, we just passed by, it has nothing to do with us."

"Originally, if it wasn't for our strength to be too weak, I thought I would help Dragon King Island."

"Since Dragon King Island is all right, then we should leave."


These guys, while talking one by one, looked at Emperor Xiao Qing cautiously.

They wanted to leave, but before Emperor Xiao Qing allowed them to leave, they really didn't dare to leave.

In the unlikely event that Emperor Xiao Qing smashed everyone with a single sword just like dealing with a wooden warrior, wouldn't they be dead too?

"Passing by?"

When Emperor Xiao Qing heard this, his eyes flashed, with a look of surprise, "You and other people from overseas, come to meet in the waters of my Yanhua Empire?"

"Yes, someone called me to wait."

The Pope spoke with a surprised look on his face, "Your Excellency Dragon King doesn't even know who it is?"

"who is it?"

Emperor Xiao Qing frowned.

In the past few days, he has not paid attention to the news overseas, and he is not clear about what happened overseas.

However, who has such a large amount of energy that can summon all the superpowers of overseas forces to discuss matters?



At this moment, in the distance, a dazzling golden light lit up, and in the void, golden dragons roared, blossoming golden lotuses appeared out of thin air, exploding with immense majesty.


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