The Mightiest System

Chapter 5 Taking Zhu Guo

Chapter 5 Taking Zhu Guo
Now, the overall attributes are poor.The effect of taking this vermilion fruit is random, both good and bad are possible.If the effect of this first Zhu Guo is too bad, it will be very difficult for him to level up in the future!

Recall that the effects of these five levels of vermilion fruits are to increase experience by 1, increase free attribute points by 10, and increase one of the five elements attributes.

However, it is also possible to get nothing after taking Vermillion Fruit.Taking this five-level vermilion fruit, there is only a three-tenth chance of obtaining attributes, and seven-tenths will not increase anything.

If you get [-] experience, you can upgrade several levels in a row, but now you don't need to compete for the speed of upgrading. The [-] experience is not very important at present, and adding one attribute to the five elements attribute is an incredible effect!Now Chen Feng's attribute is fire, if one attribute is added, then it will be a dual attribute, and the skills he cultivates in the future can have two attributes.

However, the vermilion fruit that increases the attribute effect can only be used at level [-] to have this opportunity, and there will be such opportunities at level [-] and level [-] in the future.

However, if he got the item of increasing attributes, it would be very troublesome for Chen Feng to upgrade in the future.What he needs most now is ten points of free attribute. With these ten points of free attribute, it will be easier to deal with level five monsters!

At this moment, Chen Feng accepted the vermilion fruit with trepidation. If it didn't increase any attributes, he would have to accept his fate!

"Player Chen Feng takes Zhu Guo..." the prompt sounded.

Chen Feng's heart was beating extremely fast, as if it had already reached the Adam's apple.

"Congratulations to player Chen Feng, you have obtained the effect of vermilion fruit by taking vermilion fruit." The system prompt sounded.

Chen Feng had a smile on his face. He was lucky enough to get the vermilion fruit effect, but he didn't know what effect he got, so he could only wait patiently.

"Player Chen Feng, gain [-] experience points." The system prompt sounded.

"Player Chen Feng has reached level 6..."

"Player Chen Feng has reached level 7..."


"Player Chen Feng has reached level 9..."

This time I got [-] points of experience from taking Zhu Guo. Although it is not very ideal, it has been upgraded to level nine. Although it is not easy to deal with level nine monsters with the current attributes, but after reaching level six, you can cultivate spirits. After that, it will be much easier to deal with level nine monsters.

When Chen Feng was about to add [-] free attribute points, the system notification sounded again.

"Congratulations to player Chen Feng, you got 10 free attribute points from Zhu Guo's additional effect."

"What rice?" Chen Feng was shocked, ten free attribute points, which is equivalent to raising two levels!
Why did I get [-] experience points, and even got [-] free attribute points? This has never happened before in the game!
Not only that, but something even more shocking happened again.

"Congratulations to player Chen Feng, you have obtained the superimposed attribute effect of Vermillion Fruit, adding a five-element attribute." The system prompt sounded.

"What rice!... What rice?..." Chen Feng was startled, he didn't know what happened to him at all, and he got all the effects of the fifth-level vermilion fruit.

This is simply being hit by the pie in the sky!All good things happened to him.

After taking Zhu Guo, the feeling of fatigue is gone.

Chen Feng suppressed his surprise, found a safe place, and began to add his own attribute points.Upgrading got forty points, and Zhu Guo got ten points.

Character: Chen Feng

Level: Level 9 (89%)

Power: 10
Constitution: 31
Agility: 16
Speed: 21
Spirit Power: 10
Attributes: Fire, Earth
Spiritual level: none
HP: 310
MP: 100
Attack: 100
Mana: 100
Defense: 310
Movement speed: 210
Chen Feng added ten points to each of the constitution, agility, speed, and spiritual power. At present, because the initial attributes are too poor, he ignores the strength for now. The main thing now is to practice, and he can add a little to the strength in the future.

Chen Feng took the red fruit, and the additional attribute he got was earth, which was an attribute with extremely strong defense.After getting the earth attribute, his physique added an extra ten attributes.

Originally, most of the attribute points should be added to spiritual power, but due to the poor initial attributes, his blood volume and speed and agility are too poor. In this way, even if he cultivates spiritual power in the future, he will be easily injured or die.

As long as you have ten points of spiritual power, you can wash the marrow and cut the hair, and after success, you can practice.Most of the attribute points gained from upgrading in the future can be added to spiritual power.

Now that he has reached the ninth level, it is also time to wash the hair and cut the marrow. The washing and cutting of the marrow cannot be disturbed, so he plans to return to the Tianji Gate and wash the marrow in the firewood room.

There is only one pill of Xisui in his warehouse.

There are all kinds of top-quality props in the warehouse, but now his level is not enough to use them at all. The only thing that can be used is this marrow washing pill.

The Marrow Cleansing Pill here is not an ordinary Marrow Cleansing Pill, it is a god-level Marrow Cleansing Pill that exploded after killing the boss of the God Realm.

At the beginning, Chen Feng's game character already had a god position, so he didn't need this marrow washing pill, and kept it in the warehouse all the time. Unexpectedly, he could still use it after time travelling. Surprised.

Taking advantage of the nightfall, Chen Feng also quietly returned to the firewood room where he woke up before.

When the disciples of Tianji Sect beat him to death, they locked him in this old warehouse in order not to be discovered.

This place is the best place for him to cleanse his marrow now. As long as he succeeds in washing his marrow, he can practice spiritual cultivation. At that time, it will be time for him to avenge the owner of his body.

After taking the marrow washing elixir, Chen Feng began to wait for the system's notification tone.His current practice is much more convenient and easier than that of ordinary spiritual practitioners.

With the game system, he doesn't have to suffer too much pain and danger at all, and the chance of marrow washing has also been greatly improved.

"Player Chen Feng took one pill of marrow washing, and began to enter the marrow washing state. The marrow washing time is one hour." The system prompt sounded.

At this moment, Chen Feng only needed to sit still and wait for an hour.But during this hour, he can't be disturbed, otherwise the marrow wash will fail.

Chen Feng's choice was right. In the woodshed, no one disturbed him after an hour passed.

"Player Chen Feng, the marrow was washed successfully." A reminder sounded. "Player Chen Feng washes the marrow and obtains the Godhead of the Giant Spirit God. The strength attribute is increased by 100 points, the constitution is increased by 50 points, and the remaining attributes are increased by 10 points."

"This..." Chen Feng couldn't believe it. The original marrow washing pill also allowed some ordinary players to enhance some initial attributes.However, this god-level marrow washing pill is so awesome, this attribute is simply too strong.

(End of this chapter)

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