The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 210 Take the road of MediaTek and become the father of copycat phones

If it weren't for the Nasdaq bubble, both Sohu and NetEase would like to be listed on the Hong Kong stock market.

Due to the bursting of the NASDAQ bubble, investors in US stocks still have lingering fears about Internet companies, and they cannot enjoy a better valuation when they go public on NASDAQ.

After repeatedly communicating with the underwriters and realizing that going to NASDAQ is a choice with half the effort, Sohu and NetEase both went public on the Hong Kong stock market.

Xiangjiang is closer to Huaguo, and Xiangjiang investors also know more about Internet companies in Huaguo. With the recovery of the capital market, they are still willing to invest in the stocks of some Internet companies. Judging from the experience of American Internet Corporation, Sohu and NetEase are both first-class companies.

As the venture capital institution behind Sohu and Netease, Xinxing Investment participated in the listing of these two Internet companies in Hong Kong stock market, and Wu Shiqiang participated in the listing bell as a representative. Sohu and NetEase naturally hope that Zhou Xin will come to the Hong Kong Stock Exchange to participate in their bell-ringing ceremony. They joked privately that if Zhou Xin attends the listing bell-ringing ceremony, the stock price will increase by at least 20%.

At the same time, Sohu and NetEase were lucky to be listed in the middle of 2001. If it was later, after September, the entire secondary market would collapse again due to the unexpected incident in American. Sina was just a little bit later than them, and planned to go public in October. As a result, the entire capital market collapsed, and Sina's listing plan had to be postponed.

As for Alibaba and Tencent, the two have high expectations. Tencent has achieved breakeven early and is not in a hurry to go public. Alibaba is also not in a hurry. Their business model does not lack investment.

After Jack Ma chatted with Zhou Xin, Zhou Xin asked Jack Ma to contact Pony directly to find opportunities to enter American. Jack Ma also successfully found the opportunity to help some small and medium-sized supermarket chains in American build online shopping malls. Huaguo will formally join the WTO on December 11, and Alibaba has already partnered with two supermarket chains to put products from Huaguo on their shelves.

Jack Ma's sense of smell is sharp enough. Even without Taobao and not doing C2C business, Alibaba's focus on foreign trade and financial business is enough to become a giant.

For a long time after the Nasdaq bubble burst, there was almost only one player in the venture capital market in Huaguo, Emerging Investment. Wu Shiqiang has also changed from the image of an investor who only listened and did not vote in the minds of investors to the only father of the funder, vaguely feeling like the godfather of the Internet industry in Huaguo.

Wu Shiqiang enjoys this feeling very much, which is much better than being the lobby manager of the Los Angeles branch. Therefore, Wu Shiqiang is very clear about who he wants to serve and please.

Every time Zhou Xin came back, Wu Shiqiang would personally serve him. After Zhou Xin chatted with Director Zeng, Wu Shiqiang had been waiting at the door for a long time.

The driver and Wu Shiqiang sat in the front row of the Mercedes-Benz, leaving the entire rear space for Zhou Xin.

"Okay, I probably got it, Shiqiang, you've done a good job. We actually have our own methodology for investing in Internet companies. The follow-up is to continue to optimize this methodology around the actual situation."

"In addition, there is no need to be too obsessed with investing in UnionPay. The nature of UnionPay determines that it cannot accept external investment. In addition, it is not a good thing to stick to such a company that supervises the capital transactions of state-owned enterprises.

When you are in Yanjing, go around more and help me find out when Huaguo will open electronic payment and when private enterprises will be allowed to apply for electronic payment licenses. "

Wu Shiqiang observed through the mirror in the front row that Zhou Xin did not close his eyes and rested his mind after getting into the car, so he made a report to work.

There are not many opportunities to report work to the leaders face to face. Zhou Xin did not express much after listening to it, because he is very clear about every investment of Xinxing Investment, and the early companies he invested in are also well-known companies, and he is not worried that the investment will lose money. .

Zhou Xin flew directly to Shenhai on the same day after chatting in Yanjing. He wanted to see the current situation of Xinxin Technology in Shenhai, and then chat with Hu Zhengming and Guan Jianying face to face.

Zhou Xin agrees with Hu Zhengming's strategic concept of targeting the local market in Huaguo and producing chips that satisfy Huaguo's consumers.

Because after joining the WTO, the purchasing power of consumers in Huaguo will gradually increase. During the ten years from 2001 to 2010, Huaguo was a huge market for both computers and mobile phones.

The most important reason why Neon's NEC entered Huaguo and was willing to cooperate with Huaguo enterprises to establish a chip manufacturer is because they have taken a fancy to the consumer market of Huaguo's 1.3 billion people.

"Newman, I heard that now your professor is replaced by Oldham, and Oldham will not be poached by you." Hu Zhengming joked.

Zhou Xin said: "I didn't intend to poach him. Oldham should retire after taking over me. I'd better let him enjoy his retirement life. The intensity of Xinxin Technology is too high."

Hu Zhengming asked: "You know the intensity is high and you dug me into this fire pit."

Zhou Xin said: "No, no, professor, you are much younger. It happens to be in the prime of life, and this age is the time to work hard."

After some pleasantries, Zhou Xin got to the point: "Professor, I think your idea is right, but we shouldn't wait for Intel, and cooperating with Intel is something beyond our control.

Is Intel willing to cooperate with us, is it willing to take a stake in Xinxin-Huahong Integrated Circuit Manufacturing Company, and is it willing to design a CPU for the Huaguo market?

These are all unknowns, and we cannot base Xinxin's strategic vision on unknowns. Even if you have a good relationship with Intel, we can't build a future strategy that way.

This can be one of the things we do, but it can't be the only one.

I have another idea, that is the mobile phone chip.

Can we design a mobile phone chip that integrates various types of audio, video decoding, and signal processing.

That is to say, mobile phone manufacturers use our mobile phone chips, they only need to design the casing, camera, screen and keyboard.

We will help them integrate all the chips, and we can also provide systems and development platforms.

The most important thing about such a chip is the cost, which needs to be kept at an extremely low level. "

What Zhou Xin said is what MediaTek will do in the future. In 2004, MediaTek launched a solution that was hailed as a "turnkey" solution by industry insiders.

Originally in the era of feature phones, making mobile phones was a technical job. More than a dozen chips and components, such as mobile phone processors, communication basebands, multimedia decoding chips, and memory, most likely need to come from different suppliers.

These different suppliers have different development tool standards, and mobile phone manufacturers need to conduct a lot of engineering testing and debugging.

In addition, although it is a feature phone, mobile phones in the first decade of the 21st century have functions such as taking pictures, music, calculators, and alarm clocks.

The system, software, and UI often need to be handled by mobile phone manufacturers themselves.

The two barriers of hardware and software have raised the entry threshold of the mobile phone industry.

Until MediaTek's mobile phone chip changed this situation, the integrated chip made it possible for a single company to manufacture mobile phones, and the mobile phone industry was in chaos for a while.

A large number of mobile phone advertisements in Huaguo TV shopping advertisements after 2004 also benefited from MediaTek's solution.

The mobile phone integrated chip designed by MediaTek has completely changed the mobile phone industry in Huaguo in a very short period of time.

For a while, everyone who wanted to make money from mobile phones rose up and turned into a Huaqiangbei technology giant. Watch mobile phones, four-card four-standby, high-end business mobile phones, only you can't think of it, and there are no counterfeit phones that can't be done.

By 2006, MediaTek's total shipments of mobile phone chips exceeded 100 million pieces, and it won 40% of the Huaguo mobile phone chip market, ranking first, and was honored as the father of copycat phones.

From 0 to 40%, it took only two years for MediaTek to rely on this solution to become the industry leader in the domestic market.

Until the era of smart phones, even if they came up with the industry myth that one core is difficult and nine cores are viewed, Meizu has been miserable, and MediaTek is still an important player in the field of mobile phone chips.

What Zhou Xin proposed was to give him the way of MediaTek in advance. This is the mobile phone that he thinks can be consumed in the Huaguo market.

Moreover, this kind of counterfeit machine can be exported to underdeveloped and developing countries in large quantities by relying on the low-price strategy.

After Zhou Xin finished speaking, Guan Jianying knew MediaTek very well, and he immediately thought of another chip, he said: "I think there is no problem with this idea.

Whether it is VCD or DVD, the previous chips required some combinations of chips, and the cost remained high.

After MediaTek entered this market, it launched an integrated optical drive chip, which integrated the player system into a single chip, and pulled the price of DVD from 2,000 yuan to several hundred yuan.

MediaTek relied on this strategy to quickly seize the market. I think there's nothing wrong with Newman's thinking.

Moreover, it is not difficult to integrate chips, at most one year, we can get it done in one year.

It doesn't even take a year to have design experience with A1 series chips. "

To put it bluntly, it is necessary to adopt a low-price strategy. Huaguo’s production line cannot produce high-end chips, so it can only adopt a low-end strategy. First, run the chip production line, and do a good job of cultivating talents and optimizing manufacturing processes.

Hu Zhengming said: "I think it is possible, but I walked around Huaguo before, and I feel that mobile phones are still high-end products. Ordinary consumers in Huaguo may not accept mobile phones as much as computers."

Zhou Xin said: "That's because the price of mobile phones is four to five thousand, and even domestic mobile phones cost more than two thousand, which is indeed a bit high.

If the price of mobile phones can be hit below 1,000 yuan, then the demand for mobile phones from consumers in Huaguo will suddenly explode.

Moreover, my proposal to make integrated mobile phone chips does not mean that we will stop making computer chips. We still need to talk to Intel about computer chips, but I just mean that we cannot pin all our hopes on this matter. "

Yesterday's was blocked and released this morning

5k was updated last night, and this chapter is 3k, which can be regarded as making up for the day when I asked for leave!

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