The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide

Chapter 212 The Internet Conference at the End of 2001

In addition to promoting the cooperation between Xinxin and Huahong when Zhou Xin returned to China, another very important thing was to participate in the Internet conference held in Yanjing at the end of each year.

Emerging Investment has been one of the sponsors of the Internet Conference for three consecutive years, and Emerging Investment is also the original initiator of the Internet Conference.

Coupled with Zhou Xin's own identity, the importance of the Internet Conference can be imagined.

If there is no Zhou Xin, Jack Ma will organize the West Lake Discussion of Swords in Hangzhou, and then evolve the West Lake Discussion of Swords into the later Wuzhen Summit.

Zhou Xin held an Internet conference at the turn of the century, and Jack Ma wanted to hold a West Lake Lunjian because it didn't make much sense, and secondly, there were limited people who would join in.

After all, if the time between West Lake Lunjian and the Internet Conference is similar, it will be difficult to invite others to participate. If you want to participate in similar industry summits, you can wait until the Internet Conference. And if the time difference between West Lake Lunjian and the Internet Conference is too large, then Jack Ma is not sure that he will be able to invite Zhou Xin.

West Lake Lunjian did not invite Zhou Xin to participate, just like Huashan Lunjian did not invite Wang Chongyang. So in this time and space, there is no West Lake Discussion of Swords, let alone invite Jin Yong to participate.

This year, because Huaguo successfully joined the WTO, the theme should also be combined with joining the WTO, "Huaguo Internet Development under Openness and Sharing"

Like the previous two Internet conferences, there will be a peak dialogue, and last year and the year before that, we invited big names from Silicon Valley to participate.

At the first Internet conference, Bill Gates, Yang Zhiyuan and Gerald (Time Warner) were invited to participate. Last year, I was looking for Bezos and Bill Gates.

This year is different from previous years. This year, due to the sudden incident in American, the entrepreneurial stars of American do not want to fly, let alone leave American.

To add here, Zhou Xin bought a Bombardier BD-700 private jet in 2000. The Gulfstream series of private jets, as they became known to the public, have yet to launch their iconic products.

Zhou Xin, Jack Ma and Pony Ma were invited to this Internet conference.

Because it fits with the theme of joining the WTO, Tencent has flourished in Silicon Valley, and the company QQ has opened up the European and neon markets after it opened up in American.

As for Alibaba, as the leader of the B2B e-commerce model, it is more in line with the theme of this time.

Moreover, whether it is Tencent or Alibaba, they are all companies invested by Zhou Xin, which is also full of talk.

"Every year when I go back to Yanjing to participate in the summit dialogue of the Internet Conference, the organizers always ask me if they want to invite a host, and every time I say that I just come by myself.

I hope that this session will be more relaxed and casual, and everyone can say what comes to mind. The most important thing is that there is no communication link in advance, I think the content of the chat will be closer to my real thoughts.

I believe that the two next to me don't need too much introduction, and everyone knows each other. The one on my left is Ma Huateng from Tencent, and the one on my right is Ma Yun from Alibaba. Both of them have the surname Ma.

Both Tencent and Alibaba are domestic companies that have done well, and I have expressed my optimism for these two companies through investment.

In addition, this year is the day when Huaguo joined the WTO, and the two companies themselves have a lot to say in such a big environment. So this year's Summit Dialogue specially invited two of them. "

After Zhou Xin finished speaking, the two took turns to briefly introduce themselves and what the company they founded was doing.

Compared with Ma Huateng, Ma Yun's words are more provocative.

Zhou Xin asked: "Everyone knows that Huaguo has successfully joined the WTO just this month. What kind of changes do you two think it will bring to Huaguo's Internet industry, and what kind of changes will it bring to your own business?"

Ma Yun said: "Joining the WTO is undoubtedly a good thing. For enterprises in Huaguo, they will have stronger competitiveness in the process of going overseas and can gain more markets.

I have been in American for the past six months. Alibaba is helping some supermarkets in American to build online supermarkets.

Moreover, there is also a very serious phenomenon, that is, after American's suppliers purchase products from Huaguo, they sell these products to American's supermarket chains. They only play a connecting role in the middle, taking 70% to 300% of the profits of the commodities.

That is to say, the manufacturer of a commodity in Huaguo can earn a profit of US$1, and the middle party can earn between US$0.7 and US$3. As the middle party, they can earn higher profits than the manufacturer most of the time.

I don't deny that Ali also wants to play the role of a middleman, but as a middleman, we connect foreign merchants and domestic product manufacturers. We uphold low-price and high-quality services, and we want to get a fixed percentage for each product. M.

At present, if Ali, as an intermediary, helps Huaguo enterprises find foreign merchants, then we will charge 30% of the product price. It is the same ratio as Zhou Xin's virtual goods commission.

We also think this ratio is more reasonable. "

"If Huaguo joins the WTO, it means that Huaguo's commodity prices will be lower and more competitive, and Ali will be able to better sell Huaguo's products. For Ali itself, for Huaguo's enterprises, and for American It is a good thing for all enterprises, and this is a win-win situation for all parties.”

The collapse of the middle class in American began as early as the 1980s, that is to say, during the industrialization process of Neon and Korea, the collapse of the middle class and industrial transfer were completed.

After we joined the WTO, the manufactured goods flooded the global market, and our presence in American became higher and higher, and we are not like Korea, willing to be controlled by Wall Street.

This will also lead to Huaguo being adopted the same strategy as dealing with Neon.

At the moment, no one can see these risks, or if they see them, they won't care. They can't even eat enough, so they have no right to worry about such distant problems.

"In the past, Alibaba was very passive. We just built an intermediary market and sat in it waiting for people to come to our door. After we came to the door, we didn't care what you did or what he did.

Anyway, you all set up a stall in my intermediary market, and when a customer comes, just go shopping by yourself, and if you see the right way, you will reach a cooperation. The quality of this kind of service is not high, the efficiency is not high, and to be more specific, it has little effect on both parties.

Since this year, we have changed our strategy. For the sales of the Ali team, my requirements have also changed. The previous requirement is that you only need to bring merchants to Alibaba and let them use Alibaba first.

Now I need the following sales team to understand every customer in our hands, know where the advantages of this customer are, and then be able to help foreign customers quickly find domestic customers that can meet their needs.

We hope to promote tens of thousands of SMEs to the world in the next ten years. "

Ma Yun is still conservative. In the ten years since Huaguo joined the WTO, Alibaba has served at least one million small and medium-sized enterprises.

However, the current Alibaba is different from the original Alibaba. What Ma Yun said is that when Alibaba acts as an intermediary, it can facilitate 10,000 companies to go overseas.

"I believe that Ali can do it. I always think that Ali is a company with great potential, and what it does is also very interesting.

There are very few Internet companies like Alibaba in Huaguo. From the beginning of its establishment to the present, it has a very clear corporate vision, profit model, and strategic planning. I knew Ali at the end of 1999, when Ali was just established.

It was also an Internet conference at the time, and I wanted to invest in some Internet companies, and then asked everyone to send me an email to introduce your companies. At that time, Ali seldom found a way to make profits. I remember that it was by collecting membership fees from suppliers and buyers, which impressed me deeply.

How about you, Pony? "

Compared with Ma Yun, Ma Huateng said much less: "I think Huaguo's entry into the WTO is a very good thing for Internet companies.

My logic is that after Huaguo's accession to the WTO, the economy will develop faster, the people will have stronger consumption power, more and more families will be able to afford computers, and Internet companies in Huaguo will be able to own more users.

These newly born Internet users will also generate new needs, and in the future, Huaguo's own Internet model will also be born. "

Regarding Hua Guo's entry into the WTO, Zhou Xin had nothing to say.

Because of the benefits, various experts and scholars have done enough analysis, and almost all public opinion fields can see how good it is to join the WTO.

Zhou Xin didn't want to talk about commonplace topics. He wanted to talk about the superstructure heavily dependent on bubbles if benefits were not properly distributed after joining the WTO.

History keeps repeating itself. In the 1990s, the real estate bubbles and hyperinflation in Shenhai and Qiongdao led to technical bankruptcy of banks.

Similar problems will erupt again in the future.

During the 20 years of economic take-off after joining the WTO, the problem can be alleviated through rapid development, but when the economic development stagnates, and the distribution was not done well before, and massive bubbles are added, the economic problem will repeat itself. Of course, Huaguo is too big, and the specific situation in different places is different. In the future, it will be a regional economic phenomenon with severe structural differentiation.

Zhou Xin asked: "I know that both of you have been in Silicon Valley for a while. What do you think is the difference between the Internet companies in Zhongguancun and the Internet companies in American?"

Ma Yun: "It has always been said that we were established on the basis of Silicon Valley. We will follow whatever business model there is in Silicon Valley.

I often see similar claims in print media. Compared with Silicon Valley, Huaguo's Internet industry started later and is at an earlier stage.

Of course, this is a very important reason, but this year, I spent more than half of my time in American. I often go to Silicon Valley to chat with entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley. "

This is the advantage of good English. Compared with Ma Yun, Ma Huateng was a company-apartment two points and one line when he was in Silicon Valley. Ma Yun wandered around looking for someone to chat with. So much so that he can be seen sporadically discussing his posts on local forums in Silicon Valley.

"I found that the first-mover advantage is one of the reasons. Another important point is the financial advantage. The cost and difficulty of starting a business in Silicon Valley are much lower than those in Zhongguancun. Any good idea can get investment quickly, and then no matter what Finding an office space or finding a suitable engineer is much easier than in Zhongguancun.

I’m not saying here that in the process of starting a business in Huaguo, investors will always ask whether there is a benchmark product in American. This is a factor that hinders the innovation of Internet companies in Huaguo, but it is not that important.

What's more important is the financial support for technological entrepreneurship. The difficulty of finding funds for entrepreneurship in Silicon Valley is much lower than that in Huaguo. At the same time, entrepreneurs do not have to bear unlimited joint and several liabilities, and financial institutions have a high tolerance for risks. This advantage is what has guaranteed Silicon Valley's leading position in technology over the past few decades.

Zhou Xin is an exception, and it can develop without investment, which is a very small number of cases. "

Pony Ma said: "Compared with Silicon Valley, engineers in Huaguo have to work harder and have more fighting spirit. It is very difficult for you to find an engineer who is willing to work overtime in Silicon Valley. Tencent has been in a period of rapid development in the past year, and we are very happy. It is difficult to guarantee the working mechanism of five days and eight hours.

We need employees to work a lot of overtime, real-time feedback on customer needs and problems, these are difficult for engineers in Silicon Valley to do.

This also led us to have to place the development team locally in Huaguo. There are only implementation teams overseas. Moreover, engineers in Huaguo are technically no worse than engineers in Silicon Valley, and their wages are even lower. Because our development team is located in Huaguo, Huaguo's consumption is far from being comparable to American's in any aspect. And Silicon Valley is one of the most expensive areas in the entire American.

Huaguo's Internet companies will have certain cost advantages when they go overseas.

Of course, Silicon Valley also has the advantages of Silicon Valley. The advantage of Silicon Valley lies in the industrial cluster effect. Their Internet companies are all gathered in the Bay Area. It is very convenient whether it is to cooperate or find benchmarking companies. Then there is the financial advantage mentioned by Ma Yun just now.

The financial advantage is indeed obvious. After Tencent entered American with the help of enterprise qq, there were people in American who did business similar to enterprise qq. They were able to attract investment when they had no users, no product models, and nothing.

The investment institutions in Silicon Valley will invest in you as long as they see that your founder team has a good resume.

They will take the initiative to find the bright spots of your company and find a rationality for their investment behavior. This was after the Nasdaq bubble burst, and at the peak period before the Nasdaq bubble burst, I couldn't imagine how crazy these investment institutions would be. "

Forgot to set a scheduled post yesterday. . .

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