The Mercenary War God of the City

Chapter 788: Swordsman in the world, but the sword emperor

"Boy is such a strong kendo."

The man spoke slowly, looking at Emperor Xiao Qing's eyes, no longer being as casual and high above as before, but showing a solemn color.

At this moment, he truly regarded Emperor Xiao Qing as his enemy.

An enemy who can confront him head-on.

Even if Emperor Xiao Qing is still just a junior in the pinnacle of the foundation period, the power of kendo is too terrifying.

"So kendo, so baby..."

With surprise and fanaticism in the man's eyes, when he looked at the terrifying sword intent rising from the whole body of Emperor Xiao Qing, he trembled with excitement.

"This, it is destined to be the deity, hahaha."

While he was laughing, the blood from the sword intent on his scalp was still flowing slowly, causing him to frown, trying to heal the wound with his own power.

However, he was shocked to find that the sword intent was unparalleled, entrenched in his wound, madly destroying his wound, making his power unable to heal the wound.

"Fine, I'll kill you first."

Originally, using the words of the defender, he didn't want to kill Emperor Xiao Qing, just to take the ‘sword fetus’ from Emperor Xiao Qing’s hand and suppress it, but now, he is too lazy to pretend.


Without extra words, he shot again.

Moreover, this time, he held Fajue with both hands and began to perform an extremely powerful technique.

"Nine Heavens God Fire Jue."

He gave a soft drink, and in the sky, a cloud of fire flew over and turned into a blazing flame, and then, a terrifying divine flame descended from the sky and filled Xiao Qingdi.

"This method is the ultimate method of the fire system, and it is suitable for you to deal with such a demon as you are to cause the Nine Heavens Divine Fire to descend."

The man's face showed an indifferent color.

At this moment, he just wanted to get a sword fetus.

As for Emperor Xiao Qing's swordsmanship, he knew that he couldn't take it away, so he simply destroyed Emperor Xiao Qing's whole person.

"The people of the Holy Sect, slaying demons and defending the way, if anyone dares to stop, kill them without mercy."

He looked around, but saw a sword light flowing in the distance, turning into a figure, and it was the sword king who had come.

After a casual threat, he didn't go to see King Sword.

The man believed that no matter who came, he would not dare to help Xiao Qingdi.

Moreover, even if it is a shot, none of the people present is his opponent, and he is fearless.

The Sword King smiled casually, came to the front of Old Man Xiao, and bowed slightly, "I have seen the Old Emperor."

"It turned out to be the Sword King."

Elder Xiao nodded in return.

Although there is no hatred between the two, they are not good friends, nor are they hospitable.

The Sword King nodded to Xiao Qingyan, and then looked at Emperor Xiao Qing who was already shrouded in the sky fire, frowned and said, "Does he want to temper himself with the Nine Heavens Divine Fire?"


As soon as the voice fell, he saw the man in the sky wave his hand, a big flame bell fell from the sky and turned into a thousand meters in size, directly covering the big pit where Xiao Qing emperor was.

In the blink of an eye, the divine flames flowed in the big clock, and the figure of Emperor Xiao Qing was no longer visible.

"Nine Heavens Divine Fire Cover, a magic weapon of the spirit weapon level, unless your strength surpasses the deity, otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to break through."

The man stood in mid-air with his hands on his shoulders, with a proud look on his face, "This deity is not comparable to Xiao Zhengjing's reckless man. A little magic is enough to make you and other people in the countryside helpless."

Seeing this scene, Elder Xiao couldn't help showing a look of shock, "The ancestors recorded in the ancient books that when the ancient cultivating schools suddenly left three thousand years ago, they took away all kinds of dharma, which made the entire practice world. , Only martial arts dominate, and various cultivation techniques can never be seen again, as expected..."

"Could it be that he came out of those places?"

The Sword King couldn't help showing horror.

"should be."

Elder Xiao nodded.

Then, he looked at the Sword King with a solemn expression on his face, "Sword King, although you and I have no friendship, but I know that your character is very good, the old man wants you to help."

"Ask to help Emperor Xiao Qing?"

Sword King said with a smile.


Elder Xiao nodded, and said solemnly, "Please."

"No, his power is enough to break through, and I don't need my help." However, the sword king shook his head.

When the old man Xiao heard this, his face suddenly changed.

He took a deep look at the Sword King and stopped talking, but his eyes were full of worry.

At this moment, the younger sister Xiao Qingyan is already brewing a cultivation base, ready to kill.

Only the Sword King sits on the ground at will, smiling and looking at Emperor Xiao Qing who is enveloped by the Nine Heavens Divine Fire, with a fanatical color in his eyes, whispering in a low voice, "Sword Emperor, the world is unparalleled, in this life, it is fortunate to be able to interact with It is my fortune that the sword emperor met."


Elder Xiao, whose eyes were gloomy, suddenly understood what it seemed, and raised his head to look at the Sword King excitedly.

"The swordsman in the world is no taller than the sword emperor. Even if I am the sword emperor, I must worship the emperor."

The Sword King spoke again.

He looked at Emperor Xiao Qing and suddenly bowed down, "Sword Emperor Ajian, pay respect to Sword Emperor..."

"I, I hope, lend my strength to the sword emperor."

Recite the emperor's name by mouth, borrow the strength of the sword emperor!


When Elder Xiao was extremely surprised, he heard only a roar, and then, between Emperor Xiao Qing and the Sword King, it seemed as if an invisible passage appeared.

In the next moment, the strength of the Sword King continued to disappear, and in the Nine Heavens Divine Fire Cover, the whole body of Emperor Xiao Qing, who was being refined by the Nine Heavens Divine Fire, had a terrifying force gradually rising.

"this is..."

At this moment, in the Nine Heavens Divine Fire Cover, Emperor Xiao Qing, who was being refined by the Nine Heavens Divine Fire, showed surprise in his eyes, "The Sword Emperor is here."

The power of the Sword King had already reached the level of horror every day.

Although his swordsmanship was only a newcomer to the emperor realm, his mana was high and his sword aura was unparalleled, and there were very few people in the world who could be compared with the sword king.

Sword King, do his best to lend to Emperor Xiao Qing.

Emperor Xiao Qing only felt that there was infinite power rising in his body. In the blink of an eye, his power had surpassed the moment when Xiao Zhengjing was smashed, and it was still increasing continuously.

At this moment, his strength broke through the realm he had reached, even stronger than when he borrowed the power of the sword fetus.

"Sword King, thank you very much."

Emperor Xiao Qing thanked him.

He raised his head, looked at the so-called Nine Heavens God Fire Cover, and threw the sword fetus upward at will.

Pinch Jian Jue with both hands.


On the sword's tire, nine-colored rays of light burst out suddenly.

"The emperor seizes thirteen swords, the ninth sword!"

The emperor seizes thirteen swords, shakes the world, can seize the world and make it, and destroy the strong in the world invisible.

As long as there is enough power, the person who displays this sword will be invincible in the world.

This time, Emperor Xiao Qing skipped the eight swords in front and displayed the ninth sword.


With a sword across the air, the sword light instantly smashed through the Nine Heavens Divine Fire Cover, and then, in the midair, the light flashed, and the sword slashed towards the man in an instant.

"Sure enough, there is something for you."

The man was shocked when he saw this scene, but he didn't panic.

Although he felt that Emperor Xiao Qing was bound to die, he did not underestimate Emperor Xiao Qing, but used his defensive shield to the extreme.

There was a proud look on his face, "For the first time, the deity was unprepared and let you hurt me. This time, the deity is fully prepared. If you are injured, then the deity is not worthy to be the elder of the holy sect. ."


However, as soon as his voice fell, a nine-colored sword light suddenly circled him. The next moment, his face changed, "No, how could this be?"

A ray of nine-colored sword light, brilliant and colorful, with the most beautiful sword move in the world, just rushed into his eyes.

This is destined to be the most beautiful sword move he has ever seen in his life.

It's unique.


Split in half with one sword!

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